

It is arranged wedding in a traditional hindu family were there are different rituals and wedding differences from region to region . In down south the wedding differs from community to community. The rituals are altered and reduced in the modern era due to various reasons.It is union of two families were clashes are inevitable and eventually only the bride has to compromise.The marriage is an ocassion were all relatives and close relations join together to celebrate the event.Even though the country is developed and the mindset are changing there are still old thoughts and having male chavunism which still prevails in the household, irrespective of class.It also applies to the literate peoples the mindset should be changed.

The technology development is spectacular but the mindset of the people remains the same.Be it rich or poor , the thinking remains the same.

Here we will see the mindset of the people despite the place they live.

shanmugapriyarcreators' thoughts
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