
Shocked Rob isekai journey of a reincarnator(on hiatus)

Rob was doing some paper work when he accidentally dropped his pen and it landed on the mc's head after realizing this rob decided to do what any other Rob would do, reincarnate the guy with some wishes but something is wrong Rob:Hello mortal I- Mc: IT'S BEEN A BILLION YEARS Rob: oh I am so sorry for that mc:*sigh* Rob:So I was say- Mc: I know how this works now your gonna say you dropped something and I died Rob:Ho- Mc: I am a reincarnator I know this shit Rob: Wai- Mc:I will take my wishes and be on my marry way Rob: Wait wait wait PLEASE EXPLAIN??? Mc: *sigh* Alright What secrets is the mc going to reveal How reincarnated the mc Why is he so indifferent and what is the author smoking to make this story find out on the next episode of Life of The abridged reincarnator note:-i only own the oc and any new fantasy world I would and the story includes Multiversal travel

Cosmic_darkrai666 · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
12 Chs

Chapter 6: Anti simp,Aizen rip off,bullying and engagement

(Join my discord if you want to at


Previously we saw our Mc was giving the cannon fodder the kaneki treatment and Rias being her greedy self and now we can see our Mc covered in blood of the cannon fodder when he gets a notification

[1800 exp gained]

Issei: they don't even give decent experience points

At this point I will never level up

[Quest alert! ]

Issei: well this is new

[quest: don't mess with the dragon

objective: put the bratty rias and her peerage in their place for trying to mess with a dragon

rewards: 50K exp, world travel ticket

failure: they'll keep annoying you

quest: Alliance maker

objective:after showing the ORC your not to be messed with propose an alliance

rewards: increased reputation with the orc, Sirzechs and grafia and 100K exp

failure: nothing

quest: Cold love

objective: beat sona in a game of chess

rewards: Engagement with sona, meeting with serafall and potential love intrest in serafall, 150K exp

failure: Sona thinks your not smart enough]

Issei: this is oddly specific

system did Rob give you this mission

[no host this mission was given by Fate and destiny]

issei: Huh? how did they access you system

[they requested this from the Rob]

issei: hmmm.... meh I don't really care and plus I like sona more than rias and getting to know serafall is just the icing on the cake

[I advice the host to get ready for Tomorrow]

issei: yeah

And so time passes as we can see our Mc the next day in his class when suddenly the pretty boy shows up

Kiba: excuse me but is Bahumat-san here

(Yuuto is a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes (bluish-gray eyes in the anime) and a mole underneath his left eye.)

all the fangirls:KYAAA IT'S KIBA KUN



in Issei mind: What the fu-

author: language boi

in Issei mind: Ahem... what the hell is wrong with these girls

wait I have read fanfiction whenever this happens they start to fantasize about Issei and kiba

*a shiver goes through Mc's spine*

Oh hell nah

And so our Mc uses Kyoka suigetsu to change the mind set of the fangirls and goes back to the conversation with Kiba

Issei: Yes I am here what do you want

Kiba: The president of the Orc would like to talk to you would you please come with me to the club

Issei: Hmmm....alright

And so the Mc and the pretty boy with the amo mentality goes towards the Orc when they first meet akeno after entering

Akeno: please take a seat Bahamut- kun

Issei: hmm

and so issei takes a seat while rias comes out of the shower after a few minutes and sits in front of the Mc trying to seduce him by flashing her panties but the Mc just like any other logical person looks her in the eyes and says

issei: You know it's not nice to make the person you invited wait while your taking a shower on that note why the hell is there a shower in this club in the first place

Rias gets shocked due to our Mc attitude towards her and him not talking in her beauty

Rias: i am sorry if a offend you issei-kun

akeno please serve him some tea

issei: I didn't give you permission to call me by my first name

And so rias looks shocked again while akeno serves the Mc some tea

Rias: I am sorry Bahamut-san

Issei: this tea is nice

akeno: thank you Bahamut-kun

and so our Mc yet again ignores Rias causing super effective damage to her ego

issei: are you going to tell me why I am here now

rias: tell me Bahamut-kun do you know about the supernatural

Issei: Go to the point Gremory I don't have time for your games

Rias: I don't know what you me-

issei: Rias Gremory heir to the house of Gremory one of the 72 pillars with the rank of Duke

and also the little sister of Sirzechs Lucifer

you are also given the nickname of Crimson-haired ruin princess of destruction

After hearing this Rias peerage take a fighting stance against the Mcand Rias says in a hostile tone

