
She's a rose with thorns

Isabel Ricci had just return home early to surprise her husband,only to actually find him cheating with her best friend.To make matters worse,Isabel finds out her husband had never loved her in the first place and had married Isabel only for her inheritance money. Betrayed and heartbroken,Isabel swears revenge on the cheating couple. They had lied to her.They had deceived her,but she wasn’t anything easy.They have never seen her anger,what she can actually do. James Brown,Hannah Williams you picked the wrong person to mess with.Be ready for what’s coming your way.A Ricci never lets things slide. .... “I’ll do it.” “Huh?” “I also want to make them pay.”his golden eyes seemed like they were glowing in the dark,like a wolf waiting to pounce on his opponent. In this journey of revenge she wouldn't be alone.

WandererXXII · Thành thị
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46 Chs


No,that can't be.How could these two be together?

The woman pushed the man to the seat that had no chair and then stood next to him.James couldn't take his eyes off of them and kept staring intently.

The woman didn't sit down and her pleasing,but firm voice sounded in the meeting room.

"Good afternoon gentlemen!Some of you may know me and to some of you I might be unfamiliar,so let me introduce myself.I am Isabel Ricci,head of the Ricci group,pleasure"Isabel paused slightly and turned her head to look at James,smiling,but her gaze penetrative,as if it saw through him."to meet you all!"

Everybody looked at him strangely.They knew very well who Isabel was.That name had been going around a lot these last few days in the articles.

James felt his back turn cold.Before he could recover,the voice of the man siting on the wheelchair send him to the abyss again.

"I guess I should also introduce myself.I am Gael Laurier,part of the Laurier group.Though I have mostly worked as a professional photographer,I decided to finally use my business degree.It has been collecting dust for too many years."The shareholders started to laugh in respond of Gaels joke,it seems this new shareholder is pretty charismatic.What was even more amusing was the fact that this new shareholder was also the husband of the supermodel their board head had an affair with.

An obvious partnership of the betrayed wife and husband,this got to be interesting.

"Though I might not be as experienced as you gentlemen and your guidance will be needed.I hope at least my experience as a consumer might be of help.Let's all work hard to bring WAZ back in its glory days."

The people in the room started clapping after Gael made his declaration,Isabel was also supporting him,but there was only one person who wasn't participating in the crowds enthusiasm.James was looking at these interactions sitting at the head of the table with a dark look.

These people were going to completely ignore him?Him!The head of this board!

James pretended to clear his throat interrupting the people and started speaking.

"Since our two new members in this board already introduced themselves,now we should think of a solution for our serious situation rather than dwell on mere words."this was obviously targeted at Gael,but the latter wasn't bothered and just smiled.

"Mr.Brown is completely right.What we need is a plan.I suppose since Mr.Brown,as the owner,is so eager to save the company,you must definitely have a plan,right?"

James almost choked when he heard the words.Plan?What plan could he have?He glared at Gael.

Gael just innocently stared at him and asked.

"What's wrong Mr.Brown?Shouldn't you tell our plan now?I might not have much experience as a businessman,but I am pretty sure that now time is the essence.The sooner you explain your plan to us,the sooner we can act and get WAZ out of this situation."

"I...don't...have a plan..."James said those words through gritted teeth.Some of the people lowered their heads to hide their expressions.

James continued.

"As everybody knows,I was arrested these few days and only got released 4 days ago.I didn't have enough time to think of a plan good enough to save us."

"Tsk,tsk,tsk."Gael clicked his tounge in pity."It's not your fault Mr.Brown.This situation must've been quite mentally and physically exhausting.You definitely need a good vacation so you can be mentally calm enough to think of a good plan.I recommend a few days in L city,the villas on the 'Mare' complex,you will definitely like the 'services' there."

A 'pfff' sound was heard.Isabel also lowered her head and her shoulders were slightly shaking.The other people weren't bothering much to hide their expressions even when they saw James's face turn ashen.

This new shareholder was really interesting.He didn't lose his cool and dared provoke his soon ex-wifes lover infront of his own people,while also mentioning that affair.If it was any other man,they would hide themselves for years and never mention his wifes affair,but this guy did it without a change of expression.

This company was about to experience much more than it already had.


When Isabel and Gael were exiting the room,James grabbed Isabel by the elbow and spoke with a low voice.

"We need to talk."Isabels face was expressionless as she looked at him.She shook the hand off .

"I have nothing to talk to you about."then she proceeded to push Gael out of the room.

"Isabel!"James's voice held impatience and anger,but he soothed it down."Let's get into my office and discuss everything privately.Stop being so childish and stubborn.Let's solve this like adults."

Gael was turned his head and looked at them.James still kept ignoring his presence.

"What gives you the right to grab her like that and demand a conversation?Don't you even have a thread of conscience left in you?"

"Outsiders shouldn't but in!What problems we have as a couple,we solve in private as a couple!"

"So you are aware of the fact that you 'once were' a couple?And how can I be an outsider when my ex-wife and you were having an affair.I mean,just by that fact makes me involved in your relationship,but then again everything is Isabels choice."Gael then looked forward."Isa,if you want to talk to him I don't mind continuing first."

"No,it's okay.What I have to say I'll say it now with you here.James you have already got the letter from my lawyer.In these walls I am nothing,but a partial owner of this company so don't you dare adress me as something else.As I said we have nothing to talk about and it's not my fault for that,it were your own actions that brought us here.I thought it through long enough,so my desicion is never going to change.Now,just go inside that office and think of something that will benefit this company,if you want to keep the position you have.I can assure you that I have enough votes to kick you out of the board of directors so don't test my patience.Let's go,Gael!"

Isabel then grabbed the handles to push Gales wheelchair.Slowly they left the building together,leaving behind an enraged James.