
Soulbound: A Transmigrated Tale

Transmigration is just a concept we hear in books. What is a twenty year old college student to do when that concept comes to life? A world of secrets and unexpected happenings. Having to live as a minor villain that gets don't have much of a future would be tragic. In an attempt to change that fate unknowns are uncovered, secrets are revealed, and the true nature of many are revealed. A world of magic, horrors, uncertainties and unexpected delicacies. Let's see a curious adventure of our protagonist (her name is weird).

Sunny_sama · Kỳ huyễn
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111 Chs

Poppy's brother

"Who are you?" I asked, my annoyance palpable. I had been so close to slipping away unnoticed before he ruined it all.

"Why are you annoyed? I just saved you," he stated matter-of-factly, which only deepened my frown.

"You saved me? From what?" I retorted, feeling more puzzled than grateful.

"From your death," he said with a grave sincerity that made me squint at him suspiciously.

"This place is where dragons live," he explained, as if that should clarify everything. I stared at him, nonplussed.

"Aren't you scared?" he ventured cautiously.

"Why should I be scared?" I shot back, trying to mask my confusion.

"There were three possibilities where you could have met your end, but since you aren't scared, we're down to two," he informed me, his tone mixing concern with exasperation.

"Good to know," I muttered sarcastically. "Now there's the possibility of me getting bored to death listening to you."