
Shameless Passion

Crystal has been once in a relationship, short-lived but heartbreakingly intense, that had nearly destroyed her. Seven years have passed. Now she was happy again with a man she loved with all her heart and with whom she was about to get married. However, everything is turned upside down again when his ex reappeared in her life, even if it was against both their will. And worse, he saved her from a fate worse than death, hence, she couldn't help but feel her old feelings trying to return. What would become of her from that moment on?

ashellion · Thành thị
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21 Chs


This person, too, has forgotten everything that made up his life, and me along with it. And if he never recovers, he'll forget forever. While she, Crystal, would live with the memory of him, as vivid and painful as ever, albeit less so with time, until she died.

Realizing that her thoughts were almost a betrayal of the one she loved so much, Crystal closed her eyes and let herself be submerged in that ocean of wonderful pleasure that only her fiancé could ever make her feel, because with this person, it was different. It was painful in every way.

A week had passed since that Friday when Crystal had heard about this person for nearly seven years. And now that she thought about it, in the seven years she'd continued to frequent this bar with its well-established reputation, she'd never once met him. That they should cross paths, albeit rarely, in this very famous establishment, she wanted to believe, for surely they both wanted to see each other as little as possible, even in a public place, but never, not once, since their break-up, was becoming strange, not to say worrying even.

That Friday, it was Crystal and Nathan who came to relax in the bar, the subdued light and comforting atmosphere helping the couple to unwind and enjoy their time together. Nathan was aware of the significance of the place to his fiancée and of the friendship she had with the owner, as well as its origin. At first, he was jealous of it, as she might have been, it was totally understandable, but with time, he got used to it, and the quality of the place soon won his attachment. Leandro had also become Nathan's friend. They got on so well that they even went on outings together, spending weekends as guys.

That evening, Crystal and her lover were sitting on a long, soft seat at a table set up against the wall, embracing each other, sipping their drinks and talking about anything and everything.

Leandro joined them.

"So, lovers, what's new?" he asked by way of welcome but not taking a seat.

Nathan got up to give him a warm hug before returning to his fiancée.

"Hi, buddy. It's a pity you're overworked, otherwise we could have spent a nice evening together."

 "Business is business, you know that. Which is just as well, because I can't even imagine disturbing your intoxicating tête-à-tête. It will make me feel even more sad about my single status."

The real estate agent laughed.

"It's up to you to be with someone, but you're a little too picky."

"And I don't regret it."

Nathan wasn't exaggerating when he said that Leandro's celibacy was a choice and not a constraint, for while he wasn't handsome like Nathan, he was as attractive as he was with his glossy black hair, styled back and lean face, and gave off a kind of aura that attracted all women. Besides, Crystal had a hard time with her rivals when she'd first started dating her love. And even now. She'd noticed the admiring and envious glances of the people in the bar, and she felt so proud to be the one this exceptional being loved and had chosen as his future wife.

She would make sure he never regretted it.

Nathan continued in the joking tone that only close friends could afford.

"But if it ever occurs to you to neglect your beautiful woman Nathan, I'll be happy to take her from you. And I'll have no trouble saying to celibacy for her."