
Soul Harbinger

A man awakens in his office to a chilling sight—his fellow professors lying unconscious on the floor, some transformed into zombies. This Earth, it seems, has been condemned by the Shinto gods Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi. Deeming human actions as destructive and rendering the planet uninhabitable, the gods decree the extermination of all life. As the man embarks on a journey fueled by a deep desire for revenge against the gods, he discovers that revenge often demands more than one is willing to sacrifice. This tale unfolds as a gripping exploration of the consequences of human actions and the complexities of seeking retribution against divine forces.

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12 Chs

Chapter 2 The Darkest Night

Chapter 2 The Darkest Night

Jack and his family had just completed cleaning up after the meal; when a call was heard on Jack's cellphone. Jack saw the one calling him was Shawn.

Jack answered the phone with a cheerful voice and asked, "Hows it going professor."

Shawn voice from the other side sounded excited and he replied, "Hey Jack, look outside the blood moon is about to be complete. The astronomy head said not to look directly, but look through dark sunglasses otherwise you could damage your eyes."

Jack laughed and said, "Thanks' ' After he hung up his phone and went upstairs to get everyone some sunglasses.

Lilith seeing Jack's excitement could help but smile. Ralph became busy sitting on the couch playing on his phone.

Lilith sat next to her sun and turned on the news. The new anchor was discussing the blood moon with an astronomer.

The news anchor was a middle aged woman with blonde hair with thick makeup on. The astronomer was elderly Asian man. He looked as if he was pumped with tons of caffeine as his eyes were red and he speech was hurried.

"It is impossible, simply impossible yet we all have seen it. It is not possible for the rotation of the moon to reverse and it also moved closer to the Earth!"

The news anch questioned the astronomer, "Since we have confirmed the moon has in fact moved closer to the Earth could it crash onto us?"

The astronomer took a drink from the cup of water close by as if to both come himself down as well as to wet his throat after yelling.

He replied, "To prevent astroids from hitting Earth we have powerful weapons at the space station. If need be we can destroy the moon if it becomes a threat to Earth, but it has stopped moving completely. Rotation of the moon has completely halted which in itself one of the greatest anomalies."

The anchor then confirms to her audience , "Well as you can see folks there is nothing to fear we are ready in case of any emergency. The world is safe and human beings are fully in control of our galaxy."

The astronomer looked like he wanted to question her but the advertising started before he was given a chance. At this time Jack finally retured.

Jack said while apologizing, "Sorry I couldn't find where I put my sunglasses."

Lilith, seeing his empty hands, smiled exasperatedly and pointed at the table near the television. There were three sunglasses.

Jack happily ran over and took all three and said, "lets see the blood moon."

Lilith, slightly interested, tapped Ralph who was still engrossed in his game.Ralph looked up and Jack placed the sunglasses carefully onto his face. He then tried to hand Lilith her pair, but she only kept a slight smile on her face.

Jack, confused, looked at her face and she replied. "Oh so you put the glasses on your son but not on me."

Hearing her, Jack and Ralph both laughed. Jack gently placed the glasses on her face and Ralph softly padded her head. Seeing his antics all three laughed.

The three made their way to the window and stared the moon. The edges of the moon were almost covered with red. To the three it was a once in a lifetime event. But an odd feeling was enrapturing Jack. Looking at the breathtaking sight left him feeling uneasy. He put his arms around his wife and child. Lilith not thinking anything of it leaned into him, putting her weight and faith onto him. Ralph was enraptured by the slowly spreading of red on the moon.

Then like a crimson spider web the red weaved and thickened and full captured the moon. The new crimson sphere was displayed in all it's glory.

Suddenly a bright red light spread from the center of the moon and emanated a crimson beam across the world.

After moments Earth became still and then without light.

Jack felt himself becoming weaker. Feeling Lilith's and Ralph's legs became soft, he increased his grip on them. Keeping them from falling. He slowly allowed himself to descend and lay on the floor. He still held Lilth and Ralph tightly. Both to prevent his family from harm and to keep them close to himself. His last thought before he lost conscious was that if he had his wife and child even if the world ended it he wouldn't mind.

The similar phenomenon occurred all over Earth. People all around the world descended into the land of dreams. Power was lost throughout the world. And for the first time since humans have mastered fire the entirety of Earth fell dark.

The darkest night had descended on Earth.

Hours after Jack awoke. Lilith and Ralph were still asleep atop his chest. Jack pulled out his phone to check the time only to be shocked. The phone read 07:00. They passed the entire night on the floor.

Jack still groggy said, 'Honey, Ralphy its seven you need to get ready for school. Wake up."

Neither of them responded to his voice. Even Lilith who was usually a very light sleeper was dead asleep.

He removed his numb arms from under them, only to be shocked by their temperature. They both felt very hot to the touch. Now fully awake from fear he raised his wife and placed her onto the couch. Then carried his son to his bed and did the same to his wife.

He went back downstairs.

He thought to himself Ralph might be upset but he could let him go to school like with a temperature.

Jack called Ralph's elementary but no one answered he left a voice message hoping that would suffice for his son's absence.

He went back up to check on them both. The temperature was not going down he tried turning on the AC but it wouldn't turn on, so he opened the windows and let the wintery early morning wind cool down the house. He placed a thin sheet on top of them both. He wanted to stay home to take care of them but as a professor the lesson plans would need to be given to the subs. He tried to turn on his desktop but it wouldnt turn on. He then discovered the electricity was off.

Jack shrugged thinking maybe there was a power outage. The water was working so he washed himself and got ready.

He took his written materials and texted Shawn. Shawn was the dean of the university and needed to be contacted if he was going to be calling off.

