
SHE IS MINE ( trapped in my heart)

in that brief encounter. He couldn't shake the image of her from his mind - her mesmerizing eyes, her silky voice, and the way her touch sent electric shocks through his body. It was as if a dormant part of him had been abruptly awakened, stirring emotions and desires he thought were long buried. Despite the haze of the drugs, he couldn't deny the intensity of the connection he had with this mysterious woman. It was inexplicable and utterly captivating. As the days passed, he found himself haunted by thoughts of her, replaying the fleeting moments they shared in his mind. He questioned whether it was merely the result of the drugs, amplifying his senses and distorting reality. But deep down, he knew there was something more to it. It was a rare and profound encounter that transcended the physical realm. Curiosity consumed him, and he embarked on a quest to uncover her identity. He retraced his steps, searching for any clues that could lead him to this woman who had ignited a dormant passion within him. He spoke to acquaintances, hoping someone would have a hint of information. Then, one fateful day, his determination paid off. His employees find the so-called strange woman. Armed with this newfound information, he delved deeper into his investigation, uncovering fragments of her life and piecing them together like a jigsaw puzzle. As he learned more about Rhida, he discovered she was a free-spirited actress, a D-list actress who lived on the edges of society. Her captivating presence and mysterious aura drew people to her like moths to a flame. And yet, she remained elusive, drifting through life with an air of secrecy. Finally, after weeks of searching, their paths crossed again. He found himself standing before Rhida, his heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and nervousness. The moment their eyes locked, he felt an indescribable surge of familiarity. It was as though he had known her in another lifetime

Tife_7736 · Võ hiệp
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<p>LET'S SIGN A CONTRACT! <br/><br/>Rhida touched him, almost forgetting herself, she wrapped her hands around his neck as his tongue explore her mouth. Until his phone vibrates and Rhida quickly jerks off from the kiss. <br/>Iver groaned in frustration. He will kill this intruder. He thought and look at Rhida who was avoiding his gaze. Then she ran away after some seconds <br/><br/>Iver looked at the person and it was Donald. Again!!!!!! He gritted his teeth and picked it <br/>" What is it this time? Must you always call at the wrong time?" Iver ranted and Donald apologize from the other end <br/><br/>" Boss, we have a situation, a bad one, we need you here," Donald said from the other end and Iver's face grew cold <br/>" I get what you are saying," He said and turned away, discussing the situation with him <br/><br/>Rhida shut the door behind her and roughed her hair angrily. <br/>" Rhida why are you so crazy? How can you still make the first move? How can I touch him?" She roughs her hair <br/> Just then, someone knocked and she quickly stand up <br/>" I'm coming in then" Then he came in <br/>" Mmm, I...." <br/>" Let's believe it's a mistake!" Rhida cuts in, avoiding the topic <br/>" I'm not here for that," Iver said and Rhida looked at him <br/>" I will leave early tomorrow and will be late tomorrow night, a butler and a maid are coming tomorrow," Iver said and Rhida nodded <br/>" Have a nice dream then, " He said and turned to leave, then he stopped and went to her. Rhida shifted back <br/><br/>" About earlier, I can't think of it as a mistake. Never!" He said teasingly and smile then he left <br/><br/>" What was that? Is he playing with me?!" <br/><br/>Rhida woke up to her noisy phone and she stretched her hand, take it and pick it up without looking at the person on it. Her eyes opened wide upon hearing the first word <br/>" GIRL, I GOT YOU A ROLE!" It was Hanna, her agent. <br/><br/>Hanna continued excitedly, "It's a major role, Rhida! You'll be the supporting actress in a highly anticipated blockbuster film!"<br/><br/>Rhida could hardly contain her excitement. She didn't believe it. She had dreamt of landing a major role like this for years, and now it was finally happening. "Oh my god, Hanna! Are you serious? This is so hard to believe, I messed up at the red carpet event! But if it's true then... WOW!!!!" she exclaimed, her voice rising with every word. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she imagined herself on the big screen, captivating audiences with her talent.<br/><br/>Hanna laughed, delighted by Rhida's reaction. "Of course, I'm serious! You've worked so hard for this, Rhida, and it's finally paying off. You deserve this opportunity."<br/><br/>Rhida let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding, feeling a wave of gratitude wash over her. She had dedicated countless hours to honing her craft, attending auditions, and facing rejection after rejection. But she never gave up.<br/><br/>"When do I start?" Rhida asked eagerly, unable to contain her curiosity. She wanted to dive headfirst into her new role and immerse herself in every aspect of it.