

We are all born with selfish desires, so we can all relate to those feelings in others. But kindness is something that is created individually by each person...so it's easy to misunderstand when others try to be kind to you.....

sorellanza · Kinh dị ma quái
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2 Chs


jun opened her eyes and found herself in the janitor's closet."where am i? where they bring me?" jun mumbled while she went in front of the door and tried to open it but it was locked from outside. "help me someone help me open the door" jun was yelling and asking for help.she was banging the door.

Suddenly someone opened the door. And it was Jun's class teacher. "Jun! What are you doing here? And is it someone hit you again? Come with me and tell me who did this" said the teacher as she led her away. June freed her hand from the teacher's hand "I'm fine. No one hurt me. I accidentally locked it in there. I have to go" she said and walked away.After school June goes to a park near her house. She cries for hours and then she goes home.

It is midnight. lina has a party at home. All her friends and close people are here. Jun is also here but as a waitress. She is serving drinks to everyone.Jun was carrying drinks, while one of Lia's friends was talking on the phone and pacing the hall. Suddenly she bumped into Jun and all the drink fell on her clothes. "don't you have eyes? Do you know how expensive this dress is?" she shouted at Jun. Everyone was looking at them.

"It's your fault. I was going and you bumped into me. You should have been careful." Jun said with a straight face. "You dirty bitch, how dare you talk to me like that," said the friend. she is about to slap Jun but Jun grabs her hand. But suddenly Lina came and slapped Jun so hard. "How dare you bitch. How dare you treat her like this? Apologize to her" Lina yelled at Jun, knocking her to the ground. With tears in her eyes, Jun apologized and left.

Jun ran into the library and sat down in a corner and began to cry.

Jun slept while crying . Suddenly she was woken by the sound of the door closing. she saw a man dressed in black coming towards her. June got up and walked past. But the man grabbed her by the waist and pushed her against the wall. "Where are you going babygirl huh. Stop struggling. Let's have some fun" the man said while touching her body badly. "Let go of me... someone help me" Jun started screaming. The man grabbed June's face with one of his hands. And he started undressing Jun. Jun was trying to run but couldn't. That's when she saw a candle holder and somehow hit the man on the head with it. The man screamed in pain and fell to the floor. The man's head was bleeding profusely.

The man was moaning in pain and trying to get up but Jun just hovered over him and started hitting the man repeatedly with the candle holder. "How dare you? How dare you touch me. I'll kill you today how dare you" June was yelling and hitting the man with the candle holder until she was satisfied. While that man was screaming his heart out until he died. No one could hear anything because of the music. Jun comes to her senses and realizes she just killed the man. Jun sees her hands, face and clothes are bloody. she dropped the bloody candle holder from her hand and continued to step backward until her back was pinned to the wall. "What have I done... I killed her.What will I do now. If aunty finds out. What will I do" she was muttering in fear.

And suddenly out of blue someone said in a husky voice "Do you need any help??"