
Chasing My Tail

"I'm acquiescing this phase, weighing me down with it's waiting"

Date: 07-21-2028

Location: Phillip's Apartment, Los Angeles, CA

Phillip Brent is a 24 year old songwriter living in Los Angeles. A mediocre celebrity, he still gets by enough to have a nice apartment and some nice weed, though this could be because his boyfriend is a famous actor. Today his best friend, Sarah Mcain, stopped by for a visit. She and Phillip have been best friends since pre-school and are inseparable. After getting a few rips from the bong phillip kisses his boyfriend goodbye as he and Sarah head to the beach.

As they get to the beach they see their group of friends waiting for them with weed. They smoke and laugh for a good few hours. Eventually one of their friends, named Quentin (this will be important later), tells them of a drug so psychedelic that it can make you see the past almost perfectly. Phillip calls bullshit on it, but Quentin said that it was stolen by doctors that specialize in dementia treatment. Phillip was about to argue again but gets a call from his boyfriend asking him to come back to the apartment. Phillip and Sarah say goodbye to their friends and head back to the apartment. Sarah drops phillip of in her car, Phillip says good night to Sarah and heads into the apartment. Once inside his unit he gets slapped by his boyfriend and falls to the floor. "What the fuck was that about" Phillip asked his boyfriend, Daren, "that's what you get for staying out almost all night again" darren spat back. "Darren im a fully grown six foot three man, i dont have a curfew" "you do living here almost completely rent free" Darren retorted "fuck this shit man I'm out" Phillip says going to pack his bags. "WAIT, Phil babe, im sorry please please don't leave me" Darren says starting to cry. Phillip looks back at his crying boyfriend and starts to feel guilty, and goes to comfort Darren.

"Thats right i got you wrapped around my fingers stupid bitch" Darren says in his head. "Now to take care of that god awful Sarah woman..."