

There were a place in Lautoranon where a Alcorizasei-rich family clan which had governed the city since 2002. In Lautoranon, here's come this family of a Journalist, Philip Aboitiz which has a son named Marco Aboitiz and a 2 siblings and a loving wife named, Ariya. Philip Aboitiz known as the most good journalist in their city and received a lot of recognitions. His son, Marco adore his father so much. Philip is one of the appointed journalist of Kristopher Ramos who's running for provincial governorship for the upcoming 20** election. His father who were one of the 32 local journalist, travelled in the convoy together with Kristopher Ramos and his relatives, supporters to filed his election nomination papers but the convoy was attacked, leaving 47 dead in a massacre, including his father.