
Resurrected by Destiny

In the impenetrable darkness that followed his death, Duke Kenric felt an eerie serenity wash over him. It was as if time itself had ceased to exist in this enigmatic void. He could hardly discern the boundaries of his own existence. The fear and uncertainty that often accompany death were conspicuously absent, replaced by a profound sense of peace.

As Kenric contemplated his newfound state of being, a faint yet resonant voice echoed within the depths of his consciousness, speaking words that defied comprehension.

"[Soul Promise Activated!]"

The words reverberated like an incantation, and as they did, Kenric's perception of the darkness began to shift. Gradually, he felt himself drawn into a swirling vortex, a kaleidoscope of memories and sensations. It was as though he were hurtling backward through time, his life unspooling in reverse.

"WHAT THE FU-," Kenric exclaimed, his voice echoing through the room. As his eyes snapped open, he found himself in a place that felt eerily familiar—the very room he had occupied when he was the designated heir of his noble family.

With a mixture of disbelief and excitement, he bolted from the bed and rushed to the bathroom mirror. Staring back at him was a face that defied logic – his own, but startlingly young. He couldn't help but gasp as he took in his youthful appearance.

Kenric dashed out of the room, heart pounding, and glanced at the calendar on the wall. There it was, in bold letters: "17th of Everymoon, 3047." His mouth hung open in shock as the reality of what had happened began to sink in. He had indeed been granted a second chance, thrust back in time to an era he thought he'd never see again.

The commotion in Kenric's room had not gone unnoticed. Moments later, the heavy wooden door flew open, revealing his parents, Lord Alden and Lady Seraphina Varus. Their faces were etched with concern and bewilderment as they rushed into the room.

"Kenric, dear, what on earth is happening?" Lady Seraphina exclaimed, her elegant features filled with concern as she saw her energetic son.

"Mom, Dad!" Kenric's voice quivered, and tears welled up in his eyes. A mixture of emotions swirled in his heart as he stood before the parents he had lost when he was just 18 years old, still attending the academy.

"Kenric, what is it? Is there a problem, son?" Lord Alden asked, his brow furrowing with worry, unaware of the profound impact of this reunion.

"Did you have a bad dream, dear?" Lady Seraphina inquired, her eyes filled with concern as she reached out to her son. Kenric, who had always been reserved and stoic, was now openly displaying his emotions.

Looking at both of them, he managed to choke out his response through tears, "Yes, Mom. A very troubling dream, but now, it feels like I'm living a dream."

As Kenric wiped away his tears, a sense of wonderment and gratitude washed over him. He couldn't bring himself to reveal the truth just yet, the miraculous turn of events that had brought his parents back into his life. Instead, he chose to savor this precious moment.

His father, Lord Alden, placed a reassuring hand on Kenric's shoulder. "Whatever it is, my son, know that we're here for you. You've always been strong, and you'll get through this, just as you always have."

With a smile and a nod, Kenric expressed his gratitude to his parents, wiping away the remaining tears from his face. "Thank you, Mom and Dad," he said, feeling a deep sense of connection and appreciation for their presence.

Once his parents had left the room, Kenric's thoughts returned to the pivotal moment when he had consumed the artifact. It had been a risky decision, considering the rarity of an S-Ranked Dungeon's food artifact, and he had kept its true nature a closely guarded secret.

Disappointment had initially filled him when nothing seemed to change within his body after ingesting it. He had hoped that this extraordinary artifact might be the key to turning his life around. However, time had revealed its true power, albeit in the most unexpected way.

"Now, what is this?" Kenric pondered, his gaze fixed on a mysterious blue, transparent screen that had materialized before him, its message both intriguing and perplexing.


[Soul Promise]

Name: Kenric Eldric Varus

Age: 14 (After time regression)

Element: Ice

System Status:

Level: 1

Class: None

Experience Points (XP): 0/1000

Health Points (HP): 300/300

Mana Points (MP): 100/100

Stamina Points (SP): 80/80

Character Stats:

Strength: 35

Agility: 30

Intelligence: 120

Durability: 30

Charisma: 88

Rank: [Novice]




Cryomancy (Basic): Proficient in basic ice manipulation techniques, including freezing objects and creating ice constructs.

Swordsmanship (Basic): Proficient in basic sword fighting techniques.


1. Rediscover Your Purpose: Uncover your true potential and purpose in this new life.

2. The Family Legacy: Restore honor and prestige to House Varus.

3. Unravel the Mystery: Investigate the circumstances of your family's downfall.


"This is amazing," Kenric said, his initial awe giving way to bewilderment as he scrutinized the screen before him.

"Unravel the Mystery: Investigate the circumstances of your family's downfall," he mumbled to himself, his forehead creased in confusion. "Didn't our family lose its prestige due to a lack of talent?"

Shaking his head, Kenric decided to set aside these puzzling thoughts for now. Instead, he shifted his focus to his abilities. "Cryomancy" and "Swordsmanship" remained unchanged, just as they had been in his past life. The element of ice, symbolizing his family's heritage, and his mastery of the blade, where his true talent lay, were still his defining traits. Although not as gifted as his ancestor, Arthur, who had been the exception, Kenric had earned the title of "Winterblade" during his youth, a name that had once resonated with pride and determination.

With a newfound determination, Kenric decided to embrace this second chance at life. The quest before him might have seemed paradoxical, given his family's history, but he believed that there were hidden truths to be uncovered.

As he pondered his abilities, he couldn't help but smile at the familiar sensations of power coursing through him. "Cryomancy" and "Swordsmanship" were not just skills; they were a part of who he was. He remembered the countless hours he had spent honing his swordsmanship and perfecting his control over ice.

The title of "Winterblade," once a source of pride, still resonated with him. It was a reminder that, despite the odds, he had achieved a level of skill that few could match.

With the mysterious system and his unique abilities at his disposal, Kenric was ready to embark on a new journey, one that would unravel the enigma surrounding his family's fall from grace and potentially rewrite the Varus legacy.

I will continue this after my exams!!!

TitanArumcreators' thoughts
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