2 Introduction

My Name is Sung Jin Woo and I am 14 years old Korean Boym, best friend is Peter Parker, how did be became friends well, one day a boy was bullying him for his nerdy nature and no one was helping him so I stepped in and tried to help him but got beaten up instead and from that day we become best friends along with Ned Leeds, my mother's name is Park Kyung-Hye, she was a kind and gentle mother, but 2 years ago she fell in coma because 2 years ago when my father and my mother were coming to pick me up from my elementary school but the car's tyre got punctured and the car hit the wire pole, my father's name is Sung Il-Hwan he was a very warm person before that accident, after that incident my father became depressed and started eating depression pills but still he tried to be normal as possible and my little sister's name is Sung Jinah she is a very cheery and playful girl she is currently 7 years old. We currently live in New York City.

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