<br/><br/>Hanna paused for a moment, building the anticipation. "Well, filming starts in three weeks. You'll need to come in for a reading and meet the director and the rest of the cast before then."<br/><br/>Rhida's heart raced at the thought of working with such talented individuals. She knew that this movie could be the turning point in her career, the opportunity that could launch her into stardom.<br/><br/>Overwhelmed by emotion, Rhida thanked Hanna profusely for believing in her and never giving up on her dreams. She knew she couldn't have reached this point without her agent's constant support and encouragement.<br/><br/>As Hanna hung up the phone, Rhida sat on the edge of her bed, a mix of excitement and nerves swirling within her. She knew that she had a lot of work ahead of her, but she was ready to give it her all.<br/><br/>With renewed determination, Rhida jumped up and began preparing for the reading and the months of hard work that lay ahead. She couldn't wait to bring her character to life, to inspire others with her performance, and to finally see her name up in lights. This was her moment, and she was ready to shine.<br/><br/>She rushed out and as if entering a new world, she remember Iver, what happened last night, the incident, his blood, and the... Kiss... She blushed when she remember the kiss and she remembered what he told her yesterday. She rushed to his room but he wasn't there, she rushed to the dining and saw tea and a slice of bread with a fried egg. She sighed, somewhat disappointed, she didn't know why she felt that way. She smiled remembering the good news and stopped smiling immediately when she remembered how Iver had warned her not to work again <br/>" Let's say I fire you. Ok?" That's what he said that day. <br/>Rhida groaned, this is not going to work, she needs to meet the directors and the other cast members then she will tell him. For now, she needs to go to the company <br/><br/>She pounded into the bathroom and have a shower, wearing an off-shoulder blouse and small trousers, showing her fair, soft, and thin legs, she pack her hair in loose waves and applied a touch of makeup. Looking at herself in the mirror, she felt a surge of confidence. She was ready to take on the day with style and grace. Leaving the room, she grabbed her favorite handbag and headed out the door.<br/><br/>As she walked down the bustling streets, the cool morning breeze brushed against her skin, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine. She navigated through the crowded city, her heels clicking against the pavement in a rhythmic pattern. People turned their heads as she passed by, her outfit exuding both elegance and sophistication.<br/><br/>She hailed a taxi <br/>" To Jay's entertainment please," She said and the driver drove away <br/><br/>Getting off the taxi, she exhales the scent of the company <br/>She missed this scent. She stepped inside the company and everyone stare at her surprisingly, she have changed a lot and she has become more beautiful, everyone stares at her with admiration. She can feel their eyes on her as she confidently walks through the office, her heels clicking against the polished floor.<br/><br/><br/>She walks with a purpose, a confident smile on her face as she greets familiar faces along the way. The receptionist smiles warmly, recognizing her as the receptionist hands her a visitor's pass. The pass feels foreign in her hand, a reminder of the time that has transpired since she left the company. But now, she is back, and she is ready to make her mark once again.<br/><br/>As she enters the elevator, she takes a deep breath, trying to calm the flutter of excitement within her. The doors open, revealing the bustling floor of the company. The familiar sights and sounds wash over her, igniting a sense of nostalgia and determination.<br/><br/>The familiar faces glance up from their desks, their gazes lingering on her for a brief moment before returning to their work. Whispers of "Is that her?" and "Wow, she looks amazing" float through the air, fueling her confidence even further.<br/><br/>She walks past rows of cubicles, exchanging polite nods and hellos with others. Some offer congratulations on her return, while others simply watch in awe as she confidently strides by. The atmosphere hums with curiosity and anticipation, as her presence seems to revive the energy and curiosity <br/><br/>She entered Hanna's office. <br/>" Hey there," She said waving her hand with a smile. Hanna looked at her, almost didn't recognize her <br/>" Rh... Rhida? Is that you?" She said, almost didn't recognize her, she have become more beautiful and confident than ever before. Rhida nodded, her smile widening.<br/>"Yes, it's me," she replied, taking a seat across from Hanna. <br/><br/>Hanna's eyes scanned Rhida's features, trying to process the changes that had taken place. A once shy and reserved person had blossomed into a confident and radiant figure. Her long, dark hair cascaded down her back in loose waves, framing her face beautifully. Her eyes, always warm and inviting, now held a spark of determination and boldness. The slight curve of her lips hinted at a newfound self-assurance, replacing the timid smile that used to grace her face. Rhida's posture had also transformed. Her shoulders were now square and upright, no longer slouched with self-doubt. She carried herself with a grace and poise that demanded attention.