
Nothing But Silence.

It is the day before my birthday, I should be excited but all I can think of is why.

Why was I born like this?

I have a body. I have eyes, ears and a mouth, but am I even here?

Nobody will ever know how I feel, Nobody will ever tell me that I will get better. There is simply no point in lying to me. My thoughts will forever be trapped inside of me, haunting me.

I am 15, my birthday is on February 5, 2002. Never in my life have I said a single word to anybody, it is not that I don't want to, it is just impossible for me. I was born different I guess, my vocal cords are perfectly fine, but they don't seem to work.

I have 'friends' although I don't really think they get me... well I guess nobody does.

All I wish for is to be heard, I want people to know what I can do, I want to brag about how good I am, cry out when I am distressed.

I will never get to tell my parents I love them, I will never get to propose to a girl.

Why was I born like this? Why am I supposed to suffer while everybody else gets to enjoy the fruit life brings.

In a world full of magic and beasts, I can't even cast, the lack of a voice disallows it.

Technically it is possible for me to become a mage, all the good ones are able to cast with their thoughts, which I happen to have plenty of.

I just don't have the motivation. Trying to become a mage that is worth something would be almost impossible if I can't even speak.

I wish there was someone to walk with me and talk while I make my way home from class.

I say all of that, but I do not really mean it. Everybody just ridicules me and says I am bound for failure, likely to be eaten by some beast and unable to cry for help. Love is useless and friendship is a joke.

The only thing I care about is my family, they are the only ones to really give a shit about me.

I have my parents, and a twin brother. My brother is a really talented mage candidate, yet he never brags about it or tells me he is everything I am not. I deeply appreciate it.

My mom was a nurse before she had me and my brother, And my father is a retired Adventurer, He is strong but very kind to those around him.

I arrive home.

"How was school Kane?" My mother asks.

Interactions with my mom get old really quick, it is always her telling me how she wishes I could become a mage and get into a good academy.

Don't you think I do too?

I push my thoughts down and nod in response, my mom is fragile and I do not want to ignore her and hurt her feelings.

I walk up to my room.

My brother, Percy walks out from his room upon hearing my footsteps.

"Good evening Kane, was school good?" he calls out to me.

Once again I nod, at least they are considerate enough to ask yes or no questions. I smile a little at the thought.

Percy grins at the sight. "Its good to see you in a good mood brother, I just wanted to say goodnight. I have to get to bed early for the academy selection process."

I nod and continue to my room.

Walking to my room is the best relief I get in this house, so it's what I do. Finally time for me to fall asleep. finally time for a dream.

I hope it is good.


I am in a small and plain room, yet feels like it has potential to be something vast and beautiful. A cloud of black permeates my surroundings.

It is dark.

Why am I cold? Aren't I in a dream?

"Yes, I suppose you could call this a dream"

I turn around.

"Hello Kane" a deep but soft voice speaks out, where a singular orb of light floats.

What are you?

"I am you."

No, I am pretty sure that I am me.

"I do not mean literally, I guess you could say I am your missing piece." the light gets brighter.

My missing piece?

"Your voice."

My eyes widen.

"Reclaim me, reclaim what was taken from you."

In a flash of light, both the orb and the voice was gone.

In the darkness I stand, there is nothing here.

Nothing in the silence.


I wake up with a shiver, what exactly was I dreaming of?

I sit up in bed, and touch my neck. I feel something in my throat.

I cough, and then tears fall.

So, This is my first novel! I really hope you guys like the first chapter.

I apologize if my style is a bit weird, I like to have short but precise passages.

Idk it just looks nice to me.

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If you have any suggestions about the selection, let me know!

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