
Logging Away

I returned to the metro to see a young tree sponge girl staring at me(or at least you could call it that; she has no eyes). I smiled friendly, asking, "Hello there, little one. What brings you here?" However, she continued giving me her eyeless stare, not making a single noise. After a period of silence, a taller variant of the same creature arrived, saying something to the girl in a foreign language. The older sponge, whom I assumed to be the young one's mother, then led her away and off the now-stopped train. "Weird, right? I tell you," said Cuttlefish as I sat there, "These deep-sea people sure have some peculiar habits. While you were dozing off, I saw the weirdest fish I ever laid eyes on. He looked like a blob of aspic wearing a track suit. He stomped over and sat his jiggly butt next to me, deciding to put on his headsets and listen to some music, I assume. He must've been playing some good tunes, because he was bouncing in his seat quite a lot! When I tell you that his belly was springy, I mean it was really quivering!" I pictured the image in my head and cringed slightly, responding, "That must have been…unpleasant to see." The squid nodded, answering, "Aye. But I have to say, these individuals have some weird charm to them. I think I'm starting to like it down here!" I gave Cuttlefish an inquisitive look before replying, "I see. Well, I shall leave you to your own devices. I want to have a little session with my logbook." Cuttlefish stretched his limbs, responding, "Sounds good to me. Until then, Agent 8." With that, I retrieved my notebook from the seat I had stored it under and got to writing.

Hello again, my readers. Some time has passed since I last added an entry into this book, but that is only because I was very occupied with my various missions. Trust me, you would not want to be in my shoes right now; the tedium of all that I have to do is very apparent. I heard that I was apparently the 10,008th person to attempt this challenge, so I wonder, what were the fates of the other applicants? And why did so many of them take on these trials? Such questions will likely be answered once I am finally finished catering to the requests of the Kamabo corporation. Only one thing is certain: I will never throw in the towel. I must stay strong if I want to regain my memories and return to civilization…a proper one, that is. There are indeed people down here in the "deep sea", but they are so alien to me that I cannot possibly interact with them. Iso Padre, one of the friendlier members of this group, informed me that the denizens down here are not used to seeing creatures from above, so they would naturally be hesitant to get to know me. I completely understand this fact so I shall keep to myself as I complete my tests. I must say, I am excited to get to know Pearl, Marina and their friends on the surface. They both seem to be pleasant and interesting people…well, Pearl is a bit rude, but I am sure that she will grow on me. Furthermore, she has taught Cuttlefish how to "rap", and he's been annoying me with his attempts at making fast-paced, ludicrous rhymes. Yet another reason for me to get out of here as quickly as possible…

That will be all, my dear viewers. I have yet more tests to complete. As usual, I will be sure to keep you all updated on the events to come. Until then.