hunting is the worlds oldest sport. and one of the most important. hunters provided the essential sustenance to keep mankind alive in its infancy. and how does the modern world treat its oldest profession? its fallen out of favor in this day and age. an essential job that every people practiced is now religated to a sport for recreation rather then something out of desperation and necessity. it is now met with ridicule and scorn from modern people who buy their food at a grocery and never have to look their food in the eye when they take a life. everything has already been prepared for their consumption. someone else did the dirty work. that someone else is us. the hunters coven. its sad really? we had to be ashamed of being a hunter in our old world. and we have to be ashamed in this new one too. especially now that the food has rights. can speak. talk. and fire a gun back at you. but they all go down just the same at the end of our sight. meat is meat. the only question is will it be yours or theirs. we will be bringing home at the end of the hunt.. authors note- did this for the contest. was originally gonna go with show biz, but decided on sports because hunting for show biz is really niche. but the story will contain themes of game show and documentary. the setting is placed in a competition to hunt animals in another world. except with a twist. read to find out. additionally. i will try to post daily. maybe even twice a day. if i have a time. each chapter will be religated to a hunt. each volume will be a tour.
pls skip to the new prologue. this one is out of date. and was the first chapter i wrote and i was still finding my bearings.
( rough version will edit and fix later )
in order to get anywhere in life. you must push someone else down, in order to rise up. its simple logic.
the sun gives life to the plants on earth. they produce all their own food. from the flowing waters and nutrients in the lifeless earth.
animals come and rob their peaceful existance. devouring them. taking wat someone else made.
then some other larger fiercer animals. go and find the herds of peaceful herbivores and prey on the weak. the sick. the old. they where cowards like that. opportunists. they where the smart ones, this was the way to live.
and then noble man kind emerged. to devour even them. and when they died. all of nature was ours to plunder. for a thousand years.
until.. there was nothing left..
on earth..
a big smile washed across my face. i cant believe.. there was hope. it felt so warm. i thought every rock had already been overturned. and crushed.
but i was wrong. there was another world out there. maybe? many more too.
but i needed an offering a payment for the toll to get their. and here i was
breaking into this animal sanctuary. all of the large game in the uk had already been over hunted. wat was left of it was feircely protected with all the forest rangers might. the price for hunting one of these legally ranged in the thousands for a tag. it was even more expensive to hunt a healthy one or a rare one. to even dare shoot at one without a license could land you in jail for years. if not it would cost you thousands. and youd be ruined.
life was hard. food prices where going up they where the highest ive ever seen. we wouldnt have this issue if i could just go out and hunt for my food. but i was just too broke to afford a good tag. the water bill was abysmal if there was even clean water to drink. there was barely any power since the country was running out of coal and the generators kept breaking down since there wasnt much gas because of shipping issues. the price of the heater was enough to make sure you wished you could freeze to death with some dignity. and dont get me started on rent.
id rather be homeless. living in that apartment was hell. i cant stand those people. loud obnoxious. mean.. everyone pretended it was all a mask. i hated those liars. maybe one day. society will burn down and in its place a field of green full of food will emerge to clean up the mess my ancestors made.
oh well. ill get a world like that soon enough. just have to this 1 thing.
before me was one of the last few british elk.
took me all day to travel to cornwall. much nicer then londons suburbs. maybe if everything was like this. i could find some peace in modernity? but alas. everything else is just a polluted slum in this country. after the world was extracted for all its worth. we had no one else to steal from. so everything fell apart. how does? one rob the entire world and still end up poor?
it amazes me. how short sighted their greed was. and they say im being selfish by just wanting to put some food on my table. for 1 day at a time. hypocrites. all of them
enough internal monologue. maybe im just nervous and overthinking. im wondering if the offer is tru? could you really go to another world by just some rando on the web messaging you how to make a portal. the terms the rules and the game. it was some forum game. but people have gone missing playing it. maybe im just delusional trying to hope and play it. wishing it would take me away from all my problems. like life. work. rent. school... being alone. being sad. being bored worse of all. being peaceful...
i gritted my teeth repressed anger flowed threw my nuckles. not so peaceful anymore. i looked threw the enfields scope. zeroed in on a vital organ. this deer was sitting uncharacteristically still. i wonder why? maybe it was fate. maybe the stars aligned for me this one time..
maybe it was a trap..