

In a world of heroes and villains that define good and evil, Steven is given a strange system that allows him to acquire different abilities that opens a door into the unknown by walking his own path. English is not my native language so I apologize for the possible problems, but I still hope you enjoy the story. It will have adult content, but it will not only focus on that, it is also my first novel, I hope you will be patient with me as soon as I am discovering my writing style. I will try to upload 3 chapters per week, but they will be uploaded on weekends. If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787

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9 Chs


Steven got to his apartment, took off his tattered and dirty clothes, throwing them in the trash, because they were already useless, took a shower, and healed his wounds. These were superficial, so he just sanitized them with some rubbing alcohol.

When he finished, he made himself a simple meal and ate while watching television. Most of the channels were reporting the bomber attack on the city with images of chaos and destruction everywhere. They also reported the death of the perpetrator of this destruction but were unaware of the details, especially the murderer.

Steven listened to the news as if it had nothing to do with him, even the fact of having murdered a person for the first time did not cause him any pangs of conscience or discomfort, it was something natural or at least that's how he felt, but he didn't know the real reason.

It turns out that the calm he feels is not entirely natural, but has to do with the skill he recently acquired, "Range Weapon Handling". A well-known phrase in the world is, "The master of close combat is hot-blooded, but the master of ranged combat is cold-blooded."

It is a very simple sentence to understand, close combat generates adrenaline, therefore, you are in a state of euphoria or "Hot Blood", on the other hand, distance combat needs precision, and for that, you need little passion or emotion, that is, "Cold Blood", or your attack would fail, for this reason, Steven did not feel heaviness or remorse when taking a life, because he thought that the bomber deserved it and the ability helped him.

After eating while watching the news, he turned off the television and went to his computer. He needed the plan to develop better, now he had abilities, but he didn't want to become a "Hero" like many in the world, much less wanted to be a villain.

He was clear about what he wanted, he would certainly help as much as he could to avoid crime, because as he was a normal person he understood the difficulties for civilians, but he also did not want to put himself in the public eye like the heroes, therefore, he decided to help from shadows at best.

Although he decided this, it did not mean that he would walk the streets as an underground hero, he knew the dangers that represented and he did not want to have such a troubled life.

Now he had money and despite not being disgustingly rich, the 5 million he received from the sale of Traveler is not negligible, it is still a large amount, but he had to find how to multiply it.

He searched for hours for different solutions, but his business skills limited him, so he took another approach. After much reading and research, he decided to invest the money and had found suitable candidates to handle these investments, so he picked up the phone and made an appointment.

The next morning, Steven got off the subway and walked to a 10-story building in the business area of ​​the city. "Hello my name is Steven Wright and I have an appointment for today," he said approaching the reception.

After a few minutes, the lady at the reception phoned and when she hung up the call she said, "Mr. Wright, they'll come to receive you in a few moments, can you wait a bit?" Steven just nodded his head and went to sit down at some nearby furniture.

About 5 minutes later, he was approached by a middle-aged man neatly dressed in a jacket and tie who, extending his hand, introduced himself, "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Wright, I'm Castor Benet and I'll be with you today."

Steven got up from his seat and took Castor's hand. After a little idle chat, they went up to the eighth floor where Castor's office was. Sitting opposite each other, the meeting began.

Kaill Investments is a company dedicated to managing operations in shares, bonds, and similar products. Its founder and CEO is Amanda Kaill, a 35-year-old woman who has established a name in the industry.

They certainly aren't comparable to the world's largest investment brokerage firms, but they have a good reputation for multiplying their clients' investments and that's what Steven was looking for.

From his research he knew that investments were volatile and dangerous, they could make you a lot of money in a single transaction, as well as leave you with nothing in the same way, that's why a reputable and trustworthy company was needed for this matter.

"So, Mr. Wright, what kind of investment are you interested in and what capital are you planning to invest?" Castor asked without decora. "I plan to invest 3 million, of which 2 million I want low-risk investments, and the remaining million can be risked a little," Steven replied calmly.

"Any industry or investment in mind?" Castor continued to inquire about Steven's intentions, to which the latter replied, "I have no preferences, I'll leave that to you, I just want to increase my wealth."

Castor understood and proceeded to explain how the operation was. Steven didn't quite understand, but he had the general idea. They would basically manage their money by buying and selling stocks, bonds, and similar products trying to make a profit.

The fees were for commission, 3% of the transaction that was made upwards, plus 10,000 monthly credits. If the investment did not go well, no commission is charged and well many discussions would have to be done, that was not important, Steven was not looking to lose money and if it happened, he would think about it when it was time.

After an hour of explanations, Steven agreed to the conditions and signed the contract, shook hands with Castor, and said goodbye. He would transfer the money the next day as agreed and he was happy because that money would be his income generator from now on.

He still had 2 million free and already knew what to do with them. After a long train ride, he came to a small car workshop. He quickly went inside and looked up the owner with whom he spoke for a good two hours, before signing a sales contract.

Steven had already talked to the owner of this place yesterday and all the employees had left several days ago since they knew that the owner was selling, which saved Steven trouble since he was not planning to use this place to repair cars.

His intention was to turn this workshop into his little laboratory. He certainly had fun learning new things thanks to his ability, but he needed to have practice, as an engineer there was no better happiness than building one of your ideas and that's what this workshop was for.

With all the paperwork done and now with the property in his name, he returned home. He immediately logged into his computer and bought various pieces of equipment the workshop didn't have, spending another half a million credits leaving only 700,000 credits in his account.

Ironically Steven was not hurt by spending so much money, people would think that being a normal person until recently would be more aware of money, but this was because, Steven did not consider this an expense, but an investment, he was convinced that it would generate more money that he bought today.

The next day he got ready and left home for a car dealership. He didn't mind using the train, but now he didn't lack money and since he would travel to his workshop every day, he needed a more comfortable means of transportation, since it was a long distance.

He did not want to spend a lot of time buying a car, not because they did not attract his attention, but because he thought that with a little money, he could build a car with all the tastes he wanted, so he limited himself to buying a robust, wide and safe, with few luxuries.

Although the truck did not seem luxurious, its power, speed, comfort, and safety characteristics were impressive, the 100,000 credits that it cost guaranteed it, and it can be considered a mid-range car.

With his new truck, he arrived at the workshop and started working. Some time ago he thought of a project to work on "Drones". At present, there were many types of drones with different technologies, but the most advanced ones belonged to powerful high-tech organizations and the military, but in a society with so much unrest from strange powers, drones were never complete.

His objective was to create a combat drone, with luck he could sell it and earn a fortune, but that was the idea, creating them would require effort and time, but right now those were the resources he had the most.

While he worked, in an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of the city, 3 suspicious-looking guys met and they did not predict anything good. If Steven saw them he would be surprised because they were identical to the bomber he had killed.

It turns out they were his 3 twin brothers, in fact, they had the ridiculous name of "The 4 bombs", but losing their brother now they were angry and hungry for revenge.

Although they did not know who their brother's murderer was, they decided like all the mentally disturbed in this world to take revenge on the world and they were organizing a plan to blow up the city.

Their plan was simple and dangerous, they would plant 5 bombs in different parts of the city. Strategic points that would do the same damage as a level 9 earthquake, which would be devastating.

If you want to support me or see chapters in advance, visit my pa--tron where there are chapters a week in advance in Spanish and English. patreon.com/user?u=25488787