
You Are Not Straining Yourself?

Happy Reading🌹

Dee is busy in her office, despite the pregnancy, she still wants to come to work and hates sleeping in the house. The baby surprises her with new likings every day. At one point it doesn't love taking eggs and at another point, it wants eggs like it's the last string in the rope that needs to hold her together. Sometimes she wants to eat and eat and go on eating and at some point, she just wants to be there, with no appetite and assumes everything.  

She was finding it hard sometimes to focus on something. Sometimes she would want to prepare for her day and make sure that she got everything lined up but the next time she will be in bed sleeping like someone who doesn't need to wake up or something.

That's why, whenever she gets time to work and her hormones are okay with it, she won't spare any of the work available, she works on them thoroughly to make sure that she does two or three-day work. She loves it when she is busy and occupied with her life, and when the baby is not frustrating and making her feel bumpy all of a sudden.

Jake checks on her every second, but most of the time she assumed the texts and calls because he is just paranoid. In case she doesn't answer any of those calls, he would ask Dan to come in and take a video to prove that she is okay and she wasn't sleeping or nothing is happening to her. 

Dan had the hardest work in this office. At one point he would be at his desk, filing and editing the reports, and the next, he is busy answering one thousand and one calls from Jake trying to confirm whether Dee is breathing.

He rushes into the office with the phone in his hands again and lifts it while taking a video and asking a question. He moves in with a thermometer and tests the temperature and shows Jake, next feeling her forehead and saying it was okay. He feels the heartbeat of her hands and makes sure they are 72 beats in a minute.

"If I were you, I would assume those calls too. I would just focus on my work. He can walk over to her every second to make sure that I am good and stop calling you every second unless you are getting paid extra for the hard work and the videos."

Dee is trying to give Dam some advice and Dan knows very well, that Jake will chop off his head if anything happens to Dee. He wants to know even a slight movement in her body. Even if she is coughing he is there to confirm if he needs something.

"Not that I get paid, I just want to make sure I am with the baby all way through till the last day in the Kelly and on the first day in this world."

Dee laughed finishing the pile of papers on top of her desk. She was very occupied today and she was moving from one paper to the other. She was not stopping soon.

"You treating me as if am carrying the next Obama or Serena Williams, this is just a kid like any other kid. He has to wake up from his space and time and walk here to access that the child is fine. Stop stressing yourself, plus here is the red button that he bought and I will press it any moment I feel like I am going into labor which is not now but some five more months to come, so chill and focus."

Dan walks out of the pace when he was done capturing the video.  He makes sure he has details of everything and none of it is missing. He sends Jake the video and he is left laughing at him. This has been fun for Dan though sometimes it's frustrating.

Done with her work. Dee asks for a cup of milk. Plain milk is all she is asking for. She has decided to focus on that to avoid drugging the baby. A term used by Jake to bar her from stuff or food that is not healthy for the baby.

Dan quickly gets her some. Everything is in her office but sometimes her legs are too stiff to help make her stand up and do that so Dan is the one supposed to do that. He doesn't mind. She drinks the hot cup of milk quickly without any problems and places the can in the trash that is next to her. Done with it, she focuses on the next pike. Looks like today she wants to do a whole week's pile before she goes back into her comfort zone and hibernates until her hormones are ready to face the new day again.

She is interrupted by a call from the landline. She quickly picks knowing very well that is not Jake. He no longer calls on the landline and prefers to use her phone to channel the calls. 

             "Hello, Mrs. Templetone speaking."

The person on the other hand goes silent for a while before clearing their voice again.

"Dee it's Fern, I was wondering if I can come over. I want to see you today if you don't mind."

Dee quickly checked her wristwatch. It was a perfect time for her to come. They can take something together while they talk about Fern's progress. 

"Are you nearby, maybe you can swing through and say hi, I won't mind."

Fern on the other side smiles, and the sister smile while drowning the last cup of cappuccino that she had. 

"I will be there in the next thirty minutes if that is okay with you?"

Dee assures her that it's fine and is even happy that she can have some other thirty minutes to finish up the pile in front of her before he engages with Fern.

She is amazed by Fern's progress. She posts videos online every day and is always busy supporting her business and at the same time, she is talking about life challenges. Dee is happy about it. Though she can't offer her a tender to supply some food in their company, she is still excited that she is looking for ways in which she can send the cakes to the other companies who need them.

After some thirty minutes on the dot, Dan is back this time round not with a phone, just himself, and his mouth is ready to open up.

"Fern is here, can she come in?"

Dee nods for him and he walks out and Fer comes in. 

"Anything special you want to be brought in today? Maybe lunch or something good?"

Dee looks at Dan who placed his head in her and Dee asked to have some chicken wings and fries. She is trying to balance the amount of food that she takes daily. Dan agrees with that and promises to make it available to them. 

"Wow, how are you doing sis, you have a lot of piles here, are you sure you are not straining yourself up?"

Fern is trying to wow her sister so that she can start telling her how pregnant she is and how she will start being part of her life. She knew she had to do whatever her mother wants. She wants to make sure she is happy and her prophecy comes to be.

Dee looks at her and smiles, she wants to shout all of a sudden but then she remembers that Fern doesn't know about her pregnancy. She did feel bad that she has not told her yet and decided to surprise her.

"It's just the hormones baby, they are wild and sometimes they are just calm with nothing to be worried about. That is why when they are good and work faster or focus on the work but they can take days to be wild because half of the time they are wild and want to drive me nuts."