Rias: How do you know about me

And before the Mc could answer Kiba like the protagonist wanna be he is attacks our mc while a theme song plays for kiba but that was not to be as our Mc copies aizen and stops Kiba's sword and theme by using one finger

Kiba says in despair: how is this possible

And then Aizen's theme starts playing

*I can tell that you've never been true to me

I can smell that you're acting so fearfully

I can hear what you're hoping I want to hear

I can feel the alarm bells are ringing in me

I can touch but I know you don't feel a thing

I can pray but I know you commit a sin

I can sense now it's all become clear to see

You're no good ,and you mean no good treacherously

I can tell that you've never been true to me

I can smell that you're acting so fearfully

I can hear what you're hoping I want to hear

I can feel the alarm bells are ringing in me

I can touch but I know you don't feel a thing

I can pray but I know you commit a sin

I can sense now it's all become clear to see

You're no good ,and you mean no good treacherously*

Issei: Your are just weak

And so our Mc uses Kyoka suigetsu to influence all of kiba's sences to make him scream in pain

and Rias like a idiot tries to attack our Mc


As the Mc shouts these words he releases a small amount of his Aura causing them to freeze in fear

and after sometime our Mc stops releasing his aura

Issei: can we talk like civil people now

everyone nods their head

Rias: I am sorry for kiba attacking you and me trying to attack you

I let my emotions take control

issei: it's fine Gremory Your knight thought of me as a threat so he attacked and you attacked because I hurt your knight

Akeno: if I may ask how do you know about Rias

Issei: Well there is a thing called the supernatural-net

As issei said these words all the people sweatdrops

Rias: I am again sorry I forgot people affiliated with the supernatural have access to it

*she says this while having a sheepish smile*

Issei just looks at her like you look at an idiot

Rias says while being embarrassed: so I wanted to ask will you join my peerage

*she says this while being hopeful*

Issei: Hell No

And so Rias confidence, ego and hope is shattered

Rias: can I ask why

Issei: your really asking the red dragon emperor the one who's entire thing is about domination to be you servant

And so everyone in the room is quite until Rias breaks the silence

Rias: *sigh* I am sorry for all this

I think we got on a wrong foot

issei: I think that as well

Rias: so what can I do to make it up to you

issei: how about forming an alliance

Rias was surprised hearing those words since she thought the Mc would hate her

Rias: really

issei: I just said it what else do you want to hear

Rias got embarrassed again and says: Sorry and yes I would like to have an alliance

And so our Mc after humbling the Orc and making a alliance walks out of the club while going towards the student council where he see's sona playing chess with Tsubaki

Sona: ah issei your here would you like to have a game of chess with me

Issei's mind: This is awfully going my way it's like I am in a fan fiction written by a guy who has no friend's


And so the author beats up the Mc and rewinds the time while also fixing the 4th wall

Issei: yea I think I would like to play a game of chess as well

And so Mc plays a game of chess with sona and wins and after some chatting leaves to his house while we can see sona beet red and everyone in the council with a stupid smile

let's see what the Mc is doing in his house right now

[ding! the quests have been complete the rewards are distributed]

[host has gained world travel ticket]

[host has gained 300K exp host has leveled up multiple times]

Issei: Distribute my system points equally and show me my status

[SP distributed equally]


Name: Issei Bahamut

Race: humanoid dragon

dragon God [locked][40%]

Rank:Heavenly dragon

Teir:between high 4-C and 4-B (better large star and solar system level)

title:The red dragon emperor, The beast killer(10x attack to all creatures that are considered a beast), The Berserker (x5 boost to all stats when enraged)

Artifacts:Boosted gear, philosopher's touch, chains of sealing, Avalon and The All Black Symbiote Sword(Sealed)


HP: 100000/100000

MP: 500000/500000

STR: 1000




INT: 1000


CHA: Max



what will happen now

Mc acquired a finance

Rias's ego was destroyed

And why does The Mc got a world travel ticket

The supernatural shall shit themselves

The fried chicken shall become extra crispy

And someone please tell me what is the author smoking

Find out on the next episode of

Isekai adventure of the abridged reincarnator

note:please note that when I write mc it refers to issei and if I say mc instead of issei it is still referring to issei

don't take anything I write seriously this shit clearly has the comedy tag and for those people who read this story thank you all y'all are legend's

The original chapter had the stats for the Orc but it didn't pulish for some reason and after I closed webnovel and came back again the chapter was gone so I had to write this all over again