
So I Became Superman

Devin McCannon was just your average 28 year old guy. However, one day while reading his first ever owned Superman comic, everything changed...

Ellendria · Khác
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5 Chs

Path of A Hero

I watched as my five lottery tickets vanished, and five new things were added to my inventory.

[Gained Path of the Warrior Kryptonian Martial Arts Manual]

[Gained Path of the Warrior Kryptonian cultivation manual]

[Gained Sword of the Sun God growth weapon]

[Gained Yang Sun God cultivation passive skill]

[Gained Manga Artist Skill Level Max]

Once I confirmed the items in my inventory, I realized that I still needed to put out the fire from the building. Floating level with the side of the building, I took in a deep breath, and breathed out ice cold air towards the burning building. With a whooshing sound, and rapid lifting of the smoke, the fire was gone in a flash. Waving at the people down below on the ground again, I took off into the sky until I found a good building to sit on the roof of.

As I finally found a roof to sit on, I perused through my gains from the lottery draw and realized I'm on the path to become a God of the Sun. Cultivating sun energy, plus my natural Kryptonian passive ability to absorb sunlight to strengthen me, that's a double whammy. Now add the epic sword that grows stronger when empowered with sun energy and its obvious I'm gonna be a Sun God. That manga artist max skill level has got me laughing though. Now it's not just a cover, I could really be a manga artist. All in all, it's a good first haul. I'm looking forward towards my future draws.

While I was sitting on the edge of the roof, I was listening for some signs of trouble when I heard the voice of a little girl crying for help. Without a second thought I leaned forward and rocketed through the air off of the roof and in the direction of the child's crying. When I arrived at the scene, I found a little girl standing under a tree and a group of people were walking by and some would occasionally stop and watch the situation or call for help. Who was in need of help? Why a little baby kitty was stuck up in the tree and the little thing can't get back down. So, without further ado, I flew down to the tree and gently lifted the kitten into my hands. Lightly floating down to the ground, I stopped in front of the little girl, a little Asian girl and handed her the kitten. The look on her face was priceless, and I chuckled lightly as I took off into the air again after saying good bye.

After doing a couple hero things, I decided I needed to get back home. So, with a quick take off, I flew rapidly towards my rooftop apartment and landed on my balcony. After walking inside, and shutting my curtains, I turned off my persona and lay down on my bed with a contented sigh. I saved a little boy, put out a fire, and rescued a kitten. An interesting first day so far. I wonder what kinds of things that I'll be getting involved in next? Guess I'll just have to wait and see. For now, I'm going to relax and try out my manga artist skill. I'm interested in seeing what a max level skill looks like. To be honest, I'm pretty stoked and very anticipatory about what will happen. Here's hoping that it actually lives up to the hype!

Now that I've decided on doing manga art, now I need to decide on what I'm going to draw. Now it's time to begin brainstorming.

Here's another bite. I'll try writing another one soon. Stay tuned!

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