
Solitary Vampire

It’s the year 2357 on earth and the world has been at war in a three battlefront against humanoid lizards gifted by magic called dragonkin, aliens that had far more advanced technology called the Xalorians, and the remnants of angels and demons called ShadowFallen.  No to mention the aggressive beasts that roam the universe Through the war humanity has grown too big to stay only on earth, having finally gone to space and occupied planets that one could only dream of, but the universe’s mysteries are far and wide but closer than you may think. Rosaline, a young 16 year old girl, had been given a book to her by her dead parents that had died on the battlefront against the dragonkin before humanity and the Xalorians signed a treaty in the name of ‘preventing’ war and to deal with the powerful dragonkin. Like that treaty had ever stopped war and the Xalorians being hostile towards humanity. But no matter how hard she tries to open the book it wouldn’t give her face, not even pouring acid. But one day just before she goes off to her new military school after middle school, she accidentally poked her hand and a drop of blood fell onto the book.  A system appeared giving her a chance to become stronger, thinking this was a miracle. What she didn't know at the time was that it turned her into something not human. A Vampire. ********************* This novel was inspired by a lot of different media that I have seen so you may see some similarities between them. I will make sure to mention and give credit to the media when that happens. Updates everyday at 16:00 EDT I will probably be able to pick this novel back up again in December of 2026.

PaperCatDragon · Võ hiệp
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61 Chs

Mechanical Angel

— -249 HP —

Her vision was fuzzy and dizziness hit her like a train.

It took a few seconds for her to get back up and move out of the small crater made in the wall.

During that, the knight was slowly walking towards Roseline.

'Hey System… do you even know what that thing is?'

— It is called a Mechanical Angel created by the Angle race. They were created from the scrap metal of a dying mechanical species as salvation. They are one of the 'subordinates' that belong to the angels. —

'So it can use the light element? Well, at least it's not darkness.'

Roseline got into the Steady Mountain position and drew in her focus.

— You may be able to defeat this enemy if you use Shadow merge. —

Roseline hesitated when she heard that.

The unpleasant memories of the Trial and bats came back and created an opening for the Mechanical Angel to attack because of her lost of focus.

As the sword closed in, Roseline snapped out of her memories and Shadow blinked to another part of the room.

The thought of just using Shadow merge bothered her a lot.

Losting control of one's own shadow wasn't fun.

'Roseline, Shadow merge will be in your control, not some other thing.'

But despite thinking so, the feeling of your own shadow crawling up and holding you down was spine-chilling.

Her body had a physical reaction from that event that stopped her from using Shadow merge.

'Come on, you can just use it! It's yours, not the damn bats.' Roseline's face contorted into an angry one towards herself.

Only a few seconds passed but the beast had already gotten to her.

It sent out a ball of light towards the shadow she was hiding in, shining light now it and exposing herself while taking away a safe spot.

Roseline put her hand in front of her eyes and scowled, using Shadow blink to move away again.

She only had enough mana for one more blink.

Unless she used Shadow merge.

And she knew that fact too, but it was hard to make a body that suffered trauma to listen to you.

She tried breathing in and out slowly, helping her heart and calming down.

Roseline moved to get out of the way of the sword and moved back constantly to make room against the Mechanical Angel.

'Come on, these shadows are now under your control.'

She slowly moved her body she continued to calm her mind.

'This isn't the drake, only you can control the shadow here.'

Roseline dodged yet another attack, her back hitting a wall.

'You can use Shadow merge, please let me try.'

Taking in another breath slowly, Roseline's shadow started to shake and climbed up her legs.

It went across her body and covered her like a suit of armor.

Her shadow, previously there, was now gone.

— -10 mana —

Her heart started to beat out of her chest from

The feeling, but Roseline beared with it for now.

Another swing was coming to her.

Roseline moved away once more before appearing behind the beast and punching its legs again.

This time with the help of the shadows, Roseline was able to make significant damage.

The Mechanical Angel lost it's balance a bit and stopped moving.

She punched it again and again before the beast fell onto one of it's knees.

With the beast fallen, Roseline ran towards the other leg to get them down more.


The Mechanic Angel's Core started to shine and light formed around its leg, making a shield.

But Roseline being reinforced with the Shadow affinity seemed to not care about it.

Soon they fell on to the floor itself.

'I can reach its head now!'

She ran to the front and faced the beast's front.

It glared at Roseline like it had greatly offended them.

'Heh, look who's fallen now.'

The beast used more of it's mana to make more shields around it's exposed Beast Core.

Roseline on the other hand was preparing to break through those defenses.

Getting back to Steay Mountiin form and moving all of her power to her fists, Roseline started running towards the beast hiding behind several shields.


Roseline hit the first shield and it easily went out.


The second and third one went out in a similar fashion.

Roseline hadn't stopped for a second and continue to punch her way through.

Every shiel that got close to her shattered from her punches.


She finally got passed that last shiel and ran faster to the Beast Core.

Seeing its enemy close to victory and it's death, the Mechanical Angel did one last trick as a suicide attack.

The mana in the Beast Core was all drained and gathered into a ball in front of the Core.

So much energy was packed into it looked like it would explode at any moment.

But Roseline ignored this, continuing to run to the Beast Core.

Just as she got near the beast, the ball of mana exploded and ruined the throne room.


— -100 HP —

——— SYSTEM ———


User has suffered to much damage.

Please get to a safe place and heal.


Dust was everywhere and Roseline couldn't see the result properly until it settled.

The Mechanical Angel sat there still, not moving one bit.

It's core was broken, showing that it was now dead.

——— SYSTEM ———

Defeat the Castle of The Bright.


Reward: +100 XP, 2 Star Light Affinity Beast Core


——— SYSTEM ———

Please leave the dungeon in 10 minutes.


The Beast Core of Light from before materialized in front of her.

Grabbing it and looking at it, Roseline was unsure how to feel.

Shadow merge deactivated and she returned to normal.

Weakness spread through her body from her low health.

'I'll check this out later…'

But she didn't have any mana to put it in her shadow.

She had 10 minutes left so perhaps she could go to the exit and recover mana there.

With that plan, she moved out to the portal where she once came from to avoid becoming trapped together with this dungeon.

Thank you for the power stones! Comment and critique my work. I hope you guys have a great day, evening, or night!

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