

Shifting, swirling and melting into each other. I sit shuddering within the grey. My perception askew I struggle to decipher which reality I am leaving. I wonder and live in both worlds at times. Different and yet the same. The faces never change but intent and agenda do. Best friends and partners become enemies while villains begin to seem like righteous men. Both reality's operate under different rules and codes of conduct. Making it crucial to my safety as well as other's when I shift I'm aware of which reality I am in.

What you are about to read is a true up to date account of my life looking from my eyes and perception. Some of it may seem fantasy read on. Every single word is truth, because I CANNOT lie. You may soon find that you too have begun shifting or have been for some time. Don't be frightened, because you are not alone. I am here and will remain for any that care to look.