
Secret Spirit)Angels Among Us

Philosopher sorceress Teijia unleashed an unprecedented weapon: a scorpion god whose venom corrodes the very foundations of reality! As the edges of the world crumble, the nomadic Stormraiders do their best to defeat the Three Nations and establish their own kingdom. This time, you'll need more than your god's symbol and a few friends: to end the war and save the world from destruction, you'll need an army! Establish yourself as a warlord, crime boss, or divine leader and cross oceans and deserts to find a weapon capable of stopping the Invincible Scorpion! Friends and enemies from the past return. Rediscover friendship, enmity or romance with Melaxu, the philosopher nymph, and Tamur, the spy for the Desert Empire. But beware: Stormraiders Galimar and Gisla are back too. And what will your own rulers, King Hyras and the Empress of the Desert, demand of you this time? New heroes, new threats. Recruit Col, the satyr general, and his young ward Clannath, a raven woman cursed by the God of Rage. Conquer territory in two nations and plan to protect your followers. But beware of the ambitions of the priests of darkness... and the priests of Heaven, who still consider you a heretic and an enemy of the gods!

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11 Chs


You chose the divine figure, bathed in celestial light, her hands extended towards you as if offering guidance and protection. She was the embodiment of wisdom, courage, and compassion. You chose... the Goddess of the Celestial Light, the beacon of hope in the darkest times.

Her divine light guided you through your hardships, her celestial wisdom showed you the right path, and her infinite compassion gave your heart the strength to endure the toughest of trials. With the Goddess of the Celestial Light by your side, you found the courage to survive, to keep going, and to protect those who needed your help.

"But my survival," you say, bringing your gaze back to the chief and the old woman, "is not as important as the survival of the Three Nations. That's why I'm here. I need your help to protect our people from the threat of the Stormraiders." You look at them, your eyes pleading for their cooperation and understanding. "Together, we can make a difference. Will you help me?"

"Very well," you say, nodding determinedly. "The Stormraiders are more dangerous than we initially thought. They are not just a band of pirates; they are a well-organized group with a terrifyingly ruthless leader."

You lean forward, your eyes intense. "Lord Galimar is not just a mere raider. He's a man with a vision, a vision of a world where the Stormraiders rule and we are nothing but slaves. If we do nothing, his vision will become our reality."

You pause, letting your words sink in. "We need to act, and we need to act now. I propose we form an alliance, a united front against the Stormraiders. Our combined strength and strategic planning can help us overcome this threat."

You look at the chief and the old woman, your gaze firm and unwavering. "But I need your commitment. I need your warriors, your resources, and most importantly, your resolve. Together, we can safeguard our people and our lands. Will you stand with me?"