

"Silent Vendetta" follows the journey of Amelia Cruz, a computer science student with a painful past. When she was 13 years old, her father was unjustly sent to jail, leaving her single mother to raise five children in poverty. Fueled by a burning desire for revenge, Amelia enters university, where she meets Laim Jensen, a fellow student, and they fall in love. Together, they become an unstoppable force, driven by a shared vendetta, determined to bring down those who wronged them. In the depths of their vengeful journey, love becomes a weapon, forging an unbreakable bond that will either lead them to triumph or consume them entirely. Will their thirst for revenge jeopardize their chance at happiness, or will love prove to be the ultimate catalyst for redemption?

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2 Chs

Chapter 2 - Shadows of the Past

Amelia sat in the crowded lecture hall, her attention divided between the professor's lecture and the memories that haunted her. The sterile classroom environment offered no solace as the weight of her past pressed upon her shoulders.

As the professor droned on about algorithms and coding techniques, Amelia's mind wandered back to the fateful year when she was just thirteen. It was a time of innocence shattered and dreams shattered, a time that still haunted her every waking moment.

Flashback to the year when Amelia's life took a dark turn. The sun-drenched streets of her humble neighborhood came alive as children played and laughter filled the air. But beneath the veneer of happiness, shadows lurked, waiting to consume her family's peace.

Amelia's father, Ricardo Cruz, was a hardworking farmer who toiled day and night to provide for his family. They lived a simple life, cherishing every moment together despite their financial struggles. But their world was about to be shattered by a series of unfortunate events.

Amelia vividly remembered the day when she was called by her homeroom teacher asking her to go home as soon as possible. She rushed to her home without having any clue on what's happening there.

Upon her arrival, she saw the police at their doorstep, their stern expressions etched in her memory. Her mother, Maria, tried to shield her and her siblings from the unfolding nightmare, but they were too young to fully understand the gravity of the situation.

Amelia (13 years old): (Tears welling up in her eyes) "Mom, what's happening? Why are the police here?"

Maria (her mother): (Trying to remain composed) "Sweetheart, there's been a misunderstanding. They think your father did something wrong, but I promise you, he's innocent."

Amelia's heart raced with fear and confusion. She clung to her mother, seeking comfort in her embrace.

Amelia: (Whispering) "Will they take Papa away?"

Maria: (Her voice trembling) "I don't know, my dear. But we have to stay strong."

As the police escorted Ricardo out of their home, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. Amelia watched helplessly, her heart breaking with each step he took away from them.

Amelia's heart clenched as she recalled the day her father was taken away, his eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and determination. It was a moment that shattered the family's unity, leaving them broken and vulnerable.

Amelia, is just 13 years old but as the eldest sibling, she took on the role of caregiver and protector for her four younger siblings. The weight of responsibility fell upon her young shoulders, but she was determined to keep their family together.

Amelia's mother, Maria, sat with tear-stained cheeks, her eyes reflecting the pain of a mother torn away from her partner.

Maria: (Sobbing) "Amelia, my dear, you must be strong for your siblings."

Amelia nodded, her eyes filled with determination.

Amelia wanted to ask her mom about what really happened but she chooses to stay silent after seeing her mother's situation.

Amelia: "Even though I am not aware of what really happened, I don't think it's a big deal. Papa will be back soon. He did nothing wrong."

Her younger sister (third younger sister), Sofia, clung to Amelia, seeking comfort and reassurance.

Sofia: (Whispering) "Amelia, will Papa come back?"

Amelia: (Holding Sofia tightly) "I promise you, Sofia, he will be back by tomorrow or day after. Even if we don't know what really happened, I am pretty sure nothing's bad gonna happen. Daddy would never do anything that would make him to go to jail."

Carlos, the one and only brother, stood with a hardened expression, his fists clenched.

Carlos: "Those who did this will pay. We won't rest until justice is served."

Amelia looked at her siblings, her heart heavy with both sorrow and determination. She knew that their path ahead would be filled with challenges, but their bond as a family would be their guiding light.

