
chapter 1

“Marissa!!!!! Would you get your stupid ass out now”? I heard my mom yell. I groaned and dropped the book I was reading on my bed and ran downstairs as quick as I could before she calls me again, even I know that won’t be good.

“Yes ma I’m here” I muttered as I stood beside her in the front door.

“What have you been doing up there, while your brothers are here helping YOU pack your bags for college into the car hmm” she said crossly putting her hands on her hips.

I frowned and turned to the car pack, and what do you know, there they are, the three devils throwing my luggage into the trunk of the car.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, why in the world are they packi…… ohhhhh. Turning to look at my mom with a sheepish smile shrugging my shoulders’

“Oppsss”I muttered, I guess it slipped my mind that I was leaving for college this night.

“I have two things ma, one, I swear I didn’t tell them to pack my bags and two, it may have quiet slipped my mind a little bit that I was leaving today” I tried to sound as innocent as I could but failed miserably at it.

“well I have three things for you young lady, one, go and help them out with your bags, two, you better take your bath before dinner or I assure you that you’re going to the airport without taking your bath because we are leaving this house at 7pm sharp and three, swear again and no dinner for you" she snapped and walked back into the house.

I checked the time on the wall clock that’s above the door, and what do you know

It’s just 5:47 there’s no rush.

I sighed and stomped to my stupid brothers who were standing behind the car muttering something to each other and laughing. I stood in front of them and crossed my arms over my chest with a frown on my face.

“And what in the world do you think you guys are doing”. I glared at them. Thomas my older brother who is four years older than me smirked at me, Aiden, my second older brother who is two years older than me turned his head to the other side and started to whistle while, Luis, my younger brother who is six years younger than me hung his head down shyly playing with his fingers.

I could see his cheeks starting to redden a little bit. A sly smile appeared on my lips as I wrapped my arms around Luis’s shoulders and dragged him to my side with a plan in mind.

“OH Luis would you mind taking a walk with me”. Out of all my other siblings, I’m his favorite so I know his weakness. I dragged him away from the car ignoring my other brothers as they threaten Luis.

“Luis…. Don’t you even think about opening your mouth” Aiden threatened. I just shrugged him off and continued to drag Luis with me walking to the front porch of the house.

“Luis, you better watch your mouth” Thomas shouted from behind us. Luis turned to look at them but I used my hand to turn his head back.

“Shit” I heard Aiden muttering. A big smirk appeared on my lips as I led Luis into the house.

My relationship with my brothers is crazy, really we literally always gang up against each other every single day which makes my mother so pissed but then what can she do? She gave birth to four really naughty kids, which reminds me, she and her siblings were like us when they were kids and believe me they did worse things. This is just the beginning for us.

Yeah, I know all this because my dad told me, they were neighbors with my mom. Weird right. I can imagine myself getting married to my neighbor. Yuck! not even in my dreams. No offence though to my neighbor but then, oh gosh, I CAN’T MARRY YOU!!!!! The end.

Okay back to me interrogating my brother.

“So Luis……do you have anything to say to me or should I say tell me “I watched as he struggled to find the words a sly smile still plastered on my lips.

“Umm….well……itsallaidensideahesaidtheearlieryouareoutofthehousethefasterwegettotarnishyourroomandfindoutyourdeepestsecrets”he said in one breath. I being his favorite understood what he was trying to say.

OH so that’s the case

They are trying to get rid of me that easy huh!!!

Well too bad for them, I’ve been planning my own thing.

I looked down at Luis my hand still over his shoulders, I gave it a little squeeze before letting him go.

“You can go now” I said walking ahead of him.

“Does this mean I’m off the hook” I turned smirking at him. Without saying anything I flipped my hair and turned

“Not quiet”. I ran upstairs to my room

“But Marissa….”I blocked him out as soon as I entered my room by shutting the door.

Good for you.

I walked to my washroom to wash myself up.

I stopped in front of the water basin and stared at myself in the mirror above it. The only thing I love about my appearance is my hair, the color is so pretty and long and wavy, almost to my lower back and it’s just so unique, I guess not much people are born with a ruby fusion colored hair. That’s an exception…. Hopefully, I sighed and stripped out of my ohh so comfortable shorts and vest, and slipped into the bath tub, turning on the shower.

Really, is it just me but whenever I’m in the shower, I tend to think a lot. Trust they aren’t positive thoughts just something stupid, but sometimes they do make sense.

Don’t they?

I’m leaving for school today which is all the way in caple tow and surprisingly I’m not freaked out or anything or that’s what I thought. I’m sure going to miss home a lot because I live all the way in Sydney which is like a whole 10 hours away from caple tow. Don’t ask how I know.


So yeah I’m off to CAPLE TOW!!!!!

Get it, like all those reality shows where they announce maybe you got a.…..you know what, let’s just forget I said that.

It doesn’t even make any sense

And there we go

My train of thoughts is out the window.

I finished bathing and wrapped a pink towel around myself.

