
Slime dungeon

I died and become a red cute slime. join me as I conquer the whole world.

Moon_Granade · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

[] Chapter Twelve: The battle starts

I waited for something big too happen. But nothing happened. But I didn't have wait for long.

And soon after blue panels after blue panels started pooping up in front of me.

[Calculating Dungeon Power Level]

[Dungeon Power Level: 13]

[Saving dungeon]

[Dungeon Rank: Bronze V (0/100)]

[Choose Battle Mode:

• Abyssal Onslaught: In this battle mode, the dungeon is flooded with an endless stream of dark creatures emerging from the depths of the abyss. (Challenges will be chosen based on power level).

-> Squad

-> Duo

-> Single

Players have to pass the 3rd wave as a minimum grade to pass. Players will have a 1-minute break after each wave. Players can quit at any time, but they have to pass the 3rd wave.

Failure: Dungeon wipe out


- Treasure box

- Grace from God

- Skill books

- Dungeon damage complete recovery

• Energy Frenzy: Restrictions on casting spells and MP are nullified. Players, alongside their comrades, can cast their battle skills infinitely.


1. No information will be given about what players might face.

2. Challenges change every time.

3. Players won't be given any data until the game begins (challenges will be chosen by Dungeon Power Level).

-> Squad

-> Duo

-> Single

Failure: Dungeon wipe out


- Treasure box

- Grace from God

- Skill books

- Dungeon damage complete recovery

• PvP: Players will fight against other players in:

- 1vs1

- 2vs2

- 3vs3

until one team stands tall.

Failure: Dungeon wipe out


- Treasure box

- Grace from God

- Skill books

- Dungeon damage complete recovery]

[New functions will be available after the first battle:

• Global chat

• Tower of Infinity

• Awakening Cave

• Ranking

• Weekly rewards/monthly rewards

• Players shop

• Rune cave

• Equipment slot and rune slot

• Entry to "Ethereon" World]

[You have 3 minutes to choose the Battle Mode]

I carefully read all the notifications. " eh?!" I was confused for a second and gazed at it again.

And soon I started understanding things.

" I am not alone" I muttered gazing at the modes.looked at one word specifically.


" we really have to win!!"

I needed to choose wisely. After analyzing the options, I ruled out PvP as it carried the risk of encountering experienced and strategic players. Energy Frenzy seemed extremely challenging due to the removal of MP regeneration and skill cooldown restrictions, making it unpredictable and tough. Therefore, I decided to go with Abyssal Onslaught, which offered an infinite wave system with challenges based on the power level.

[Choose Mode:

-> Squad

-> Duo

-> Single

(Choosing this won't change the difficulty)

You have one minute before the system will choose one of them randomly.

The battle will be directly broadcasted.]

" Broadcasted?"

Not having much time to decide, I chose Squad mode I will about it later. As squad mode

it would increase our numbers and overall strength. I believed that facing the challenges together would increase our chances of survival. As soon as the timer hit zero.The black walls surrounding the dungeon disappeared.

On my right, a blue panel appeared, indicating the preparation time of 4:23. I noticed a 3x3 grid,on that three symbols can be.However, I didn't have much time to think about it as my attention was drawn to the surroundings.

To the left and right of my dungeon, I saw a small tree surrounded by a fence made of dried wood. Upon closer inspection. I saw small butterflies flying around upon closer look I realized they weren't butterflies but fairies!.

One fairy, dressed in red, stood out from the others. She approached me with two accompanying fairies, and a voice echoed

through me.

"Greetings, fellow comrade. Mind if we talk for a bit?"

Surprised, I nodded my head and the fairy and her companions flew towards us. Meanwhile, I took a quick glance at the neighboring dungeons. I sighed in relief at other ones misfortune, one of them had a formation that seemed disadvantageous, completely facing my dungeon instead of the dark abyss. A red big ant can be seen facing at me with dumbfounded look in his eyes.However, I didn't have time to dwell on it as the fairy reached my side.

"Hello, nice to meet you," I muttered.

The fairy wore an odd expression but replied with a smile, "It's nice to meet you too."

The awkward silence lingered for a moment until the fairy broke it, "Apologies for this, but we are running out of time."

She introduced herself as a member of the Forest Spirit race, skilled in illusion and buffing spells but lacking in offensive capabilities. She proposed a deal: they would stay behind my dungeon, increasing our survivability, and offer ten spirit stones in return.

" I'm the Eraa, a spirit race. We are skilled in illusion and buffing abilities but we lack offensive credibility" She spoke seriously.

I nodded my head I can already guess what she may be thinking.

" let's propose a deal slime king, let us stay behind your dungeon. You already seen the grid function right?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

" It's allocating dungeon, Let us stay behind your. We will work together. And in exchange of this i will provide you ten of our spirit stones" She spoke calmly.

But I know very well how desperate she is.

I carefully considered her offer and replied, "Ten spirit stones isn't bad, but I can agree on one condition. You must leave your dungeon completely and aid us in our formation."

A gleam of joy appeared on her beautiful face, catching me off guard. However, I couldn't help but acknowledge her beauty. She accepted the condition, and they flew back to their base.

Meanwhile, the other two neighboring dungeons also noticed the fairy's arrival. And a red ant along side a muddy figure can be seen gazing at me.

"I am Ant Lord, and Mult (Mud Mauler) and I have already discussed the formation. Mult agreed to be in the front since they lack long-range capabilities, while I will stay right behind you. The Forest Spirits and I will stay behind your dungeon."

The massive voice echoed through my mind, and I understood its message. I nodded in agreement, and the ant informed me that they were approaching.

The ant Lord and his fellow ants marched toward my dungeon, and I calmed down the alarmed slimes. I was worried about their ability to swim as my formation was surrounded by water, but to my relief, they navigated it easily.

Soon, all the ants and Forest Spirits appeared, with ten ants in total and nine Forest Spirits. The Forest Spirits adjusted quickly due to their small size, while the ants faced some difficulty. After some consideration, we decided on the following formation.

The spirit race had 13 of them. As tiny as they are the core and powerful ones stayed on the kings layer and rest of hovered on the sky. As for the 11 ants. They had struggled to sqeeez in. And as soultion only the stronger one stayed on the formation and for the rest they directly positioned them self on the 3rd halfway submarged in water.

As for the mults dungeon in front of me. I was kinda shocked seeing this as it can't even be considered a dungeon as. There whole so called dungeon is just a dense muddy water. As the maulers (the race). They are totally invisible in water.

" That's how there race has survived" Eraa spoke and down on my head.

I didn't mind and fufu it kinda felt weirdly good as a beauty is sitting on me.

As the timer reached [00:35,]

the black abyss turned into a visible cave. Next to my dungeon, there was only a black wall, devoid of any other elements. This lack of open paths offered both an advantage and a disadvantage. The monsters would have no way to retreat, but the same applied to us and the other dungeons.

time reached [00:00]

Suddenly, howling and growling sounds emanated from the dark void, indicating the approaching monsters.

[To be continued...