
Chapter 89

A/N: I apologize for the late chapter


Mark couldn't stand Lizard Doctor's attitude.

Octopus Doctor was obsessive because he wanted to create an artificial sun, not for privilege but to advance technology and provide unlimited energy to humanity. He believed that his intelligence was a gift from above, meant to serve others and benefit humanity, not to dominate over others. Even though the chip in his mechanical tentacles had made him radical, he didn't abandon this belief. He only became a "super-villain" because the artificial sun he created had flaws, not because it was his original intention.

Lizard Doctor, on the other hand, was different. His initial research on the cross-genetic serum was driven by one thing: "money." He had worked alongside Richard Parker, but when Richard discovered that the Osborn Corporation was researching the serum to create monster soldiers for waging war against other countries, he chose to escape. Did Lizard Doctor not know about this? It was clear that he didn't. But he still chose to stay and continue researching the serum. Later, he even attempted to force this serum onto others, turning millions of New Yorkers into lizard creatures. So, Mark had absolutely no fondness for him.

However, Mark hadn't intended to kill him. After delivering that punch and stomping on him, he emerged from the magical prison.

Lizard Doctor lay on the ground for a while before his body fully restored itself.

But this time, he didn't dare to raise his head.

After getting up, he cautiously retreated to a corner, curling up into a pitiable and helpless posture.

Mark didn't pay any more attention to him. As Octopus Doctor had said, killing someone on Doctor Strange's turf, especially someone already detained, wouldn't be justified. It could easily earn Doctor Strange's disapproval and was not worth the trouble.

Octopus Doctor sighed in relief. He had been genuinely worried that Mark might recklessly kill Lizard Doctor. Although the guy looked hideous and nothing like a "doctor," they were in this underground cell together, sharing a similar fate. If Lizard Doctor died, Octopus Doctor would also start worrying about his own situation.

For now, it seemed they were both safe. After this minor incident, Octopus Doctor and Mark sat in silence on the ground, not saying a word.

Mark took the opportunity to assess the underground chamber.

He had expected that, being a part of the Sanctum Sanctorum, this underground area might contain some items related to magic. However, after a quick inspection, he was thoroughly disappointed.

It was nothing more than a storeroom filled with items that seemed to have been unused for years. Within a short time, he found himself growing bored.

Estimating the time, he figured it would be about half an hour until Spider-Tom would arrive with his friends.

So, Mark found a chair, pulled out his smartphone, expertly connected to the internet, and started browsing YouTube.

It was said that Spider-Tom had several popular videos on YouTube.

Experiencing what it was like to watch Spider-Man in the "real world" was quite novel. Thanks to the recent exposure of Spider-Tom's real identity, he had become extremely popular in recent days, even feeling like a global sensation.

Mark quickly found a few interesting videos. For instance, there was an interview with Peter Parker and his friends, conducted by the blonde girl Betty, who had a brief romantic involvement with Ned Leeds in "Heroic Expedition."

The interview covered various aspects of Peter's interests, hobbies, and behavior, offering a multidimensional view of the "teenage hero".

After watching a few videos, Mark stumbled upon one related to him. The video had a title that read: "Shocking! Two Spider-Men Spotted Battling Octopus on New Haven Harbor Overpass!"

In the video, there were shaky, distant shots of him and Spider-Tom fighting Octopus Doctor on the overpass.

The footage was quite far away and shaky, clearly taken by someone who had fled to a safe distance and then stopped to film.

Mark couldn't help but feel exasperated. These people seemed fearless, escaping danger only to film a video and share it on their social media.

However, the comments on the video were interesting. Some were speculating about the identity of the new Spider-Man. Others thought it was a robot created by Spider-Tom using technology similar to Iron Man's, considering that Mysterio had mentioned Spider-Man's attempt to replace Iron Man, making it plausible for him to possess such technology.

There were even people suggesting that Spider-Man could potentially be mass-produced, forming something like a "Spider-Man League," and they expressed their interest in joining.

In short, there were all sorts of comments, including some negative ones. Mark, however, didn't get upset; he just found it amusing.

The sensation of being discussed in a pseudo-news media format was rather strange.

"What are you watching so happily?"

Spider-Tom returned to the room with a man and a woman in tow.

The man was a chubby Asian guy, about six feet tall in both directions, round and with a perpetual slight pout, giving him a humorous look. He was Peter's close friend - Ned Leeds.

The woman, of course, was Spider-Tom's girlfriend, Michelle Jones Watson, known as MJ.

Despite her lively appearance, MJ possessed a venomous tongue that could verbally obliterate anyone without hesitation.

"Wow, are you the Spider-Man from another dimension that Peter talked about?" Ned rolled up to Mark, excitedly inspecting him as if hoping to find something fundamentally different about him in this dimension.

MJ, on the other hand, regarded Mark with a skeptical look. "You're really from another world?"

During her recent trip to Europe, she had seen through the lies of Mysterio and confirmed that his claims of parallel universes were false.

Yet now, here was another person claiming to be from a parallel universe. It was challenging for her not to be suspicious.

"Of course, you can ask those two if they're from other worlds," Mark gestured towards Octopus Doctor and Lizard Doctor.

Lizard Doctor had initially been curious about the newcomer but quickly withdrew when Mark pointed at them.

Octopus Doctor gave them a faint look but remained silent.

Spider-Tom sensed the strange atmosphere and asked, "What's going on with them?"

Mark shrugged. "Maybe they're not adjusting well. Let's not worry about them for now. How about we focus on the task at hand? Ned, you're a computer whiz. Put your skills to use, see if you can find any special information online. Pay attention to the outskirts of the city, places with large electrical systems. Electro tends to favor those areas."


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