Amelia waited for her father's return along with her siblings and mother but to no avail. They were not permitted to meet his father or even talk with him trough phone.

After a few days of Amelia's father being taken to jail, the family was left in a state of shock and confusion. The news of his life imprisonment came as a devastating blow, and they struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation. The reason for the harsh sentence remained a mystery, as Amelia's family was not provided with any explanation or details about the judgment.

Amelia: (Voice trembling) "How could this happen? What did Papa do to deserve a life sentence? We don't even know why!"

Tears rolling down her cheeks, Amelia comforted her mother and her siblings.

Maria: (Trying to hold back tears) "I don't understand it either, Amelia. This is so unjust. We have to find out what really happened."

Amelia's mind raced with questions, her thoughts consumed by a mix of anger, sorrow, and determination. She couldn't accept the notion that her father, who had always been a hardworking and loving man, could be locked away for life without a clear reason.

Amelia: "We can't just sit here in the dark. We have to find answers. We need to know the truth, no matter how painful it might be."

Carlos: (Clenching his fists) "I won't rest until I uncover the truth. Our father deserves justice, and we won't stop fighting until we get it."

Sofia: (With tears streaming down her face) "Why did they take Papa away? It's not fair!"

Amelia embraced Sofia, her heart breaking for her younger sister who was struggling to understand the incomprehensible.

Amelia: (Whispering) "We'll find out, Sofia. We'll do everything we can to bring Papa back home. We won't let him suffer alone."

The family's resolve grew stronger amidst the turmoil. They knew they had a long and arduous journey ahead, filled with obstacles and uncertainty. But their love for their father and their unwavering belief in his innocence fueled their determination to uncover the truth.

Amelia: "We'll start by seeking legal counsel, exploring every possible avenue for justice. We won't rest until we find the answers we seek."

Maria: "Our family is strong, and we will face this together. We'll fight for your father, for our family's future."

Despite being just three years old, Yumi could sense that something was amiss in the household. She may not have understood the gravity of the situation surrounding her father's imprisonment, but the tension and sadness that filled the air were palpable even to her young senses.

Yumi would often wander around the house, observing the worried expressions on her family members' faces. She would try to mimic their serious demeanor, furrowing her little brows in an adorable attempt to match their emotions.

Amelia would occasionally find Yumi sitting alone in her room, playing with her toys, yet an unspoken awareness lingered in her innocent eyes. It broke Amelia's heart to see her youngest sister caught up in the midst of their family's turmoil, even if she couldn't fully comprehend the reasons behind it.

Amelia: (Kneeling down to Yumi's level) "Hey, little one, are you okay?"

Yumi: (Looking up with wide eyes) "Mia, why is everyone sad?"

Amelia: (Trying to maintain a reassuring smile) "There are some things happening right now that we don't understand, but we're going to make everything better. You don't need to worry, okay?"

Yumi nodded, though her furrowed brows indicated that she was still trying to grasp the complexity of the situation. Amelia held Yumi in her arms, cherishing the warmth and innocence of her youngest sister.

Yumi's presence served as a gentle reminder to Amelia and the rest of the family that their fight for justice and truth was not only for their father but also for the sake of their younger sibling's future. They were determined to shield Yumie from the harsh realities of the world for as long as possible, preserving her innocence and ensuring a better tomorrow.

As the weight of their father's unjust imprisonment hung heavily in the air, the family forged ahead, united in their pursuit of truth and justice. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but their bond and unwavering support for one another would serve as a guiding light in the darkest of times.

Amelia's thoughts shifted back to the present as the lecture hall began to empty, signaling the end of the class. She took a deep breath, the weight of her past still lingering with different thoughts.

With Laim by her side, Amelia had found a love that brought warmth to her heart, offering a glimmer of hope in the midst of her quest for justice. She knew that she couldn't let her past consume her entirely; she had to balance her desire for justice with the love and happiness she found in the present.

As Amelia walked out of the lecture hall, her footsteps echoed with determination. She was ready to face her past head-on, armed with her love for Laim and the skills she was acquiring at the university. The journey towards truth and redemption had just begun, and she was determined to see it through to the end.

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