
Silent soul

Ehsaas7_ · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Chapter 3 : Internship

The next morning, in Rathod mansion alia woke up early today she had a sweet smile that made her face beautiful. She saw ayaan sleeping like a baby alia too loved her brother and always wanted to make him happy. She thought to make breakfast for the first time in her life. She got dressed and ran towards the kitchen but there was a problem she had idea about cooking and never touched anything. But she had an idea of taking help from the great internet. She took her phone and searched about it. She finally got a easy recipe that she can make without any problem. She started to do her work within half an hour she finished her dish and went to the room to wake ayaan up.

But ayaan was already waked up and was coming downstairs. Alia was super excited and pulled ayaan by his arm to the dinner table and brought the breakfast. Ayaan was surprised to see her and was very happy that she had tried something but he was nervous about the taste. When he started to hesitant alia throws her anger glares at him and poor ayaan forcefully smiling take his first bite and to his surprise alia had made a delicious food. He smiles at her and gave him a card by saying"omg, i can't believe that my little girl had made such a wonderful and mouthwatering breakfast. I am proud of you and take it. this is your reward. "alia smiles at him and sits in his lap and asks him too feed her. Ayaan smiles and he feeds her. After the breakfast ayaan leaves alia at her college and goes to his office.

While in the raizada palace amaan was ready to go to his office and his dad wanted to take to him. They asked him to appoint some brilliant students from their college for internship and give them best opportunity regarding it. He was also wanting to do this because he supported the welfare of students as well as the company. But he had no idea that this would change his life " how? lets see". After having this discussion with his father he called his assistant to inform him about the new internship and take care about it. Alex his assistant agreed and told about it that he had already selected 10 brilliant students from the University. Ayaan smiled, Alex was his assistant since 6 years and was very sincere towards his work also had given ayaan suggestions about the improvement of the company. Alex had all his determination to make the company the highest in position by helping his boss. Alex was also a good friend of alia and know her since childhood and wanted to make her more comfortable with other as she was not used to it so he decided to take an opportunity of alia intelligence to improve the development of the company.

In the university a letter was sent to the dean regarding the internship and to immediately send the student to the company to have a visit. The dean called a urgent meeting, when all the students were called according to their professional who were brilliant in studies. The dean said about alia that she was personally recommended by the ceo's secretary. All could not believe it because alia was some one who never opened up in front of any one then who could they recommend her personally for this internship students should be intelligent as well as they should mingle with everyone. But they couldn't do anything about alia she always has a expressionless face. But she was indeed a pack of beauty and brain So they let her be. All the selected students were called to the deans office and from their they were taken to AA enterprises. The students were excited even alia was excited but due her past experience she couldn't show her emotions. Alia always made a expressionless face infront of

everyone but had expressed her emotions to her brother and his best friend alex who was her best friend too... Among all ayaans friends alex was close to alia because he was the only one who had helped her in every situation when ayaan was not with her. He was the one who took extra care of her when she was in the boarding always bullied by other students. When alia was a in her boarding she was been bullied in many was like students used to lock her in the bathroom, throw her food and also had even worse. Once the kids went beyond limits by locking her in the store room for a whole day which lead to a claustrophobia. She had experienced her parents death in front of her which built fear in her and it growed deep in her heart by all the bullies she face. Alex used to visit her often. When he came to knew about these things he reported this to the principal and principal took strict action but it could clam the innocent heart of alia. From then she hesitates to make friends and will always be quiet around people. Alex told this ayaan after that ayaan was so much upset of making that decision he always blamed himself for alia situation. Then ayaan brought alia with him so that he could now protect alia and also this incident made him over protective towards alia. Except alex he never trusted anyone regarding alia. Now as he see amaan he think alia and amaan are compatible with each other. And also amaan can protcect alia at any cost from everyone. Ayaan had saw a spark in amaans eyes with the love he looked at alia even it was their first meeting but ayaan knows amaan and his family well so he can trust him regarding alia. Alex had told ayaan about the internship and gave him a sense of security about alias confronts and also he would protect her. Ayaan agreed at one condition that alex would always be with her especially in lifts. Alex knows that ayaan was overprotective so he agreed.