
Reborn as Kal-El

Blurry images are what I saw, sometimes of a man wearing a ridiculous looking headpiece, blue lights flashing on and off, but most of a woman speaking something softly to me and kissing my face all over.

As I slowly open my eyes, I find myself staring at those two faces again that looked familiar ... The women were crying ... I couldn't understand what they were saying but a word a name, which they kept repeating countless times in my head suddenly I had a moment of clarity ... Kal-El ... After which I found myself being hugged and kissed by both of them making me aware of my tiny hands and body. I tried to speak but all I manage to cry aloud, making to women sob and saying something to the man after which I was placed down from their hands and then they were separated from me by a glass. I heard loud noises, after a while I find myself staring down on what seemed to be a planet.

I couldn't help but mentally sigh, knowing the fate the planet is about to face.


The loud noise rang across space, it was so bright I couldn't open my eyes. This explosion confirmed it ... I was reincarnated as Kal-El or better known as Superman.

During my 40 years of living, I had many hobbies which included reading Manga and comics. I loved the story's about heroes without a doubt so 'Boku no Hero' was a favorite of mine because being in a world where Heros existed sounded cool and fun. I had also read tons of Marvel comics, Iron man, Spiderman, Thor, Hulk, Xmen, etc. But if I had to choose my, all-time favorite hero, Id picks superman, you might be wondering 'Why Superman?' Duh, he's Superman, basically a god if kryptonite didn't exist.

(Many hours Later)

Opening my eyes I found myself in an unfamiliar room, In a crib?! "Where am I? Where is my ship?!" but all that came out were crys.


Suddenly I hear things being dropped and footsteps coming towards the room I was in, the door flung's open revealing a man and woman.

"The little guy is awake, I was starting to worry," a handsome brown-haired man with green eyes said " Aww look how cute he is, why would such a cute baby be in a ship" a beautiful sliver haired women with red eyes spoke.

"Who knows but thankfully we were close otherwise if the government saw him who knows what they could have done to him" the man spoke seriously to the women.

"What should we name him since we decided to adopt him" he added

"How about Aiden ... Aiden Universe"

'Wow I didn't expect to have the same name, Universe must be their last name, they are even nice enough to adopt a baby that came out of nowhere, ok I've decided, I'll be the strongest hero that ever lived while protecting the ones I love.

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