
SPY: find him before he finds you

The mind is far more powerful than our body, it can trap you, or trap someone, it cuts, it kills, it brings death upon your porch, and the mind can stab far more hurtful than a subtle knife, far more deadly than a bear, it can conceal you, or reveal you. Mind is the thing you cannot fully control, it knows what you think, from the most embarrassing events to the darkest secrets of its owner, how will you survive a man that has full control not just his brain......but also yours, a psychological-thriller novel about the things that you cannot see, find him before he finds you!

Joe_Typo · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Do you see me?

"How do you feel now, Mr. Hearth?" a woman's voice echoed inside the red room in an asylum.

"I had another episode, I saw something….or someone inside my ward, I think he's back again, Doctor" Adam Hearth replied with a hoarse, trembling voice, his thighs shaking vigorously as he sat upon the chair.

"Have you taken your medicine?" The woman stirred upon her seat with a great focus upon Adam's reactions and queer movements.

"I feel like I no longer need 'em" Adam responded, "I feel better now, no longer need them" his thighs and hands are vibrating simultaneously, Adam's head was tilted downwards, trying to avoid eye contact with the doctor who seems very wary of his behavior.

"I don't want to tell you this but you're not yet healed, Mr. Hearth, we don't consider hallucinations, violence, and sudden shifts of emotions to seem not so normal to us, and I would also love to mention your Multiple Personality Disorder," said the woman, "still, the management have granted your request, you shall be released by Friday, of course, some of our men shall tail you in case you relapse, it is for safety precautions" she continued.

"I understand, doctor, that would be nice" Adam's foot was no longer trembling, with a big smile on his lips.

"As your Psychiatrist, I shall ensure your safety, unless I want to go to jail" the woman stood up from her chair with a jerk, she leaned to reach for Adam's ear and blew a whisper, "You're lucky that you manage to get out of here, some patients spend their lifetime in this hell, you should do good things when you live out there, just in case you want to die there than here" with those words, the woman walked out of the white room and left the white door open.

Adam was left in his chair, still, in his seat, he was confused if he was meant to rejoice or be frightened, Adam Hearth was diagnosed with seven different mental illnesses, four different cases of violent attacks against random individuals in his 20s', was kept in Spine Burn Asylum for seventeen years with patients that have severe symptoms of mental disorder. The doctors have noticed that Adam's behavior was constant for the day he was brought to the Asylum, he shows signs of mild anxiety which is often caused by prior events that occur in his past which he still remembers.

"Adam Hearth, it says that you'll be transferred to Eve's ville, such a sweet place, beset with nature, fresh air, and sweet gals, everything you wanted is there, more of a healthy environment," An old man with a white beard said, as he entered the white room, he sat where the other doctor sat.

"The management said that you shall be placed in an environment that doesn't cause stress and stigma," he opened a huge folder which Adam thought that it is filled with his records….ill records that he have done for the past twenty years, "Now, Adam, you're talented, I say that you're not like anything else, you can be violent, but dor you, it is not too late to change y'know," The old man said. "The trip might take a lot of time since you're going to take the ferry to the port," he continued.

Adam rode a van with escorts as he left the Asylum, and took the ferry where he was locked up in a special chamber which he wasn't allowed to go out of. Personnel from the ferry will supply food and beverages for him. The estimated time of travel is nineteen days from the location of the Asylum to Britain, the exact location of the Asylum is unknown.

The plan went well as planned, there were no major errors to hinder their travel, and the flat tires weren't counted. Adam arrived in the port safe and sound, and was put in his chamber as planned, his chamber was well polished, it has complete furniture from ceramic vases to luxurious wine glasses, and his bed was placed against the window, with scarlet bead sheets made out of fur, every corner of the chamber was filled with a scented candle that covers the smell of mixed sweat and dirt upon his body, there are clean garments in the cabinet, the bathroom is huge and the shower was separate from it.

"The telephone over there, contact us if you'll have any anomaly during the journey, I believe you're content with the room?" said the personnel.

"I guess so" Adam gazed around the chamber with disbelief.

"You should prepare yourself, you're meant to do things in Eve's ville, good things I suppose, the management has no control of your actions after you take a step out of your chamber. That's why I would love to give you a tip, never do anything stupid, unless you want to get back to the psych ward" the personnel left Adam in his room, all locked up, due to excitement, Adam jumped to the bed and bounce like a child with an annoying laugh, for the following hours, he did stuff in his chamber like taking a bath and having his supper.

He lies on the bed, motionless and still, he's eyes fixed on the sight of an empty ceiling above him, thinking about naught that lies against him.

It is already evening and the sounds of the odeon waves have been rocking the ferry's hull, the dim moonlight entered the window of Adam's chamber.

"Hey you, over there" a rough voice puffed from the window that woke Adam from his deep slumber, he leaped out of his bed and lit the lamp, "Do you hear me, young blood?" asked the voice.


"I'm not here, rather there, nor anywhere" the voice made a loud, evil cackle as the ferry rocked heavily as it has bumped into something, the chamber became darker and darker, the moonlight disappear, and the lamp scorched slowly, the cold wind blew Adam's hair through his ears.

"This is a ferry! IT IS NOT SAFE OUT THERE" cried Adam.

There was a loud thunderclap and the Adama heard heavy raindrops and louder waves, it is very cold, and the ferry became unstable, and that furniture begone to fall from its shelves at Adam's chamber, "DO EVEN KNOW WHERE AM I! DO YOU EVEN SEE ME ME, OH I THINK NOT, YOUNGBLOOD, I'M A FRAGMENT OF YOUR MIND, WILL YOU FIND ME?" a figure, a shadow of a man with a traveling ragged traveling hat and coat, with a long crooked nose and long, dirty, curly beard, long claws that reached for Adam's bed began to rose from the small window, the figure covered half of the moonlight that enters the room, the fire of the lamp was blown by a cold breeze, "CONSIDER THIS AS A WARNING, AND I THINK YOU COULD CONSIDER LEAVING THE TOWN BEFORE YOU EVEN GOT THERE!" the voice roared, the ferry was still unstable, shaking like there's an earthquake. Adam was aback, seeing the claws of the shadow reaching for him, the voice gave an evil cackle that grew louder and louder that was ringing Adam's ear.

Adam heard a loud bang after seeing the door opened by the personnel, something was not right, it is already the break of dawn, and the ocean seems calm, water was pouring from the ceiling, and it flooded his chamber and the flow of water connects to the corridor where the door remained open.

"Sir, we almost forgot you" the personnel smirked, "We are halfway to the dock but something messed up the propeller, it is good that none of the passengers got a serious injury or concussion" the personnel hastily stuffed Adam's baggage to a large brown case made out of wood.

Adam slowly rose from his bed, which is currently wet, "What's gonna happen then?" he asked.

"The captain sent me on an errand, sir"

"What kind of errand?" adam asked.


"You say that something broke the propeller?" said Adam as he stand in the water, which is currently soaking his toes and knees, the personnel was strolling to and fro inside the chamber, fetching Adam's things, showing no interest in Adam's words, "It might be the man with a beard, I heard him talking from the outside of the ferry" with those words, the personnel's attention was caught and gave a small gasp of fright.

The personnel stopped walking and asked, "does this man have long claws, and appears in the form of a shadow?"

"Indeed, what do you mean, why that reaction?"

"It means only one thing, death if knocking upon your doorstep," said the personnel, "we should hurry because obviously, the ferry is going down to the trench, you might be grateful because getting out of this ferry can increase your life span, not until the Spy find you....."

If you asked, "who is your enemy?"

try looking up in the mirror and you'll see him clearly..........


Joe_Typocreators' thoughts