

Both groups sit down on the bench.

"…13 14 15…" Admiral Bunretsu counts them. "…16. Looks like everyone is here. You can take it from here, Maruwa." Admiral Kyoritsu nods.

"So today we will do the regular training program again. First off is 40 minutes hand to hand combat without use of your GP, and secondly you will train your GP for the remaining 80 minutes. Everyone has a personal schedule for that so you should know what you need to do."

"Want to train together Hakai?" Kenkou asks him.

Hakai smiles and nods. "At least I'm still allowed to do this."

Everyone is training, and the time quickly passes. The Admirals are talking to each other.

"So, about Hakai.." Admiral Kyoritsu starts "He is not in my group, but I know about the stuff with his GP."


"My question was, will you ever allow him to train with it? Because he doesn't smile often anymore, and I think that is the reason."

Admiral Bunretsu looks at Hakai and Kenkou. "I have been thinking about some private training sessions with him, so he can learn to control his GP better."

"When will you do that?"

"Probably after the one on one battles this Friday. I will still let him join them if he wants, since Kenkou is joining too."

Admiral Kyoritsu looks at his arm, as if he had a watch.

"Looks like time is almost up. Should I ring the bell?"


The sound of the bell alerts everyone, and they return to the bench. Most of them get some water before sitting down.

"So, next up is GP training, and again you should all know what you need to work on. Power, endurance, distance,…" Admiral Kyoritsu starts mumbling out a lot of different training types, and Admiral Bunretsu snags the paper which he is reading from off him.

"You should all get it by now, just get out there on the field."

Everyone stands up, except for Hakai and Kenkou. Hakai notices that Kosoku is looking at him, but only for a split second.

A silence falls on the bench, until Kenkou tries to break it.



"I just realised that in the few weeks that we've been in this Battalion together, you never fully explained how your GP works."

"Same goes for you."

Kenkou is a bit thrown off by the answer.

"My GP? Oh, it's really simple. I can heal someone's wounds when I make skin contact with them, and the speed of the healing depends on the amount of skin contact."

Hakai looks surprised. "That sounds really strong."

"It is, but it can only be used on a single person at once, and I get really tired when I need to heal major wounds." She tries to make it seem her GP isn't as good, but Hakai is still amazed.

"Even with those drawbacks, it's still really good. Like, you can heal people that would normally be in the hospital for days."

"I guess that's true, but now I want to know about your GP. I asked first you know." She sounds slightly desperate to change the topic, but Hakai doesn't really notice this.

"Yeah that's right. So basically…" Hakai creates a small, black ball with a red outline above his finger. "I can create these void spheres from my hands."

Kenkou looks at it from different angles. "Wait so, it's a 3D ball, but…"

"You can see the red outline as if it were a two dimensional circle." Hakai interrupts her.


"I don't really know why that is. Anyway, anything that this ball touches gets completely destroyed, and I can control the size of the ball myself."

Kenkou looks at him in anticipation, waiting for more.

"Hmm? That's all there is to it, well, simplified at least. But I don't want to explain it in detail right now." The void is suddenly gone. "Oh and I can make it go away instantly, no matter the size."

"I kind of understand why they don't want you to use this on people, but to completely prohibit you from training is overdoing it."

"Yeah, I guess I just have to find a way to use it, without completely destroying my opponent."

They both look at the battle field, where everyone is fighting with their flashy powers.

"Kosoku's Hyper Speed is really something." Kenkou says. "She can attack everyone without them even noticing."

"Except for Yosoku."

"Ah that's right. Even though his Future Sight only works for 3 seconds, he would still be able to see where she will end up. Too bad they never fight."

Suddenly, a blue tinted, half-transparent barrier appears between Kenkou and Hakai.

"Sorry you two!" Toumei Kabe shouts at them from a distance. "Didn't notice you there when I made a barrier." The barrier gets a bit smaller and moves to the side.

"Toumei's barrier is also really cool. I heard it gets stronger as it gets smaller, and that he can cover himself and a few others in a near unbreakable one." Kenkou shows amazement in her eyes.

"Would be really useful for saving people."

Time passes while Kenkou and Hakai talk about the GPs of the others, and the training session has come to an end. Everyone goes to their other classes, and the day flies by.

It's evening, and everyone is eating dinner at their tables.

"So, how did your training go today?" Kenkou asks Toumei and Yosoku.

"As usual." Yosoku replies. "I try to predict when Niku will transform or attack me, and dodge accordingly. I've been getter better at it lately so I'm on the right track."

"And you, Toumei?"

"Paired up with Kosoku today, I'm working on reactively creating small barriers to stop her movement. It's really hard to do on somethi…" Toumei corrects himself. "Ahem, someone that fast."

"I should really get to know everyone better." Kenkou suddenly changes the topic. "I don't even know about some of the GPs from the other group."

Yosoku nods.

"That is actually a good idea." Says Toumei. "If we can get to know each other and our GPs better, we could one day use combinations of powers to fight."

"Kenkou could just hold on to someone and heal them while they fight."

"I'd only do that with someone I trust, since you know how it works."

Yosoku laughs, a bit too loud.

"Yeah I get that."

Dinner time is over and everyone returns the empty plates and glasses. They go into the hallway with their rooms, on floor 3.

"Did you tell Kosoku to set her alarm on 4:15 for tomorrow?" Hakai asks Kenkou as they walk through the hallway.

"Yeah I did. She seemed really excited about it so I doubt she'd forget it."

"Ah okay that's good. Well, good night." Hakai opens the door to room 303, his room.

"Sleep well Hakai!" Kenkou walks past room 306, which has a sign that reads 'Kosoku Ryokou'. She goes to room 307.

The lights of all the rooms are getting turned off one by one, and everyone goes to sleep.

Chapter 3


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