
Spiritualism and Unknown public knowledge

Tác giả: blobthe_3rd
Realistic Fiction
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What is Spiritualism and Unknown public knowledge

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Against the Systemsy

[ON HIATUS. Need Rewrite. There are major problems with Pacing and something that I don't how to fix at this point. I'll try to fix all the problems before uploading it again.] In the land of Braize, magic still exists. The catastrophic war ten thousand years ago, left humanity almost broken and paralyzed. They lost their way to the celestial realm, lost their Faerin only left with Broken inheritances of the way of Point Force. Hope was almost lost, then came a group of six individuals as the beacon of light called themselves the BLAZHEARTS. They came in silence and gone in silence without us even knowing. They taught humanity the lost way of Faerin bonding, Artifacing, crafting. Before they left they established an institute in the heart of the continent. They instructed Konirians and the finest craftsmen that they taught to build three more in different locations. That was fifteen hundred years ago, Now the age of destruction arrives again as one of the seven institutes was destroyed two years ago. Every year selective few thousand young seekers get the chance to enter the mysterious institutes to learn the lost way of Faerin. They learn to protect, defend their homeland against the Abyss forces. They must grow strong, master the way of Faerin. [ PS: This novel is not for those who loved the one-way story. it follows the lives of more than one character(read the vol.1 synopsis for better understanding).] 努努努

silent_walker · Kỳ huyễn
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霍清音是百年名门霍家唯一的大小姐,出生即巅峰,人称天选之子。   但她愚钝、蛮横、无能,是众名门贵胄厌恶不屑的废材,最终被霍家赶出家门成为可怜虫。   刚穿回来的霍清音神色淡淡的看着眼前这一切——   很好,有挑战性,她喜欢。   第一天,厌她至极的大哥屁颠颠的送来了一张银行卡,“音音,你的生活费。”   第二天,江城一种针对她的老师被强制开除,老师泪目,“霍同学,请你原谅我的不知所谓。”   第三天,鸠占鹊巢的表妹白莲花人设崩塌,霍家强势迎她回家,“欢迎大小姐归来!——”   当初欺辱她鄙夷她的人瞠目结舌之时,他们发现还不止如此。   帝都第一名校对她发来邀请,霍清音扫了一眼,“你们的老师是我的徒弟,不去。”   帝都名门求她治病,霍清音托腮勾唇,“早知如此,何必当初。”   众渣渣看着她的人生开挂走上巅峰,已无言以对时,霍清音的马甲又像是不要钱一样轮着掉。   帝都首富,神医天才,顶级赛车手及组装师,电竞比赛中唯一参赛且夺冠的女生…   大小姐她有一千个马甲,她怎么输?!   在众人沉思,大小姐如此强大是不是要孤独一生时,帝都隐匿最深的第一豪门家主强势出席。 “她最后的马甲,我的妻子。”   【甜宠爽文1v1,无逻辑,架空。】

清和月初二 · Tổng hợp
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318 Chs

The Mirror Of The Unseen Dream

In a world where might makes right, where the strongest can do whatever they want, where ambition means power. Where everything looks bleak, where demons from humanities worst imaginations enter into the world, where people have abilities gained from the same place their nightmares come from. Where one person will maybe change it all, or fall victim to its setting and become a tyrant worse than any before him, This is the journey of Helel the one with a power humans could only dream of, the power of one akin to a fallen archangel... (Note: This fic won't be focused on islamic theology, but since it is my religion and my mc will be muslim, I will say that anything my mc says about it you can consider true about my religion, because I won't lie about my religion. Though do take it with a grain of salt, because I am still human and am not a scholar or something so I could make mistakes, and if you find them please do comment and tell me about it so that I can correct it. But I digress, what I'm trying to say is everything aside from my own belief is fiction and shouldn't be taken literally. But be warned though I take things from other religions and implement them in my story such as Zeus, Odin, Thor, even Lucifer, etc. and have them come from a mirror world where everything humanity dreams is there, and are shaped by humanities belief about how they are. There are different realms in it such as Olympus, Hades, Asgard, Helheim, even "Heaven" and "Hell" Well not ther real ones because as I said because of my belief in my own religion I will make it the reality of the novel as well, for if I believe my religion to be how reality truly is why not my novel? Though if you don't truly like that don't worry because my religion aside from some comments about it from some characters won't really have an active role in it because of the fact that as I said I am no scholar so don't want to say something wrong about it so figures from it won't be feauturing in this story. Hope you still wanna read, and if you do, Enjoy!

Samael_Son_of_Dawn · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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