
Sparring with Thor

I don't own anything here except the story idea.

- Speaking

- [System Speaking]

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3rd Person pov

When Thor and Peter realized that Natasha, Wanda, Steve, and Sam were already there.

Peter: Hey, Wanda, and Natasha, When are you guys coming back?

Wanda: We arrived one hour ago. But when we saw you guys having a sparing season. We decided not to interrupt you two and watch your spar. I gotta admit, Peter. You are very strong. You can fight Thor equally. None of us can do that.

Natasha: Yeah, I never knew, you were that strong Peter.

Thor: I correct you, Lady Natasha and Lady Wanda. Peter is not equally strong as me. But way above my level.

Everyone in the Avengers team members is shocked by Thor's sentence. Peter was amazed that Thor knew he was holding back. Well, Thor is a warrior. So I guess he can tell when someone holding back.

Wanda: Wow, You are so cool Peter and I don't know you can use flame attacks.

Natasha: Neither it's in your report, Peter. Why do you never use it?

Peter: Well, My flame is very dangerous. No normal person can withstand my flame. So I never use it on others. But Thor has a very Powerful resistance cause so I thought I can use it here. Still in battle with thor. I rarely use My flames.

Natasha, Wanda, Steve, and Sam nodded at his explanation.

Thor: Even he used his flame rarely. That flame is very hot even for me. If he uses full-on flame attacks on me like I use Lighting. I might have too many burn marks.

Natasha: Wow, And someone thought that someone of his caliber was not good enough for the mission. Well, Now I am wondering what is the qualification of the Mission. If Peter is not qualified then I don't think I am.

Steve: Sorry, I don't know he was this good. If I knew earlier then I would never object.

Steve really regrets his decision. In the mission Even if they succeeded to prevent the plan of the Hydra group but the main culprit got away. If Peter was with them then he might be a big help to them.

Peter: It's Okay. I have some work to do anyway. Next time.

Wanda: Yeah, You are going to make a new suit for yourself. Is it done?

Peter: Yeah, it's done.

Wanda: Show me. Now.

Peter: Right now.

Wanda: Yes, Now.

Others watch Wanda and Peter in amusement.

Peter: Okay.

Wanda: Let's go.

Peter: We don't have to go anywhere.

Peter's suit started to cover Peter up. Everyone was shocked to buy how advanced his suit is. Tony didn't have a Neno technology suit yet.

Peter: So how's it?

Wanda: You look great. Where did this suit come from?

Peter: It's a Neno technology suit. I can always take it with me. It's easier to wear and take off.

Wanda: So cool.

Peter: Alright, so what now?

Natasha: Nothing, We are free right now. We have nothing planned today.

Peter: So I think I go home. Aunt May will be a little late today so I am going to make dinner.

When Natasha and Wanda hear him. They instantly become Excited.

Thor: You know how to cook, Man of Spider?

Peter: Yeah, If you want I will make something for you whenever you want.

Thor: Thank you Man of Spider.

Wanda: Can I along with Natasha visit your home, Peter?

Peter: Sure, Let's go. Aunt May will be happy to meet you guys.

Peter alongside Wanda and Natasha went to Peter's home. When they reached no one was present there. Peter started to cook. Wanda and Natasha also help him by cutting vegetables. After some time Aunt May comes back home. She was shocked and happy to say that two additional members are joining her and Peter for dinner. While having dinner they talked a lot with each other. May was happy that Peter was making friends and they are dependable too. Everyone enjoyed Peter's cooking very much.

May: It's too late. Why don't you guys sleep over here? Natasha can sleep with me and Wanda with Peter.

Hearing that Wanda started to blush madly. She knows that May teasing her. But she can't stop thinking about sleeping with Peter.

Peter: Don't worry, I will sleep on the floor.

Natasha and Wanda take May's Offer. When everyone goes to their room to sleep.

Natasha: Hey, Peter, and Wanda.

Peter: Yes.

Wanda: What is it, Nat?

Natasha: If you guys become excited just don't forget to use protection.

Wanda (Blushing): Natasha, Stop it already.

Wanda dragged Peter into the room. She was so embarrassed to show her face to anyone.

Natasha and May smiled at Wanda's actions. Both of them also went into May's room.

With Wanda and Peter

Peter sleeping on Floor and Wanda sleeping on Peter's bed.

Peter: Can't sleep?

Wanda: It's Natasha's fault.

Peter watches Wanda in amazement that Wanda in this universe is so much innocent. Peter knows that she developed a huge crush on him. Peter thinks about what to do. If Peter started any relationship in this universe. Peter is going to tell everything to Diana, Kara, and Wanda. He doesn't want to hide anything from them. And when he is about to start his relationship with any of them. If they are uncomfortable with his explanation. He will erase the memory of his identity.

Wanda: Hey, Peter.

Peter: Yeah.

Wanda: What are you doing tomorrow?

Peter: Nothing important. Why?

Wanda: Want to go out somewhere with me?

Peter: Wanda Maximoff, Are you asking me for a date?

Wanda (Embarrassed): That's not I mean... I... Yes, I am asking you for a date.

Wanda gathered up the courage of asking Peter out.

Peter: Well, I am honored you asked me to date. I love to go date with you.

Wanda was happy that Peter accept her request for a date. She was so excited and nervous. It's his first date.

Peter: Well, Let's get some sleep. I have some minor work at school tomorrow. I will be free after the morning. Then we will have lunch at Avengers tower. Then we can go somewhere nice.

Wanda: That's a good idea, Peter. Good night.

Peter: Good night.

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So how it's guys? please give me a review on this one if there are any grammar mistakes plz ignore them. If there is any problem or suggestions plz give them via comments. If you liked this story you can drop some power stones for it.