Ferm opened her mouth and closes it with her fingers. 

                 "Oh, my Lawd, you are pregnant!"

Dee smiles and becomes a bit shy. She held her stomach and rubs it gently while looking at her. 

"Yes we are, we are expecting the baby in six months or five months since it's my first time and we don't know how long it will take for it to stay in there."

Fern is happy and claps for her. She quickly stretches her hands towards Dee's and holds them tightly.  She smiles a looks at her. 

"Look at you now sis, after that witch thought she could kill you and dim your lights of having a good life, look at you now, expecting your kiddo and you are excited about it. I know Jake is over the moon right now about it."

Dee nodes quickly and looks at her. She knows any minute Jake will be calling to make sure that she is doing fine and the baby is also doing fine. Or he will send Dan in once again to confirm that she is doing fine. 

"How have you been apart from my homes raging with fire?"

Fern looks at her and smiles happily as if he didn't just visit her mother in prison and made a good deal with her. Right now, her deal is to make sure Dee confines herself in her and makes her feel like she can talk to her in case of anything. She knows she is t last person whom she expects to help her but she still was to be a part of the baby. 

"I am fine and doing well and my life, lawd, I wish I had known better when I was young. Look at you all grown up in business nothing to worry about, you have the one that loves you."

The last part about a man that loves her didn't sit well in her mouth and she forced it out not wanting to imply anything. She is careful not to cause any trouble, and not to raise the alarms over Dee. Though she knows that, right now, Dee and the whole family are focused on the baby and want to make sure that the baby is doing fine. The least of their worries is about her. They don't have any other bad attitude towards them after Claire confirmed that she is doing very well and the business is legit. She has to do a  background check for Dee's safety. 

Dee seeing the tinge of sadness in her tone walks over to comfort her. She doesn't want anything bad to happen to Fern, now that she has started nicely. She wanted her to have a good life, to be focused on her life, and to make it just like Ferm has always wanted. 

"Bring it here baby, you don't need to feel sad about anything. Just stay focused and be happy. You are going to make it. It's not an easy line. You have to go through a lot of ups and downs to make it. The main thing you should have in mind is the goals, what is your goal, have that in mind."

Fern hugs her and smiles. She hates embracing her and just wants her off her body. She is trying to please her so she hugs her tightly while Dee comforts her. 

"I bought you some cakes to try, I know you are not taking a lot of sugar, pardon my sugar behavior, you can just eat two and give the rest out. Trust me, it's something good and you will want it for the rest of your life."

Seeing the brown bag in front of her, Dee can't help but feel her mouth water up. Her eyes are glued to the brown bag and stretched her hands to touch it. Fern slaps her hands out of the bag and keeps the bag to herself. 

"No, we are eating and we are not going to start forcing our mouths with that much food. You are going to make the kid have a sugar rush so calm down."

Dee is pouting after she is barred from taking the cakes. They ate the meal that Dan has brought them and Fern is excited and talked about it. They also talk about some celebrity gossip that Fern loves and when thru are done, Fern bids her goodbye before leaving. 

She is still looking at the cakes in front of her, she wants them so bad and has to stretch her hands to get them but knows that is not right. She stretches her hands and places them on the huge shelf and focuses on the work at hand. 

Jake calls again and this time round she picks up the call. She knows she can't avoid him from three o'clock and he must be worried right now that she is not talking to her.

"I was wondering if you were going to abandon me again?"

Dee says while playing with a pen in her hands. She scribbles something down and quickly scratches it off using the pen again to look dirty.

"Come on hun, you were busy with Ferna and I asked Dan to tell me when you are done, so, how did the meeting go?"

Dee chuckles and tells him what they talked about. She explains that they mainly talked about girl stuff and have nothing to be worried about. 

Jake laughs, he has nothing to worry about because,  he has a wife, a beautiful wife, and a kid on the way so the only thing he is worried about is that. Nothing else is making him worry. They exchanged some pleasantries and Jake promised to pick her up at four which is early for both of them. Is it now?

No, it is not. Dee is needier and wants a lot of intimacy. Jake always takes advantage of that. He picks her up early, takes her home bathes her makes sure she had a nutritious meal, and am early to rest, yeah they have good rest.

Dee is more than happy to go home early. She is done with the fourth pile already, she is busy working on the last pile and does' t want to leave the momentum. She is not feeling tired and that bothers her. At this point, she should be tired and sleeping but her hormones started her day well with her, or she is not going to let this day slide like that.

Time is up and she has to go home. Jake rings her and she is quick to pick up the phone with the first ring.

"Hello, gentleman, I will be down in seconds don't worry about anything."

Jake wants to come up and help her but he gives him time to sit in the car and wait for her. She puts everything she needs and feels like she is forgetting something but she is not bothered. She closes her office after asking Dan to pick files and access them just for errors and to make sure they all have stamps.  She bids him goodbye and his bodyguards are quick at the door to hold her handbag and jacket to make sure she is walking freestyle. She bids goodbye to some of the workers she meets on the way before putting on her shades and going to the lift. 

Jake was standing in the lobby and he had his hands in his pocket. Seeing Dee, he smiles and rushed to her, holding her hands.

      "Hello, baby how are you doing?"

       Dee smiles and pecks his cheeks. 

"Fine, hun, no problem. Let's head home I fucking miss you."

The other bodyguards assumed that and let her get into the car as the bodyguards' followed.