<br/><br/>Hanna couldn't help but feel a mixture of awe and admiration for the person in front of her. It seemed as if Rhida had shed her cocoon, emerging as a vibrant and captivating butterfly. The once quiet and withdrawn demeanor was a thing of the past, replaced by a confidence that radiated from within.<br/><br/>As Hanna studied Rhida's transformed features, she couldn't help but wonder what had caused this remarkable metamorphosis. Had Rhida simply found her inner strength, or had there been external factors at play? Hanna yearned to understand the catalyst that had propelled her friend's transformation.<br/><br/>Rhida's voice, once soft-spoken and hesitant, now carried a firmness that matched her newfound confidence. As she spoke, her words resonated with conviction and purpose, drawing Hanna further into her radiant presence.<br/><br/>" What's wrong? You've changed a lot. Did something happen? Everywhere was already tensed up by the role you got. They thought you are sleeping with one of the directors. Those idiots, they didn't know how much I tried and begged before you got this role. Oh I'm so furious" Hanna said almost in a breath and Rhida smiled and hugged her <br/>" Thank you, I promise to pull all me, I won't fail you," Rhida said reassuringly, and Hanna smiled <br/>" That's the spirit. Welcome back our dear talented actress" Hanna said and Rhida smiled <br/>" What are you up to these days, you are beautiful, thank your creator I'm not a man, I will have asked you out," Hanna said and they both smiled <br/>" So who are you seeing now? I mean, you don't look in the mirror? By this rate, your beauty will surpass Jenny's own. Are the rumors true?" <br/>"What are you talking about? Did you just think I'm a bitch? Sleeping with the directors for a role?" <br/>" No, I never think that way. It's just that... I mean it's a compliment. You are now gorgeous" Hanna said with a smile and Rhida looked away. <br/><br/>" Be ready, by tomorrow afternoon, we are meeting the directors and the other cast." <br/>Hanna said and Rhida nodded <br/>" This is the script," Se said and handed over the script to her <br/>Rhida collected it with a smile<br/>" Who am I supporting? I mean the main actress" <br/>" Who did you think?" <br/>" Jenny" Rhida says and Hanna nodded <br/>" You can't believe how angry she was when she heard you are supporting her. She is just a witch"<br/>" Don't blame her. I ruined her walk at the red carpet event remember?" Rhida said and Hanna frowned, not accepting <br/>" Still she is a witch," Hanna said and Rhida smiled <br/><br/>Rhida got home in the afternoon and sat down, then she remembered that Iver told her that a butler and a maid are coming. She quickly rushed to her room to change. She must not let them know about the movie. She knew they are Iver's people and she must not let her guard down around them. <br/><br/>Rhida got back downstairs and turned on the Tv. They were showing one of Jenny's movies. <br/>" Just wait, I will soon be there too," She said with a smile, and the doorbell rang. She looked at the tablet and saw a man and a woman. She knew it is the butler and the maid. She opened it and they soon arrived inside <br/><br/>" Hello Ma'am" They both bowed and Rhida looked at them surprisingly, they were both grinning at her and she feel somewhat uncomfortable as they stopped as if reading her inner thoughts <br/>" I'm Janette by name, I will be your maid. It is a pleasure serving you" She said with a smile and bow her head a little <br/>" I'm Lincon by name, I am the butler, it's an honor to serve you," He said with a smile and bowed then they both look at Rhida who looked at them strangely. She looked down at their luggage and Lincon smiled <br/>" Don't worry about us, we will be using the rooms at the back of the mansion" He said as if reading her thoughts <br/>" There are rooms at the back of the mansion?" She finally said and Janette smile <br/>" Yes," She said and Rhida nodded. Come to think of it, she has not looked around the mansion since she started living here <br/><br/>" Ahh, we heard you haven't eaten any good food since morning, you can tell us anything you want," Janette said <br/>" And we are also ready to satisfy your cravings," Lincon said and Rhida's eyes brighten <br/>" You know about...." <br/>" Ohh the boss told us himself," Janette said <br/>" You can be free with us, we have no ulterior motives," Lincon said and Rhida nodded again <br/>Iver must have trusted them considering the fact that he even told them about her pregnancy. She thought and smiled at them back <br/><br/>At night, Janette and Lincon bowed <br/>" You may go, I'm also going to sleep after reading some books," Rhida said and they nodded <br/>" You can call us if you need some help," Janette said and Rhida nodded then they left. <br/><br/>Rhida stare at the time and it was almost eleven. She sighed, this was the first time he came home late since she started living in the mansion. <br/><br/>Iver got home and Janette and Lincon rushed to him <br/><br/>" Welcome back