
Dang Thuggin tale of the Legendary Carp

Thuggin was a fish with no battle spirit a cripple one can say... and just like any other day he was mercilessly beaten for being weak only to be laughed at by all his peers when they saw how useless he was... although being part of the royal carp bloodline he was looked down upon by his peers and even hated by his own family a disgrace one can say...

Walking home with bruises, cuts on his clothes, and even a black eye he somehow pressed on eventually passing out on his hardwood floor as soon as he reached his house, but when all hope was lost a golden light enveloped his body activating what is now known as... The Divine Carp Emperor Bloodline

as all of Thuggin's injuries were healed he suddenly woke up demanding books upon books running to a library just to read books... everyone thought this young carp was crazy until they saw a yellow light enveloping him faster and faster boosting "young thug's" cultivation level to unfathomable peaks from martial innate to martial intermediate from martial elder to martial emperor the more books he read the more the light span faster... eventually turning so fast anyone who came close to him was ripped to shreds

When this young carp woke up thousands of years had passed and his and his once beloved city was in ruins everyone he once lived was gone as piles of bones laid around him he noticed something weird this carp now had a human body... it had bright golden hair smooth black skin and a huge co- and an elegant face after offering condolences young thug set out on a new path with no answers to why he looked like this why so much time had passed and he didn't know it and last but not least why the city he once dreamed of being recognized in was now crumbled up in ruins.

As young thug swam to the surface he noticed a huge city? above the ocean when young thug started swimming towards the city he noticed he was faster than any carp before and only after a few minutes Thuggin reached the city this so called city had floating carriages, telepathic screens communicating with sound but what was strangest is that mythical creatures on leashes were running around without a hassle intrigued thug walked forward but huge cracks formed.

as an alarm went off thug was immediately scared WORLD CLASS MONSTER HAS APPEARED EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY I REPEAT WORLD CLASS MONSTER HAS APPEARED EVACUATE IMMEDIATELY! just then a huge figure popped out from the sky taller than the tallest buildings by a hundred fold shooting Lazer beams from it's mouth destroying numerous buildings instantly just then a huge carriage with really fast wings appeared two people inside it started to film? this huge beast but then they noticed something... a young human who has yet to evacuate but something was amiss... suddenly a huge carp appeared out of nowhere growing and growing taller and taller until it could be seen from space...

With a flick of a finger the monster instantly evaporated the whole world was shocked... but he wasn't he just sat there and took a nap... when he woke up thousands of people were surrounding him calling the carp a hero praising him and giving him gifts but who said this was over a voice said reaching all around the world just then a giant appeared holding a lightning bolt striking the carp but... it was reflected killing what was called a Zeus instantly more and more mythological beings appeared being wiped out with a flick of a finger but the humans feared his existence... so they gathered all the materials the gods dropped and forced them into a cannon the size of a skyscraper as the carp got closer the cannon went off

a huge amount of power was directly aimed towards the carp however the carp ate it but... it exploded killing the young carp... but that wasn't all as soon as it died it's essence was scattered all across the world each piece contained a fragment of his power and once all fragments combined together the carp would return back to life stronger then ever but instead of saving humanity the carp would end humanity seeing how much of a coward they were... and thus sparked the end of war... as years went by humans started awakening powers beyond belief as carp came out from red portals with enough destructive power to topple a building at maximum this can only mean one thing... someone has collected all the fragment and resurrected Thuggin the now oldest carp to ever live...

will humanity survive this reawakened catastrophe or will it succumb to the overbearing power of the carp... only time will tell