
Chapter 1

"What can I say. I wasn't meant for school, it never worked out. It was always something a stupid classmate, a dumb fuck for a teacher, failing grades, and so on."

"I mean it isn't like I didn't try you know? I really did try I just can't do it. Sitting in a stupid classroom for hours learning somethinf I will never fucking use, like why in the world do I need to know the damn history of Egypt? I don't even live there, I get teaching US history but I don't want to learn the history of a country I don't even live in."

"Anyway, I'm not just trying to make an excuse for running away from home and school, I know I shouldn't off I just didn't want to deal with any of it you know" I say as I look up from the spot I was staring at into the eyes of the sheriff sitting across the table.

"Aha nice to hear kid tell it to your mom when she gets here" the sheriff said looking amused at my reaction at the mention of my mom. As if on cue the door the the sheriff's office flies open and a woman who is out of breath runs in looking around until her eye's fall onto me.

AXIL HILL, YOU BETTER HAVE A DAMN GOOD REASON FOR WHY I WAS CALLED OUT OF WORK FOR THIS" the woman who if you have not figured out yet is my mom screams at me.

Of course the friendly neighborhood sheriff figured this would be the perfect time to tell everything to my mom, and when I say everything I mean over exaggerate everything I said and actually happened, why me...

~Two Hours Later Outside The Sheriff's Station~

I walk to the front of the car getting in while my mom gets into the drivers seat starting it without talking or even looking at me. She pulls out of the station and starts the drive home. No music, no talking, nothing... I might of finally went beyond the line with her... I hope she isn't to mad... I really just couldn't deal with it all.

Won't lie this is byfar on of the most excruciating things I have ever experienced. A 2 hour drive home spent in silence, which sure isn't to bad but I think my mom is plotting a way to kill me or something close to that. Man I messed up...

After the 2 hour drive home my mom finally pulls infront of our house. The house is relatively large and has a decent size front yard with a tree providing shade up front. I get out of the car the same time as my mom and watch her walk to the door unlocking it, walking in, and closing it behind her not waiting for me. Realising a sigh I don't know how long I have been holding I walk to the door and into the house after her.

Walking in expecting to see her at the kitchen at the end of the hall I walk to my room to avoid her only to walk into her packing a suitcase full of my cloths which are now laying on my bed.

"Mom... what is all this" I ask her with slight worry beginning to build in my mind.

"These are your cloths Axil" She replies quickly without even glancing back at me.

"Yes mom I can see they are my cloths, I mean why are you packing them into a suit case" I ask agitated by her original response.

"I have had enough of you causing trouble Axil, I tried alot to make it work but you always do something" my mom turning around looking back at me. "I cannot trust you with anything anymore, you don't seem to care about the consequences and just do whatever you like and it won't fly with me anymore, I am done with it" she says quickly before turning around to finish packing my cloths.

"Mom... are you kicking me out" I ask her with shock.

"No Axil, I am sending to you to a camp where they can take better care of you and hopefully fix your trouble maker behavior" she replies while turning around and handing me the suit case before walking back to the front door with her suit case waving her hand hinting me to follow.

"I don't want to go mom.." I say slowly walking past her and out the door she is holding open.

"You don't have a choice Axil" she replies walking to the car opening the trunk before going to the drivers seat and getting in.

I quietly put my suit case in the car and go sit next to her in the front of the car as she pulls out and begins the drive to the so called camp. which reminded me a question I wished to ask her. "What is the camp called Mom" I ask staring out the window at the cars we drive past.

"Camp Half-Blood" was all she replied to me with.