
Soulbound: Second Chance

Jadon_Ware · Kỳ huyễn
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2 Chs

New Beginning

An alarm blares which causes a young boy named Daniel Novak, who goes by Dan to his friends wakes up.

"Dan are you awake yet we have to go."Dan's father said.

Dan was disappointed he had to move to a new city. Would you be upset or disappointed that you had to leave the city you're used to just to live in a new city you barely know about?

"Yes dad I'm up."Dan said.

Dan grabs the remaining of his belongings followed by letting out a soft sigh and leaves his room.

"Are you ready?"Dan's father asked.

"Ready as I ever be..."Dan said.

"I know you're disappointed by moving to a new city."Dan's father said.

Dan and his father left their former home and starts driving to the new city.

"Uh dad where are we headed anyway?"Dan asked.

"Well this city is special I want to surprise you."Dan's father said.

Dan and his father arrive at a building.

"What's up with this building dad? What are we doing here?"Dan asked.

"Well you see Dan the city is a floating island It's protected by a barrier travelling to it by normal means is impossible this building is actually a portal leading to our new home."Dan's father said.

"A floating island? That's interesting."Dan said.

"Stay in the car I have to activate the portal."Dan's father said.

"Alright."Dan said.

Dan's father leaves the car and activates the portal.

"We're good to go."Dan's father said.

"Great."Dan said.

Dan arrives at the floating island.

"We're here."Dan's father said.

Dan gets out of the car and looks around.

"Whoa this is amazing!"Dan said.

"Looks like someone is in a rush Dan come on you're already late for school."Dan's father said.

Dan was taken to his new school.

"This place is huge."Dan said.

"I really hope you have a great time here."Dan's father said.

"I'll try. I gotta go see you later dad."Dan said.

"If anything happens let me know."Dan's father said.

As Dan goes in his school he goes to the gym and saw a large orca beastman named Asuma and a tiger beastman named Osamu having a practice sumo match.

"Good luck."Dan said.

Osamu looks at Dan.

"Hey Asuma who's this?"Osamu asked.

"I believe he's the transfer student."Asuma said.

"Yo."Dan said.

Then Osamu and Asuma walks to Dan.

"You're Daniel right?"Osamu asked.

"All of my friends calls me Dan."Dan said.

"I'm Asuma and that's Osamu."Asuma said.

Dan takes a good look at the two beastmen and gulps after noticing they were a lot bigger than him.

"You guys are huge."Dan said.

"Nice to meet you Dan."Asuma said.

"I can easily get lost in a big place like this."Dan said.

"I can show you around."Asuma said.

Then a wingless dragon named Yuri looks at Dan and scoffs.

"Do you have anything to say Yuri?"Osamu asked.

"I don't see why you two are giving this mere human any attention he's not special at all he's not like us Otherworlders."Yuri said.

"Unless you want to lose more than your scales Yuri i suggest you be quiet."Asuma said.

Dan goes to Yuri.

"Listen you overgrown gecko I have every right to be in this school you have no say of what can I or can't I do you don't know me at all you can stay away from me you can leave me be or else we're gonna have a issue."Dan said.

"Way to go!"Osamu and Asuma said.

Asuma and Osamu was laughing.

"Like you'll do anything about it!"Yuri said.

"Don't test me!"Dan said.

Dan growled which caused Yuri to feel a shadow near Dan protecting him, prompting Yuri to leave Dan alone and Yuri was sweating.

"What is this presence i'm feeling near this dork it feels familiar."Yuri thought.

"What's wrong Yuri?"Asuma taunted.

"You look like you seen a ghost!"Osamu taunted.

"We'll finish this later."Yuri said.

Yuri goes to the far right of the bleachers.

"What a loser."Dan said.

Due to arriving late to school the bell rings.

"Alright cadets you're dismissed."The coach said.

The coach blew his whistle and several students leave.

(To be continued...)