
Shall We Play A Game?

Every decade the rules changed. The powerful became the powerless. The weak became the strong. Anyone could win it, as long as they followed the rules: 1) You cannot kill innocents 2) You must represent a High House 3) Romance is always an option 4) Kills must be made by the participants 5) Poisons are prohibited 6) Kills must be made within the Castle and Tournament grounds 7) Revenge is forbidden The breakage of any rule will result in immediate abdication. Eliminations are final and favours must be won. Win the game. Good luck.

Stormhawk · Kỳ huyễn
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23 Chs

A Small Gift


Avé is aggressively stabbing the chicken I made and Alek is looking smug.


"Lose something Avé?" I ask, eyebrow raised.

Alek proudly scoots his chair back and shows off his bright orange socks while Avé scowls at him.

I grin.

"Those Avé's expensive socks?"

"Hell yeah they are. I get to use em until spring!"

I look over at Avé and ask one more question.

"You didn't bet all three pairs did you?"

Avé's scowl deepens and I blink in surprise. She wouldn't bet unless she knew she was going to win. I look back at Alek.

"What did you guys even bet?"

He gestures out the window at the intensive rotating obstacle course. Currently powered down as we weren't outside.

"First one to reach the end wins."

That makes no sense. Alek is fast, but Avé is much better at reading the patterns than him, she should've stomped him. I look at Alek waiting for him to continue.

Alek's grin becomes impossibly wide and Avé chomps down on her chicken harder than need be.

"There was a pigeon."

"A demon you mean," she spat, "I could've won."

"Ah," I nod, doing my damned hardest to keep the smile at bay.

"Evil red-eyed m e n a c e," she grumbles now, "demon-spawn. Awful, un-needed."

"10 out of 10 would not recommend?" I ask.

"INFINITY out of 10 would not recommend. Stupid, garbage, d e m o n."

I quickly scoop my cup up and grin into the water. Alek has no such respect and outright laughs at her.

"I demand a rematch," she snarls at Alek, pointing her fork at him.

"Nu uh. Rules state you cannot rematch for the same items for at least a month."

She slams the fork down and stares at me.

"You need to call a rematch. It was unfair. There was interference."

"Finish your food, and I'll think about it."

Alek whines and Avé says no more, tucking back into her food. We finish in relative silence and Alek takes dish duty while Avé stomps out to the punching bag and attempts to attack it. I give a sharp whistle and she glares at me.

"I know. But shower is better."

She leaves in a huff and I turn back to Alek.

"She was in the lead by a lot," he starts. "She got real close to the end when the demon bird came out of nowhere and practically slammed into her face. She screamed and went even faster back through the course."

He grins.

"She passed me before turning around to look for the demon. It was gone by then but she had to make up the ground again."

"I barely rang the bell before she tackled me."

Climbing onto the counter, I begin to put the dishes I've dried back into their proper places.

"And what did you bet her?"

"I'd buy her a whole box of whatever snack she wanted any 3 times she wanted."

I whistle appreciatively and hop off the counter.

"Have mercy on her in a week or so and give her a pair back?" I suggest.

"Fine," he groans and pat him on the back.


They're both showered and and fighting again when I walk into the room. The few pillows we had yesterday have somehow multiplied. There are at least 28 pillows, not to mention the small but numerous piles of fluff on the floor.

"Alright troublemakers, cut it out," I call.

Alek freezes, arm over his head, pillow in hand. Avé has no such qualms and launches her pillow straight into his face before turning to look at me. Alek splutters and pouts at Avé.

I just shake my head with a smile and walk further into the room. I toss the two bundles at each of them. Twin sounds of confusion can be heard as they catch em.

"You're welcome."

I slump onto the couch in the other room as they tear their gifts open with vicious precision. One glance back at them allows me to see their eyes practically pop out of their heads.

The traditional clothes are pretty plain, but they seem to love it. The ombré affect took some time, who knew blue to black fades would be difficult? The details are limited to a pair of wings on the back trailing down the sleeves. A few swirly swirls on the hem and white pants to finish it off.

They come sprinting towards me, clothes already thrown on and do a quick spin in front of me.

"We look a million bucks twin sister of mine."

"Don't we always twin brother of mine?"

They speak as haughtily as possible and I can't help the scoff.

I grin.

Any and all support is appreciated!

Songs for today:

I don't Belong in This Club - Macklemore

Close to You (cover) - Karen Lin

Other People - Amber Liu

Stormhawkcreators' thoughts