
Darth Malgus

"Good, good. You will continue the reclamation efforts, once the droid factory is operational, prioritize creating salvage and construction droids, we need to repair the Sith academy and salvage the remaining useless buildings. Once that is operational, you are to go and capture these primitives and use them as slave labor. Am I understood, Lieutenant?" The current 'Sith Emperor' ordered his subjects by com to their duties. Once these primitives are brought to heel, he will be able to pick new apprentices.

"Having fun, my love?" A voice came from the doorway behind Malgus and he turned to look at his lover and most loyal follower, Eleena Daru, a blue-skinned twi'lek. "No, this is taking too long, and I know for a fact someone saw us here, I felt them watching us. Has 'She' reported back yet?" Malgus turned back to the most likely outdated star map, a paper one, which had three circles on it, Korriban, Dromund Kass, and Bosthirda. "You mustn't stress yourself out my love, you said it yourself, the Darkside is powerful and clouds the Jedi's senses. We just need to stay vigilant, no Jedi can defeat you, the Man who sacked the Jedi Temple and coruscant. You are the strongest, unbeatable." Eleena spoke softly as she wrapped her arms around Malgus' back, he knew she was right, the Darkside told him he was invincible in this time, no Jedi could possibly contend against him, not now. But he couldn't help but feel he was missing something.

Korriban was a world so saturated in the Darkside that even the Sith would limit the amount the brought into their bodies, even non-force sensitive were affected slightly. The planet had many resident animals and almost all were predators. The entire planet one rocky desert spotted with mountains and murderous animals, and people. Malgus felt at peace here, it reminded him, of his younger days when he would come here with his master after he graduated the Dromund Kass academy. A beeping noise drew his attention to his com, answering it revealed a holographic projection of a human female in Mandalorian armor. "Have you succeeded?" Malgus inquired to the young woman, not hiding his appreciation of her figure even while his lover was next to him.

"I have, it seems my planet has become a...Pacifist world in my absence, thankfully one of my descendants has been rebelling against them, I thanked him for his service with a blaster bolt to the head. The 'Death Watch' as they are called has agreed to join us. Minus a few that left after believing me a fraud. They were shot as well, there is one person who is useful to us in the Death Watch, however, Bo-Katan Kryze, sister to the pacifist duchess."

Malgus couldn't help but chuckle at the news. "Good, you will bring them here and begin taking mercenary contracts to make us some funds so that we can increase our speed of reclamation," Malgus ordered the young woman. "You are dismissed, Mandalore the Avenger, I will give you orders soon" Everything was going to plan, yes, the Sith will have their revenge!"

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