"Hey professor sorry Lilith and Ralph both have a fever going to drop off the lesson plans at the office and then will go back home."

The phone instantly said the message had failed.

Jack though, "Wow the power outage must be big if it reached the cell towers."

Jack walked out of his house at 07:35. Jack walked to the school, he arrived after a 7:55. Jack laughed to himself, "Professor is gonna yell at me and the students will be upset too."

Each faculty member had keys to the teacher's office building along with their own office.

Making his way through the campus, Jack could help but question, "Where is everyone? The streets being empty is one thing but the school should be fill at this time?. Did they all get fevers, unlikely. *Sigh* I hope they will be ok. I can't focus on anything but them, I am glad I am calling off."

Entering the building housing all the teacher's offices Jack was happy to see the doors were still opened. The school remains open until 2300, and reopens at 0400 to accommodate the students as much as possible, therefore seeing the building opens should not bring forth any emotional response from Jack. However the feeling of the destitute made Jack feel uncomfortable, thus the prospect of seeing his friends and coworkers made him smile.

Entering the building, he made his way to his small office. Placing the materials at the desk with a note.

"Sorry Lilith and Ralph are sick tried reaching you, but with the power outage couldn't"

Jack while still in his office he heard movement outside.

Thinking it was probably Shawn he went out to greet him.

Jack said in apologize, "Sorry professor, Lilith and Ralphy have a fever, so I am …"

What presented itself to Jack was indeed Shawn. But his clothes were the same as yesterday, but that is all the resembled yesterday's Shawn.

His healthy skin turned to gray and seem devoid of any blood. His glasses were gone, and so was the intelligence that his pupils once had. His eyes were gray with black streaks spreading out from his pupils. His fatherly smile was gone, and what replaced it was a mouth open releasing a low growl.

Jack was shocked by his appearance. He had a feeling that this was not Shawn, and his instincts were telling him to get away from him.

The gray piece of flesh was slowly making his way to Jack. But Jack kept his distance and made his was toward the the entrance of the building. Soon more gray colored figures started to move in Jack's direction. Fear began to creep its clutches around Jack's heart. He sees many faces that he recognizes, besides Shawn's.

He sees the receptionist from yesterday, the head of astronomy, and many more. All individuals that were known to stay late. All in the same clothes as yesterday and all chasing behind Jack releasing a low growl like feral animals.

Jack picked up speed and ran out the entrance of the teachers building. He locked the doors the moment he went out. Now he could only think about getting back to his family.

He did not understand what had happened to the faculty but he knew that he must reach home and safeguard his wife and child from them.

Turning around he started running home. Halfway to his house he sees 3 gray figures surrounding something.

Jack did not want to get closer to them, but he had to bypass them in order to get home. Stopping and walking both quickly and quietly. He begins trying to pass them.

Getting closer and closer soft sounds started enter his ears. He can hear soft sounds of whimpering and biting. Jack then was close enough to see the gray figures were gnawing at an elderly woman. Blood was gushing out of her like a fountain which only stimulated the hunger of the figures more and more. As if hungry, starving wolves the biting became more and more fierce. Sounds of her crying became softer and softer while the sound of her flesh being devoured became more and more audible.

The sight made Jack pale infright it took him all his will powerfrom not sprinting home. He knew he could have these beings follow him home. He had to be stealthy and leave them as far away from his family as possible.

Quietly, with deliberate steps. Each step was soft and without sound, yet every stride was long and swift.

Again and again. Again and again.Again and again.

Every step he took, he took while holding on to his chest to prevent his heart from jumping out in fear.

Every step he took felt like his first both terrifying and unnerving . After finally turning the corner of the street he began his sprint again.

Jack arrived at his home in half the time it normally would take while gasping for air he open his front door.


Jack's heart stopped. His ears had become overly conscious of the low growling sound even more so after he saw the scene of carnage moments ago.

He ran upstairs breathlessly following the sound of the low growl.

The sound grew louder and louder. His heart rose to his throat the growling was coming from his son's room. The door was slightly ajar.He kicked the door revealing his sleeping son and gray decaying figure standing above him.

However this gray figure was not unfamiliar. She had a knitted sweater with dark blue jeans.

Jack fell to his knees. Staring at the decaying carcass in front of him. Her beautiful hazel eyes were gone, leaving behind nothing but gray and black lines. Her cold yet breathtaking expression was gone and left behind was nothing but a rapid and hungry expression.

His wife was gone and left behind was nothing but a monster.

All energy left Jack as he watched the creature reach out.

He blinked many times to wake up from this nightmare.

The monster grabbed the sleeping Ralph's shoulder slowly raising him up.

Jack recalled the beautiful smile Lilith had when she asked him to put the sunglasses on her.

The man-eater tilted Ralph's head revealing his supple and delicate neck.

Drawing closer and closer.

It opened its mouth revealing its k9s. It tilted its own neck back as it was going to use all its strength to take a bit of his son.

Jack's depressed expression froze, he thought "My son".

The creature's open mouth halted for a second in order to lunge forward.

Jacks thoughts raced faster and faster.

"My Son"

"My Son"

"My Son"

"My Son"

"My Son"

Without even know Jack ran forward faster than he has ever ran before.

The monstrosity launched its mouth forwards.

Jack in full sprint pulled his left leg metal tip loafer back and kicked forward.The moment the monster mouth was inches away from Ralph's neck it was violently kicked backwards thrusting the creature's neck in awkward twist.

Ralph fell back onto the bed unharmed. But Jack landed on his knees again once he realized what just happened.

He just kicked the face he loved the most.

He cracked the neck he loved the most.

He killed the woman he loved the most.

He killed Lilith…

Hope you liked the new chapter, thanks for reading.

Aarthurs_Pencreators' thoughts