
Me, Myself, and Death

Max left, and this time, he went to the Black market again. But this time around he went to search for someone who was already in the Black market. And not too long later, he actually found him.

Max approached from behind and patted the young child's head as he said. 

"Close your eyes, child." Before the kid could react, Mac used his spirituality to dig into Monster's mind, and then let the aura of the Amalgamation of All to take effect and suppress the volatile Beyonder characteristic in his body. Though, this would only last for another day or so, it was still enough to cause a visibly shaken reaction from the child.

"Y- y- you, w- w- what d- did you d- do?" He asked, stuttering his words due to the shock, as tears filled his innocent eyes and he suddenly felt as though something was stuck in his through, barely allowing him to finish his sentence.

He could feel it. More like, he could no longer feel it. He could no longer see the deaths of everything and everyone around him. He could see, normally.

He could finally… live normally.

"If you want to know, then come with me. I must remind you to make your decision quickly since what I have done is only temporary and will disappear after a day or so."

"No wait! I will come with you mister!" the boy yelled as he quickly stood, wiping the tears from his face and rushing to follow behind Max, who had already stood up and began walking away.

'Unfortunately, Klein, you will not meet Monster this time around…' Max lampooned as he brought the child to a restaurant and made him eat some food.

Klein, the person in question was currently practicing shooting at the Nighthawk's place, before he would return to his house.

July 3rd, 1349 of the Fifth Epoch

Young Ms. Audrey Hall; also known as Ms. Justice, had just successfully brewed a potion before being called away from a few moment, only for her pet Susie to drink it and successfully become a Spectator before Audrey herself, who later brewed a second potion for herself and also advanced to a Beyonder.

In the seas beyond Pritz Harbour, an ancient sailboat was docked at the harbour of an island that was perennially surrounded by storms.

Alger had made the decision to patrol the seas by becoming the captain of the Blue Avenger, instead of returning to the church's headquarters and becoming the captain of a Mandated Punisher's team, or even a reputable bishop.

Alger had successfully advanced to Sequence 7: Seafarer!

July 4th, 1349 of the Fifth Epoch

Max was currently teaching Ademisaul how to better control his powers. Unfortunately, despite having read the Lord of Mysteries novel, Max had no clue what the potion formula for Sequence 9 of the Wheel of fortune was. All he could do was ask at the Tarot Club, or approach the Rose School of Thought.

Most likely, Klein should be able to get the potion formula sooner or later, and in exchange, Max would just need to find some of Emperor Roselle's diary. Well, he had already asked his 'business friends' back in Backlund and already had around 4 pages he had successfully collected from them over the past year, but it was better to use it as payment for something he wanted, rather than leaving an open-ended favour to the fool, who might just throw some random advice he already knew at him as repayment.

For the time being thought, Max could continue to sustain injecting Ademisaul with the faintest bits of the uncompressed black mist from the Amalgamation of All. This would prevent him from suddenly fainting on the spot of bleeding from the eye when he did not want it.

In fact, Max also handed him an iron bracelet that might seem rather cheap, but that was only so that no one would steal it off him. It had a drop of the black liquid from his Sefirot. Being as concentrated as it was, it would gradually give off trace amounts of black mist and should be able to last at least a week before Max needed to replace it.

This way, he would be fine even if Max were to somehow end up in deep trouble and unable to reach him fast enough. At least for a week or so.

'I could have put a solidified piece of black tar inside the bracelet, but it would have either instantly shattered the bracelet, or become a beacon signal for some Angel or God to locate me.' Max mused inwardly as he continued to teach Ademisaul about mysticism and Beyonders, and how to make proper use of his powers, even if he was forever stuck as a Half-Monster; a Sequence 9 of the Wheel of Fortune pathway.

Max knew Klein would join the Divination club, but he did not intend on searching for him just yet. Instead, he wanted to wait for a few more days until Klein's freakish speed of understanding mysticism allowed him to learn enough methods of divination to actually be useful to him.

July 8th, 1349 of the Fifth Epoch

It was a Sunday afternoon, a rather peaceful time in most areas of Tinge. Not for some thought, like the Divination club where Klein had just recently signed up to. There were a lot more divination members present today, for the sole reason that most of them were freed from their jobs or businesses by this point of the week, and especially at this point int time.

Max had already entered, and was chatting away with the receptionist; Angelica, about the situation of the divination club. Suddenly, he saw Klein exit to Topaz room and give the exciting piece of information to the depressed lady in a black veil who had been searching for news about her fiancé.

Excited and somewhat afraid, she paid Klein and rushed out of the door, not knowing she had paid a bit extra, but she frankly did not care.

Klein was at a slight loss for words, but then smirks and gave the fees owed to the divination club, as well as a tip to the receptionist.

It was at this moment that Max made his presence known as he cleared his thought.

"Ms. Angelica, you did not tell me we had a new member here? And one that seems rather skilful from the performance just now."

"Ah! Mr. Verstappen, how could I have forgotten! This is Mr. Moretti. He just joined us a few days ago, and is actually really skilful. You should definitely take his help in whatever it is that has been bothering you."

Angelica leaned closer to Klein and whispered.

"He had been coming to our club almost every day and had made every single member make a divination for him, but he seems unsatisfied every time he leave, yet ends up coming back here. Here is clearly searching for something or someone. Perhaps you could help him?"

However, Klein just stood on his spot, frozen in utter shock and disbelief.

'Mr. Death!!!??'

Chapter length: 1193 words

I began to realise my own inferiority when I was trying to write my own Tarot club episode that was skipped over in the original. Wow, it is really tough. So tough that I have yet to finish the chapter after a week of being stuck on it... What to do... what to do... no idea... what to do...

Shadow_Maguscreators' thoughts
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