
I'm kind of tired so I'll go to sleep forever.

A seemingly teenage-age young man walked across an empty street, grinning, carefree, and unbothered by his surroundings. Humming a catchy tune, he pulled out his phone and began to dial a number. After ringing a number, he began to speak into his phone. "Yo, I got good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

From the other side of the voice came the exhausted sigh of a man, seemingly used to dealing with the young man's antics. "God damn it. What's the good news?"

The young man's grin stayed on his face. "Good news is, I killed the target!"

On the other side of the phone, the man gave a small sigh of relief, before his face turned grim once more. "And the bad news?"

The young man's grin widened, the corners of his smile seemingly stretching up all the way to his eyes. In a voice that carried the same jubilant and carefree tone, he replied, "Bad news is, I think I'm dying." As he said this, he looked down at his chest, noticing that the gap in his chest was turning even more green than it was before.

At this statement, the person on the other side slammed down on his desk on alarm. Jumping up with alarm tinging his voice, he shouted, "You're what?"

The young man's grin grew even wider. He spoke again, this time with amusement tinging his tone. "You heard me. I got poisoned, so I think I'm gonna die soon. Anyways, see ya later buddy. I really wish I could say I'll miss you when I'm dead, but even if there was an afterlife, I'd probably forget about you really soon. I'm getting kinda tired so I'll go to sleep now. Forever." Letting out a small laugh at his own words, the young man abruptly dropped to the ground, closing his eyes for them to never open again. At least, that would apply to this body.


Unexpectedly, the young man did, in fact, open his eyes again to a rather posh and well-furnished living room. Sitting on a couch in the middle, parallel to where the young man found that he was also sitting on a couch, was a rather relaxed-looking middle-aged man.

The young man initiated the start of the conversation. Giving a jaunty wave, he greeted the man. "Yo! I'm dead, right? Is this some sort of judgment room? It's pretty cozy."

At his greeting, the man gave a light chuckle, giving a cheerful wave back before responding. "Yo. Well, you were right about one thing. You are dead, but this isn't some sort of judgement room. This is actually the living room, of me, Universe A-69420's Watcher. And the reason I called you here was to say… whoops! Didn't mean to kill you this early. I just kinda accidentally sneezed on your flame of life, extinguishing it." He gave another laugh before continuing, saying, "I'm pretty clumsy sometimes, aren't I? To think I would accidentally kill someone this time. Kinda funny, isn't it?"

The young man sitting opposite to him also began to laugh loudly. "Seriously? You actually killed me on accident? How can someone be that clumsy?" While these words might have sounded sarcastic or angry if said by anyone else, the amusement in the words of the young man could not be hidden.

The old man opposite him also began laughing uproariously. For the next few seconds, if anyone were to enter the room, they would see a peculiar scene. Two men, one young and the other old, both laughing uproariously at each other as if they were both told the funniest joke in the history of mankind. After a while, they began to calm down.

The young man was the first to speak. "But seriously, I'm kinda bummed that I died. I hope the afterlife isn't too boring. I just want to do something fun."

Also having calmed down, the older man responded, with a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous smirk. "Actually, I have an offer for you. To make up for accidentally killing you, I can send you to any world of your choice. And since I haven't met anyone who has entertained me as much as you, I'll give you an extra gift made especially for you, you crazy bastard."

The everpresent grin on the young man's face seemed especially bright at this time, as he perked up eagerly. "Seriously? Then send me to One Piece! I always wanted to go on adventures on the high seas. That sounds so fun!"

The middle-aged man gave a nod, giving a grin and responding to the young man's request. "Sure. And since I know you like Fate, I'll give you an extra something from that franchise. And to spice up your life a little bit, I'll give you a pretty cool background. See ya!"

A portal opened up behind the young man, likely leading to his reincarnation. The young man gave a thumbs up in gratitude before replying, "Thanks! See ya!" Leaving those parting words, the young man jumped through the portal, losing consciousness.


The young man, now a baby, quickly regained consciousness. Feeling that his body had suddenly become exponentially smaller, he inferred that the reincarnation had worked, and he was now a baby. As he began to survey his surroundings, he realized that he could completely make out his surroundings. Additionally, he could hear his surroundings, possibly a bonus from the Watcher so it wasn't as eerie when he was turned into a baby. Based on his body, he wasn't exactly a newborn but he was likely born sometime within the month.

Looking up at his mother, he realized that she looked somewhat familiar, though he wasn't able to exactly place how so. Surveying her freckles and blonde hair, he didn't realize who exactly he was looking at until he heard his mother talk. In a rather weak voice, she called out. "Roger! He's awake."

At her call, the door to the room they were in slammed open, with a muscular man with black hair and a black mustache rushing in. His eyes quickly darting between the two, the reincarnated man began to realize something. 'Roger? Black hair and black mustache? Connection to my mother, who happens to have blonde hair and freckles? Was I reincarnated as the son of Gol D. Roger? Does that mean I'll be hunted down by the government eventually? Awesome! That sounds fun!"



Author Notes: Here's a new project. As you can see, our MC is rather screwed up in the head, and his definition of fun is rather... dangerous. This project will have no harem, and will probably not have a set upload schedule since I have school and other responsibilities. This is mostly just for fun, and it isn't mean to be taken too seriously. Hope you like the first chapter! Put any questions or criticisms in the comments please.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

ImProcrastinatingcreators' thoughts
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