The story begins with the main character being a 19 year old college student having issues with his life It's pretty common for him to get into probelms One fine day he encounters a earth quake as he's on his way to the college And realises how dangerous the world is The plot revolves around How aliens are higher dimensional and we can't interact with them As they are the ones responsible for the destructions on earth Also they're the one who created us And the so called natural disasters are made by them for a punishment They also created the big bang and us As test subjects As the age goes by the main character realises he's not aging after the age of 19 And realises he looks young One fine day He encounters a man in glasses Who takes ( kidnaps )the mc To a place and reveals why he isn't aging It's due to him having the dna of the celestials And the so called aliens Are just higher Dimensional humans Who wanted to lab test us by creating a whole universe These humans have weapons And equipments beyond human knowledge And are said to be all knowing It's said anyone with such equipment is considered Omnipotent And omniscient ( all strong and all knowing ) - Space killing Writer - Sanju