
The First Entry

Soldier's log #1

Greetings whomever has found these archives of my outstanding accomplishments. You are looking at the writings of the soon-to be prodigy Basstian Brine! I know that you must be glad to have the opportunity to learn about an outstanding Octoling such as myself; I envy you for getting to experience such greatness. Today is the day when all my hard, tireless work will finally pay off! You see, in this Octarian society, there exists a class of elite warriors called "Rival Octolings" who are the go-to for carrying out important missions. As it stands, only female Octolings are allowed to join the ranks of these elites due to their so-called "superior biology" providing them an edge in battle. However, I do not subscribe to this limiting criteria, for I believe that any aspiring person can perform just as adeptly as someone who has a natural advantage; I believe that the term is called brains over brawn. That is why I have been training my body and mind ever since the wee age of 14 in order to become an Octoling soldier, despite the demeaning words of my parents and peers. Now, after 1 year of training, I feel that I am ready. I am happy to notice that my perseverance in the face of adversity has rubbed off on my dear younger brother, Jereef. Jereef used to be unfocused and lacked motivation for his future, and as an 8-year old he lazed around at our home in Tentakeel District leeching off of our parents. However, over the past 2 years, Jereef has come to see me as a role model, saying that he wants to be "just as good as his older bro." Although his body is not yet fully developed, I believe that once he reaches a crisp age of 14 he will make his mark in this gloomy Octarian world. Unfortunately, Jereef is quite impatient, and he laments every day about how kids his age "have no place in the world and can never have fun." I can only hope that he can learn that good things only come to those who wait. After all, what better evidence is there of that fact other than me? That marks the end of this log. I will surely add more entries as time goes on. With that, I bid you farewell for now.