boss," Janette said, smiling <br/>" We are glad to work with you again. We are glad you are back to your old self" Lincon said and Janette looked at him. He quickly stopped talking. <br/>" Where is Rhida?" Iver asked and they both looked at each other, unfamiliar with the name <br/>" Ahhh, your wife? She will be asleep by now" Lincon said and Iver went in. They followed him as they help him with his bag <br/><br/>As they entered, Iver saw a small thin shape sleeping on the couch. Iver turned to them and stare at them coldly. lincon shivered at his boss's cold stare. He knew he has made a mistake. He wasn't fully back to his old self, he is still cold as always. <br/>" We... We are sorry sir, she said she will sleep after reading some books"<br/>" Yes, we are dismissed before that," They both said slowly, their eyes downcast and Iver dismissed them. They bowed and left. <br/><br/>Iver walked to the thin figure on the couch and carry her gently. She woke up and looked at him <br/>" Hold tightly, you will fall," He said and Rhida crossed her hand around his neck. He smiled at her unusual obedience. <br/>He laid her gently on the bed and she looked at him then at the time. It was already midnight. She looked at him and their eyes met. <br/>" I'm sorry I'm late," He said in a low voice and she looked at him. She wanted to tell him about the movie but it seems like her energy have drained <br/>He pats her hair slowly and she closed her eyes, falling into a deep slumber. <br/><br/>Rhida woke up to her noisy phone and she take it, pick it <br/>" Hello," She said, half asleep <br/>" Rhida..." Her eyes opened wide at what she heard <br/>" Rhida, the movie was canceled" It was Hanna <br/><br/>"Yeah, what is today? April? Why will fool me? Today is not April, yeah! This is not funny!" Rhida ranted <br/>" I was also shocked, this was the first time I heard a movie that had so many sponsors got canceled," Hanna said, sadness clearly in her voice <br/>" I will soon be there" Rhida stand up from her bed <br/>" No don't!" Hanna snapped and Rhida stopped in her tracks <br/>" Why?" <br/>" The company... Everyone is blaming you, don't come today, tomorrow will do, please for me, you know I can't stand it when they bully you" Hanna said and Rhida sat down back on her bed and sighed heavily <br/>" I will call you later," Hanna said<br/>" Hmm," Then she cuts. <br/>Rhida sighed and stare at the window, the morning sun was up but it seem to worsen her melancholy mood. She have hoped too much for the movie but it got canceled, the birds whistle but it seemed to make her sad as it reminded her of the dreams she had built around that movie. <br/><br/>The bird's morning whistle echoed through the room, breaking the silence and drawing Rhida's attention back to the present. Its sweet melodic sound seemed to mock her, reminding her of the flightiness of her dreams. She couldn't help but wonder if she had placed too much hope and expectation on a mere movie.<br/><br/>She rose from her seat and approached the window, gazing out at the world beyond. The morning sun painted the sky with hues of pink and gold, casting a serene glow over the neighborhood. It was a stark contrast to the storm of emotions swirling inside her.<br/><br/>Rhida took a deep breath, trying to find solace in the beauty of nature. She reminded herself that there would always be disappointments and setbacks in life, but it was how she chose to respond to them that truly mattered. <br/><br/>Rhida sighed and lay back on the bed, staring at the ceilings, the world was so quiet today, unlike yesterday. She rolled to the other side of the bed and closed her eyes. <br/><br/>At night, she just got back from receiving fresh air and saw Iver's car. She smiled and rushed there but he saw Donald there, receiving a call, she wanted to leave to search for him inside but was taken aback by the words she heard<br/><br/>" The movie is canceled as you requested... Yes, she isn't back yet, I heard she went for some fresh air... I will make sure to keep the fact that you are the one who canceled the movie sir" <br/><br/>Rhida looked away, a mixture of sadness and disappointment washed over her. <br/>How can she be so dumped? She must have lost her mind, she never think it could be his doing. She smirked bitterly and walked up to Donald and collect the phone. Donald was shocked to see her <br/>" Iver, come over here NOW!!!" Rhida said and give Donald the phone back. <br/>Donald looked at Rhida with astonishment, no one have ordered his boss like this before and he never think there will be someone to do that <br/><br/>Donald rubbed his eyes twice as he saw his boss arrive, he had told him he will be home in about an hour but he was home within ten minutes. He watched as his boss entered the room in a haste <br/><br/>Iver got inside and saw Rhida sitting on the sofa <br/>" I'm home," He said <br/>" Did you cancel the play?" Rhida asked slowly, with anger in her voice and her eyes downcast <br/>" Rhida..." <br/>" Answer me," She said and stood up <br/>" I do"<br/>" Who are you? Who are you to control my life? Who are you to judge my life?" she ranted and Iver moved closer to her <br/>" Rhida..." <br/>" IVER! LET'S SIGN A CONTRACT!"</p>