As soon as I stepped out of the washroom immediately I was being crushed with a hug making me lose my balance resulting to I and the hugger falling down on the oh so cold floor.

“Ouch…what in the world” I exclaimed as my poor butt came in contact with the floor. Whilst the person who by the way wasn’t affected at all and who was still on top of me started to ramble.

“Oh Marissa why…. Why are you leaving me to fend for myself, don’t you know I’m going to die without you….. Marissa you are mean, you chose to go so far away from me, did I do anything wrong to deserve this, common Marissa, don’t go I love you so much, I’ll let you have the whole book shelf in my house, I’ll let you jump on my bed, I’ll make you breakfast every day, hell I give you a piggy back ride to where ever you want to go, just don’t go, stay here with me…” I rolled my eyes at my best friend Nancy.

I should have known. Nancy and I have been best friends since kindergarten, we did everything together, we were just inseparable, so when I got my admission for college in Caple tow, she ignored me for three straight days because of how pissed she was at me, which was almost a month ago, since then, she’s been planning to stop me from going. Till date, till tomorrow, she won’t stop.

“Nans, can you get of me because I think I have a broken back bone now” I struggled to say trying to pry her off of me.

“So if I get off of you does that mean you’ll stay since you have a broken back bone” she replied not moving an inch with her face still buried in my neck.

“Nop” I said popping the p.

“I hate you” she finally stood up and stared at me crossing her arms over her chest while pouting her lips.

I chuckled and stood up from the cold floor adjusting my towel which got lose during the fall. I looked at Nancy who just turned and stomped to my bed sitting down on it.

Compared to Nancy, she’s a beauty, with her cherry blond hair, long legs, shaped body, big blue eyes, full lips, she just looks like a brats doll to be specific, and plus the freckles on her nose. Although she hates them but it sure makes her look cuter than normal she just doesn’t see it.

I walked to her and sat down beside her wrapping my hand around her shoulder.

“Nans, aren’t you happy for me that I got the school of my dreams” I squeezed her shoulders smiling at her. I’ve always wanted to go to a school of arts, and finally I had a chance, yeah I’m sad t0o that I have to go far away from home but that’s life I guess, you have to embrace it.

Ugh now I sound like all those peep talkers.

I hate myself.

I was lost in my train of thoughts which annoyingly decided to choochoo its way back to my head forgetting the task at hand.

Stupid head.

“I’m sorry Marissa, it’s just that I’m going to miss you so much, you’ll hardly come visit because of how far you are.” Before I could have the chance to say anything, she burst into a fits of tears.

Oh oh

Train of thoughts is gone now the train of tears has arrived

Dammit, I hate being emotional, it makes me look weak.

But watching my best friend cry for me turned a notch in my heart.

Why do I have to be an emotional one?

A tear dropped from my eyes.

Dimwit tears, they just had to show up.

“Oh Nans, of course I’ll come visit, I’ll never forget you, and you know that, so stop crying and help me get ready will you” I said as more tears rushed down my cheeks.

“I’ll miss you more, red”

Did I mention that she calls me red?

Yeah, because of my hair and….

“Oh God! Mom!!!!!!!!, they are doing it again, all the crying and hugging and kiss…” I whipped my head around and saw Aiden in front of my door crossing his arms over his chest, with a smug smile on his lips.

“You fucking dim wit get out of my room asshole” I threw a throw pillow at him which he easily dodged laughing as he ran out of the room.

“Mom!!!!!!! Marissa is cursing again” he shouted loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear.

“Watch your mouth Marissa and get ready, we are leaving soon” I heard mom say. I groaned and put my hands of my face

“Fucking bastard” I muttered.

“I heard that” I whipped my head quickly with wide eyes staring at the door where my mother stood crossing her hands, with a scowl on her face.

“Nancy dear, could you please teach this hot headed of your friend her to mind her tongue and please get her ready its almost time to go” my mom said smiling sweetly at nans before turning out of the room and walked out.

“Bummer” I heard Nancy say beside me standing up. She wiped her eyes and smiled brightly at me.” You heard the boss, let’s get you all dressed up for, your flight baby girl” damn that girl has mental mood swings. From code blue to code pink, if you get what I mean.

I stood up and wiped my own tears and smiled

“After you darling” I chuckled

She turned on her heels and headed straight to my wardrobe which was half empty.

I packed most of my things, hell, my room was half empty, except for dad’s vinyl’s collection on my bookshelf. Which reminds me where that man is?

He’s probably in his study dozing off, lord all that man knows to do is to sleep and supply for the family.

“earth to Marissa, did you even hear what I said at all” Nancy exclaimed snapping her fingers in front of my face.” Stop staring at the empty bookshelf and work with me here will you”

I quickly nodded not saying a word and walked to the closet.

“Now let’s see what we have her” Nancy said pushing herself into my wardrobe.

I rolled my eyes and stood behind her crossing my arms.

Here we go again, another wardrobe makeover by Nancy.

Yippee, I’m jumping with joy

Note my sarcasm.

Its hell.

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