
Silent soul

Ehsaas7_ · Thanh xuân
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 :Memory

Suddenly she stands up and runs out of the class room and find a tall handsome dashing man who is standing right in front and talking to the dean of her university . She gets panicked and started to shiver. Her white round face turned red and tears fell as rain. Alia gets to her child hood memory of a man fitting her and tell that she does not belongs to him. The man turns and faces alia seeing her tremble, he rushes towards her saying "Hello miss, Are you fine? ". Alia can bearly hear him and she faint. Seeing her faith the man rushes towards the medical room of the university. The dean follows him saying "Mr raizada we can take care of is girl. You have a urgent meeting to attend". The man stops and stares at the dean and enters the medical room. The doctor present there get worried to see alia unconscious and treats her immediately. As treatment starts Mr raizada turns and goes to conferences room.

After half an hour alia walks by a scared dream and started to cry for help. Hearing her cry her brother ayaan immediately rushes and hugs alia tightly trying to clam her down. Ayaan says "ali! ali! Its okay stop crying my baby. " hearing ayaans voice alia clams down and hold ayaan's hand tights and says "Bhai blood! Blood!. " and started to cry ayaan wipes her tears by saying "no ali, its all right. See there's no blood over here look my bady ". Alia looks all over and relaxes. Ayaan asks alia about what had happened she tell him "Bhai there was blood all over the floor in my class and a body". Ayaan says that alia there was nothing like that when he visited the class. Alia had been a brilliant MBA student. She had always loved her brother who was her only family. There parents had been died during alias childhood. Ayaan was in his teenage and the death of there parents had made a mature man. He had always tried to be both mom and dad to alia. Alia had been his life but she had seen some horrible things in the past and was suffering till now. As they had take a place in alia memory and had always disturbed her as nightmares. Alia had a free hour and was tied and had slept in the class but her nightmare had never left her. She sees the same blood and sound of gun short and everyone screaming and runing all over. This wakes her up and she runs out of the class. Her classmates looks at her as she runs but no one cares about it. Alia doesn't heve any friends due to her odd behavior she had never been a cheerful girl but always was a silent soul she only had her brother as her friend. In the class she use to be silent and only focus on her studies. Due to this no one used to talk to her and always maintained a distance.

After alia feels a little better her brother take her home.

On the other the man who had take alia to the medical room was worried about her and could not concentrate on his meeting. As he closes his eyes alias pale face comes ro his mind. As soon as the meeting finishes he rushs his way toward the medicak room but find only the doctor. He ask "dr, the girl whom i brought here where's she now? ". Doctor replies "aah alia! Your talking about alia? right,Mr raizada" "yes yes. The girl who was fainted, what was the problem? " "yes she had panic attack and this is the third time she had been here due to this. " "panic attack! "mr raizada says with a confused face as he doesn't understand. Doctor continues"she always has nightmare of blood and somethings and end in very panicked condition. But this time you have had just got her in time. So it wasn't very serious. " oh thank god shes fine thinking mr raizada comes out of the room.

Amaan raizada the business tycoon of the country and a billionaire who was a cheerfull and always helped his people but for the outsiders he was a devil and a arrogant man. This was the forst time when he had helped someone whom he was unknown to he bearly trusts some one. He was a successful business tycoon at the age of 25 and was known as youngest billionaire. With blue eyes amaan was a handsome aligible Bachelor of the country. He was the only son and was raised with all the needs. His father amish raizada had started AA enterprises and amaan had raised his company to the highest. Amaan was a great son and master of business word. He had successfully established his company and also had bulit a university. The first fly business university where alia was a bright student in economics and was also a combination with beauty amd brain. Every one admires amaan for his wonder full behavior. Every girl used to fall for charm of amaan but he always ignored them. This was the first time he was attracted towards a girl and could not concentrate on his work. Every one in the office were shocked to see a workaholic man lost in his thoughts." A 29 years workaholic man acting strange in his office and unable to concentrate on his work" says a man entering amaan offices with a smile amaan comes ro his sences and see a man of his age with a bread look abhout 6. 5 feet tall, wearing a black coat with a brif case. This is amaans childhood friend rahil who is a lawyer by profession.