

A woman whose face looked beautiful even if covered by a darkened cowl was carrying a child wrapped up in a blanket, the child had what appeared to be horns on his head and a scarlet glow to his eyes almost as if it was hiding its face behind a shadowy mask. The woman came towards a river in which she tripped and dropped the child. The child seemed to remain calm even after taking a hard fall...strange you may think. The child which fell from her arms towards a raging river flowing at the sound of the stormy weather a rapid like current within the river seemed to have swooped in and carried the child downstream further and further as you could see it distancing itself from the young woman.

"My child"! The woman called out but suddenly was approached and caught by one of the men whom seemed to be pursuing her. "Where is it?" He shouted "Where was what?" She responded. "Oh never mind, it won't survive this river"...so he thought...we could see the child drifting down the river and then...bang...a gunshot is heard in the distance. The mask dawned red eyes right as that moment occurred as if the child was already able to sense the tragic moment that had befell this young woman to whom carried him all this way.

The child though not able to control emotion dawned a crimson red, the color of rage, war and wrath, what was to come of this mysterious child? This is a story of grate fortitude, one that may grasp you words and shatter your expectations. This is the story of a famed warrior from a hated clan, coming to terms with life and its circumstances through a long hard fought journey. Push on kid, do not shatter the shards of hope as it may lead you to greatness.

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