

¬! Hello guys its me the author and I have come here to be responsible for once. So firstly tell me what you guys want me to expand upon. Like the path system or anything else you request really. My schedule ideally is 2 chapters a week and not ideally 1 chapter 1-2 weeks. Or something like that. so yeah give your opinions@ This was before I had life kick me in the balls and make me not write for a couple weeks¬

On a not so peaceful day the Jedi Temple was filled with quiet peace. The younglings were learning the knights where seething and the master jedi's were having force panic attacks for a reason they did not understand. On days like these people like them just deserve what's coming to them.

Like a GX1 hauler filled with magic explosives ramming itself into the bottom of the jedi temple and exploding. Very surprising I know. Now to understand why I did this well firstly I did this for the quest reward. Shocking I know and secondly to see if my aim was lucky enough to reveal the dark side nexus at the bottom of the temple.

Now some may say that this is a bad idea. I agree in a way, you see I did this so If I am able to leave Coruscant then the jedi will focus on the dark side nexus that is literally under their main base. That will give me enough time to run away and divert some attention to it hoping that they'll choose to focus on it and send less experienced jedi after me. Or none at all that would be much more preferable.

And while all that happened I would still get the quest rewards. Probably. Well while the jedi had fun dealing with the incredible amount of damage done to there foundations of their temple I had to go find some smuggler. Or perhaps I could do something else.

The large disheveled man laughed. Thankfully for him the ally way he was in was only filled with garbage. No one heard his laughs. Something he would rectify in the future.

Now to the Jedi Temple!

*POV switch time*

-Unnamed Jedi bastard-

He swore and lost control of the fire blazing throughout the lower hallway. He jumped back with enhanced movement his fellow Jedi took over his section waiting for a master to arrive to take control of the situation and control the fire.

All around the jedi were injured jedi they had burns torn limbs, fingers and some were even dead. He once again snarled at the sight and thought of the person responsible for this tragedy. The darkness was sweeping through his fellow padawans they weren't prepared for situations like this wasn't the temple guards supposed to be here already?

Whatever the reason this generation of padawan learners were incensed, hateful and ready to enact rightful revenge. And the one at the center of it all was blaring with hate, revenge and desire to kill the evil Sith bastard responsible for this.

But soon the situation stabilized a master appeared and coordinated the controlling of the fire and soon destroyed it. Then and only then did the jedi see what damage had been wrought. There brethren dead, injured and maimed there home destroyed covered in scars. And the dark side was all around them taunting them pulling on their desires of revenge.

But the jedi masters noticed something. Where the damage was the greatest a hole was opened and what it revealed shocked the order. For a Sith temple was right under their home. And it was a nexus of the darkside. Once more the jedi were enraged there home was desecrated injured and a rot that had been underneath it for who knows how long has been corrupting it under their noses.

To say the jedi were pissed would be wrong. They weren't pissed they were wrought with anger. Even some of the younger master jedi were seething with hate ready to set out and get their revenge ready to explore the depths of there home and purge it of the rotten and corrupted.

The jedi were changing. This event revealed things most did not know things that pulled the jedi onto a path of past days. No past centuries. The days of the Old Republic were the jedi where strong willful and skilled. They wouldn't have let this happen they thought even though they definitely did.

Either way the jedi were pissed and they were full of righteous, in their mind, energy and they where about to show the galaxy why they where feared in the past why they were a galaxy wide force why they where still alive. Why the jedi existed.

Sion had accidentally done something only a Sith empire had done. He had started a crusade. He had kicked the jedi off their high seats and hit them where it hurt. The jedi weren't gonna play around for the next couple of years. They were gonna show what the force could really do when motivated.

Those in the outer and inner rim shivered for there doom was coming and soon they were about to get slashed into pieces or perhaps worse. Who knows what pissed of jedi would come up with. Sion would find out though. Not soon but in the future the jedi would try and get their revenge. And Sion would deal with it the normal way. With explosives.

¬Sorry I've been gone so long had to deal with a bunch of shit and tests I had to spend near all day doing so yeah sorry I'll try to get some more chapters out remember comment where I made bad grammer except these since they ain't supposed to be good grammer. ;) ¬