
Spreading Wings.

Looking at the map of the known continent, William took a deep breath. Tracing his finger over the Kaedweni province, especially behind the Blue Mountain that had already become coastal land, he found a patch of terrain that was very different from the franchise in which he was reincarnated.

The Winterhold region is its name, one of the nine regions of Skyrim that harbors the same mysticism as Ban Ard of Kaedwen. It is a place where those who can harness Magicka gather to study and enhance their ability to wield magic.

A place that was not supposed to be on the map, yet there it stood proudly. It owed its existence to the second conjunction of the spheres, which struck their continent fifty years ago, shifting tectonic plates and creating a new patch of land that changed the Witcher world as he once knew it.

Sighing again, for the umpteenth time over the confusion this world had, William rolled up the map and placed it in his traveling bag. Sitting on the wooden chair beside the campfire of his home, he began to reminisce about his subsequent past lives.

Born into a good family, he is just a normal young man who spends the majority of his life in front of the computer. Gaming, watching anime, and reading web novels are what he does. Until finally, his timely death brings his being into the next life.

In the next life, he reincarnated and became a student in BNHA. Not as a broken, overpowered person, but as an ordinary student in Class 1-H, where the worth of students is based on the support they give to the heroes.

Endowed with the power or Quirk to sense danger ahead of others, he becomes the favorite of Principal Nezu. However, succumbing to the large-scale attack of Tomura Shigaraki version 2.0, William then passes on to the next life, unable to react.

In the next life, which is very short, he becomes a soldier in the Garrison Regiment. Not much can be said, other than he dies fighting the first titan using ODM, when Wall Maria is breached by the Colossal Titan.

And finally, for the third life of his reincarnation, he arrives in this world—a Witcher world mixed with Skyrim, where the bestiary of monsters keeps piling up due to the second conjunction of the spheres.

This event also prompts many northern kingdoms to re-activate the Witcher program. It makes many mages, in need of money and a license to conduct experiments on their death row, eager to try.

Not only that, but the discovery that their continent is neighboring another empire is also another reason to re-activate that program. Perhaps due to the desperate state of the northern kingdom, being sandwiched between two behemoths, they resort to this thing again.

Taking a deep breath, William turned his face toward the burning fireplace. Looking deeply at the crackling fire that kept glowing and blazing, he too felt like his soul was still burning like the firewood. With three lives and three different worlds, he still retained his memory perfectly.

It still confuses him as to how he is able to keep reincarnating. Is it because of some god out there who is bored and in need of entertainment? Is it because he is just lucky, and the nether realm is currently busy, making some kind of error? Or is it because of their Earthling specialty that makes them able to reincarnate with memory intact? William doesn't know.

But one thing is for sure: all of those existential questions are not important right now. Because he just needs to survive and experience what this world has to offer. It might be hard because the Quirk from his second life is lost, and he lost his agility of hooking in the air from place to place using ODM. However, he believes that something out there will propel him from an ordinary person into someone who can defend against Eredin, Dettlaff, Miraak, or even Alduin's attacks.

So, slinging the traveling bag onto his shoulder, William doused the fire and headed to the exit of his deceased parent's house. He wanted to try his last chance in the new continent, away from Oxenfurt, Redenia, his hometown.

"So, this is goodbye then?"

Strapping the horse tightly, William then turned toward Priscilla and simply said, "Yes."

Seeing the constant tears streaming down her face, William let out a long breath and turned around, not wanting to make this breakup more painful for her. But not a second after he tried to get up on the horse, his face suddenly pulled toward her.

Feeling the moist lips, with the sweetness of a cherry, for a full minute without stopping, he then hears Priscilla's broken voice, "After the tour is over, I will go find you."

Breaking the contact, William shook his head, saying, "Don't. It is too dangerous. There will be many monsters on the road."

Checking his silver katana and steel katana on the saddle, he turns his gaze back to crying Priscilla, "Those are your dreams. Ever since I've known you."

Taking a deep breath and looking ahead toward the road out of Oxenfurt, William continues, "And don't let this selfish guy be the center of your decision, Priscilla. So, enjoy your tour and performance, okay?"

Seeing her nod, William stretches out his arms to wipe the tears from her face. Ruffling her blonde hair, he then says the final goodbye, "Take care of yourself, Callonetta."

Getting on the horse and galloping lightly out of Oxenfurt, he then hears the low reply, "Be well, my starlight."

Hearing his favorite poetic nickname, William stops his horse for a second and then resumes the light galloping.

Exiting the Oxenfurt castle gate, after saying farewell to the guard, William took out the map of the known continent from his horse saddlebag. Calculating that he needs about two months to reach the Winterhold city by traveling with a boat from Aard Morhen, he took a deep breath.

Opening his purse filled with gems and coins, with mostly gems, he then calculates that his travel expenses would not be able to cover his tutelage expenses later in the college. So, with no other choice, William decides to follow through with the plan, making money along the way.

Luckily, the order for the silver katana and steel katana is already complete, making him able to defend himself if the need arises. The little bit of experience transferred from living in the AOT world, using Ultrahard steel, allows him to wield the blade more easily.

Coupled with his sharp instinct that he deduces comes from his past Quirk, he can be considered an above-average ordinary person. So, William is not that afraid of encountering monsters along the way without paying for the escort of a Witcher or Semi-Witcher.

By taking on contracts, like other Witchers should have, his traveling expenses can be covered. This would ease his monetary burden to pay for the tuition, which might cost a large amount of money. Even though his savings from selling the house and what was left of his parent's legacy are enough for him to live comfortably for two decades.

Trotting through the open field of the ridgeway for four hours straight, he finally arrived at the first village on his journey. Looking up at the noon sky since he departed in the morning, William decided to execute his plan to save up some money.

Taking his bulging purse and tying it to his leather armor belt to always bring with him as a precaution against thievery, William made sure it was secured safely at his hip. Then, taking the dual katana from his saddle, he equipped them around his waist, one on each side.

Looking at the silver katana tied around his waist, he couldn't help but remember the constant bickering between him and his parents when he told them that he wanted to be a Witcher. Especially the time when he tried to run away from home but was caught by the sorceress acquaintance of his deceased father.

Chuckling and rubbing his backside, he still remembers the painful lesson that person brought just to teach him a lesson. And since then, William never bothered to think about being a Witcher, making him already too old to undergo the Trial of the Grasses.

As for being a sorcerer himself, he doesn't have the talent, or more specifically, he doesn't have the Source to wield that Chaos magic. And the fact that he doesn't have the money and expertise to cross half of the continent to go to the new continent of Skyrim to gamble his chance away in Winterhold College is also an issue.

So, because of that, for the majority of his life, he is cooped up being just a normal civilian, living beside his professor father and housewife mother. Until they succumbed to the Catriona Plague, leaving him alone as a teenage orphan.

Taking a deep breath, William then shook his head and focused his sight once again on the road, not wanting to remember the heartbroken event. Taking the reins of the horse, he then whipped the horse to go faster.

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