
The Wanderer

As rain fell from the greyed-out sky, a lone wanderer could be seen strolling past wooden huts with straw roofing, finding themself approaching what was usually a crowded, lively town square. However, as the Wanderer drew near, it was quite obvious that this once-crowded locale was then abandoned, though only temporarily.

From inside their wooden buildings, beings of many races were seen hiding, seemingly from the very wanderer walking the muddy streets.

Upon closer inspection, the civilians could see that this wanderer was a woman. This woman matched the description of the deadly, nameless wanderer perfectly.

Underneath her hat made of straw, one could make out her short, black hair with bangs that covered a single eye, though the eye that was covered was already hidden behind an eyepatch. A duo of bleeding kyber crystals was seen hanging from her ears, displaying only a fraction of her many trophies to anyone who'd dare to take a glimpse at her.

As she stepped confidently, swaying her shoulders forward and back, her single arm rested on the hilt of her sheathed blade. Where her other arm should have been, the loose, tattered sleeve of her open kimono fluttered in the light breeze.

Beneath her kimono, her chest was bound by black wrapping, her toned, scarred midriff shown beneath it. Just at her hips, one could see multiple weapons stored and sheathed. On her legs, she wore black pants, and beneath her feet were a pair of wooden sandals.

With each step onto the mushy, wet dirt, the teeth of her sandals dug deep, releasing a squelching sound upon making contact.

Occasionally, the Wanderer would glance toward the hiding spots of the many civilians, glaring at them with her fox-like eye, sending them cowering even deeper into their holes.

She wasn't there for them, she was only there for a single target. Using her lone hand, the Wanderer reached into her kimono and pulled out a handheld holoprojector, activating it and revealing the blue holographic image of her target. It was a humanoid man with a scar under his eye, described as having blue skin and red hair.

Beneath the humanoid figure was the reward for the bounty, coming in at exactly two hundred thousand credits.

With her cold, single eye the Wanderer looked forward, spotting the only lively place on the planet thus far, a club of some sort. Despite the surrounding buildings being made of low-quality materials, this nightclub was made from the finest metals in the galaxy.

Seeing the magnificent lights, hearing the sounds of music blaring and attendants chatting, the Wanderer scoffed. Slowly, she strolled toward the entrance, waving her hand from left to right, causing the curtain of the entrance to open.

As she began entering, a blue Lasat with pointed ears and red eyes, glared down at her with a scowl. "Hey! You-" Before the would-be security guard of the club could continue to spew his meaningless words to the Wanderer, the ronin quietly bribed him with credits, silencing him.

Like bolts of lightning, the Wanderer's feet struck the ground, though her steps were muted by the booming music being played by a live band toward the back of the club.

Inside the multi-floored club, were bright lights flashing onto a square dance floor, shining brightly onto those dancing beneath them.

Women of different races, though all having similar perfect figures, were seen passing out drinks to the tables that bordered the club. Many of these tables were filled by women surrounding one or two men, with the occasional table being filled by a group of men lustfully glaring at the women in front of them.

Using her vindictive eye, the Wanderer scanned the room for her target, only to find that very man on the second floor, sitting on a couch with his arms around multiple Twi'lek women, playing with the long lekku that sprouted from a Twi'lek's yellow head.

By that point, the clubgoers began to ignore the music, staring at the Wanderer with wide eyes. Many knew of this nameless warrior, spotting the kyber crystals on her ears. Even those who did not know of her legend felt shivers down their spines upon seeing her wearing such things as mere accessories.

As the Wanderer made her way up a spiraling staircase, arm resting on her hilt, practically the entire club was staring at her, including the employees working the bar and passing out drinks. The band kept playing, though their gazes did not cease in tracking the ronin.

Before long, the Wanderer was seen standing in front of her target, a blue humanoid man with red hair and an unmistakable scar under his left eye. Upon the ronin making herself known to him, the man licked his lips and pushed two of his Twi'lek playthings to the side.

"My... who might we have here?" he spoke with an attempted seductive voice, looking at the Wanderer from bottom to top, failing to see those kyber crystals dangling from her ears. Once his eyes reached her hips, he could see the image of himself being displayed on her holoprojector.

His eyes widened, and he then quickly glanced up at her chilling stare. Though her face itself showed not the slightest hint of emotion, her eye displayed a raging fire within her. The target was then quick to notice her kyber crystal earrings, one for each ear, telling him everything he needed to know.

Immediately, the Twi'leks cleared out, leaving the man by himself as the Wanderer placed the holoprojector back in her kimono and placed her thumb on the hilt of her blade.

"Wait! Wait! The bounty is two hundred thousand, correct? I'll double it! Triple it!" though he pleaded for his life, the man slowly reached behind one of the pillows on the couch, inching toward his concealed weapon, a small blaster meant for occasions such as the very one he found himself in.

The Wanderer then pushed the hilt of her weapon, compelling a grey light to appear from the scabbard on her hip. Upon hearing her weapon hum during its activation, the man's eyes enlarged even more, informing him of just what type of weapon it was.

A lightsaber.

Quickly, the man reached for his weapon in one last desperate attack.

With her colorless blade revealed, the Wanderer dashed forward, pouncing at her target like a Bha'lir.

The sound of a blaster firing could be heard by all, along with a lightsaber cutting through the air, metal, and flesh.

The entire club went silent. Even the music ceased as the only thing that could be heard was the humming of the Wanderer's blade.

Before long, the sounds of her blade ceased.

Yet again, there was a brief silence, one that would be broken by the rhythmic clacking of wooden sandals striking the ground. Everyone's eyes locked onto the Wanderer as she began walking down the spiral staircase, each step sounding like thunder.

Once she reached the bottom, she was met with ghastly glares, though most were locked onto the object by her waist.

With a horrified expression on his face, the target's head was seen dangling by its ponytail, hanging from the hip of the Wanderer as if it were some accessory.

With her hand on her blade's hilt, the Wanderer started for the nightclub's entrance, walking past the same blue Lasat from before who was trembling as he held the curtains open for her.

"Thank you, kindly." the Wanderer spoke with a drawl in her voice, side-eyeing the Lasat with her crimson, feline gaze.

Just as she arrived, the Wanderer trekked through moist mud beneath the dark clouds as rain fell from the sky. Those from within their homes and shops watched as the nameless wanderer strolled with conviction in each step, displaying the trophy at her hip for all to see.

The legends were true.

The Nameless Wanderer.

The Kiyohime.

The Grey Ronin.

The Bloody-Eared Raven.

She went by many names, though her true name was unknown.

However, just as the legends spoke, the Wanderer appeared empty-handed before disappearing with her trophy at her hip.

Give me your stones if I should continue

TheWanderingWritercreators' thoughts
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