
Second Chance || Harry Potter and Percy Jackson

Female Harry Potter or OC Morgana Eirene Potter. The Girl Who Lived. The Golden Child, etc. She hid under these titles for years from the moment she was born. She was more dangerous than the current dark lord. Was the older brother of a certain greatest wizard that ever lived. Was the lover of a certain ancient King of Sweden and Germany. She's the current mistress of Death and Light. The one ending the feud between light and dark. She used her second chance wisely

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6 Chs

Chapter 6

While walking to the potion class, Morgana noticed her Slytherin friends and quickly walked to them. Her friends followed behind, albeit a bit hesitant.

"Draco, Theo!" Draco and Theo turned in her direction and a smile made its way to their faces but immediately dropped, maybe from her friends that tagged along.

"Nice to see you again, Morgan. No trouble?" Draco ignored the presence of her friends, making Ron turn red. He was held back by Hermione however.

"Pretty good. Are Pansy and Blaise late?" She tilted her head to the side, looking behind them but didn't find the two. She frowned in worry slightly.

Draco shook his head, "They go to the owlery to send letters to their parents."

"Oh..." She nodded absent-mindedly before turning to him with a smile.

Draco and Theodore almost smiled back at her but because her Gryffindor friends were still with her, they decided to not. They don't want to hear anything from their parents about pureblood manners for the hundredth time in their life.

"Oh!" She clapped her hands together, effortlessly getting Draco and Theodore's attention. She moved to the side and captured her friend's shoulder.

"This is Ron, you already know him." She ignored the sneer that made it to Draco and Theodore's faces, "and this is Hermione Granger." The sneers on their face turned more prominent making her frowned not liking the reactions.

She sighed and pinched her nose subconsciously, a habit she picked up in her past life from a certain someone. "I know you will stand your ground about blood traitor and mudblood things, but can you put that aside?"

Draco and Theodore looked conflicted. They don't know what to say. It was taught to them to hate blood traitors and mudbloods taught to them that they were the superior ones. It was practically a habit for them to react the way they were.

Seeing them go blank for a second and later changed that guilt and confusion made Morgana more fond of them. She turned to Hermione and Ron, who were looking at her in shock and appreciation. Before her attention was back to the blond and brunette.

"We can go talk somewhere more private, what do you say?" she gestured to the group of first-year students. They nodded and went into the potion class, albeit quieter and in deep thought each of their own.

She sat near the front along with Neville, Draco, Hermione, and Theodore while Ron sat near the door with two boys named Dean and Thomas. Away from the front as possible and he described the professor as terrifying and hated any students who are Gryffindor to her the other day. She was skeptical but, oh well.

Just in time, another door leading to the office of the potion professor was opened and a man came out. Just as Ron had described him, his hair was greasy looking but she was sure it was shining and his obsidian eyes seemed to hide knowledge. She was immediately excited to learn from someone knowledgeable in potions.

She listened to the roll call for a while until her name was called. "Ah, here. Morgana Potter. Our new... celebrity." she had to suppress a sigh when the professor has toned the last words.

She turned subtly to see Draco had clenched his robe hard and Theodore had a subtle frown on his face. She lightly squeezed Draco's hand, just enough to reassure him that she was fine. He looked at her before nodding and he relaxed but he held tight on the one she had squeezed.

She turned back to see the potion professor go back to calling names, ignoring how blank she had looked at him. "You're here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making." His voice was a mere whisper but the students heard it loud and clear.

She smiled subtly, even though the coldness in the man's voice was clear but the passion and knowledge weren't hidden from her, one bit. It reminded her greatly of her potion-loving student, he was just a cutesy who loved making potions and inventing potions.

"Potter!" she stood up immediately from her seat, eyeing the professor in the eye. He seemed to notice that she had been in a daze. "What would I get if added powdered root of asphodel was to an infusion of wormwood?"

She smiled, "You would get a potion called Draught of the Living Dead, sir." Her professor didn't show it but she felt his magic swirling with surprise and perhaps... pride?

"Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" This time it was an emotionless voice.

She didn't need to think any further. "In the stomach of a goat, sir."

This time, she can feel pride from miles away. It was very confusing for her but she patiently waited for him to ask any more questions and possibly let her sit down.

"What's the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?"

This took some of her time to think but she got it correct again in a matter of seconds. "They are the same plant, they also go by Aconite, professor."

"Correct. Five points to Gryffindor for each answer." He flashed a smile before prominently having a scowl on his face.

She sat down in her seat while her cousins looked at her in shock. She tilted her head in confusion and turned to see other Slytherins also looked very much shocked -some even jaw dropped, weird. 'What makes them so shocked?'

She and Neville decided to work together, Draco was partnering with Blaise, and Theodore was partnering with Pansy. From the corner of her eyes, she saw Hermione working with a random Gryffindor girl. Neville had decided to gather the ingredients while she was preparing them.

As Neville was about to follow the instructions in the book, she stopped him. "Neville, better follow the instruction on the board." he had looked at her confused for a minute before he glanced at the potion professor and nodded, she smiled and continued to cut carefully. She didn't need to worry any further as her cousin had dropped each ingredient carefully doing as instructed on the board at the front.

They finished just in time for an accident to happen behind them. They turned to see Ron and Dean had some burns, some were 2nd-degree or 3rd-degree burns, they were worried but later relieved however when they saw the professor had healed them before the scolding happened. They turned to look at each other in the eyes before a small giggle escaped their lips before turning back to their cauldron.

Morgana took a piece of paper and wrote their name and Neville carefully a vial and put in their potion and gave it to her. "Thanks..." he nodded and went to clean the chopped unwanted parts of the ingredients while she put on a sticky charm to the paper and made it into a label on the vial.

She placed it on the stand, waiting for the professor to check on their work. She turned to see Draco/Blaise and Theodore/Pansy already finished theirs and was waiting.

'Mistress...' she cocked her head to the side, she instantly was pulled into her mind after that little warning.

She looked up at the hooded figure with a scowl on her face. "Death~ can you not do that in the public? I thought I was about to faint," she grumbled uncharacteristically which made the figure chuckle making a clanging sound of bones.

'Sorry, mistress. I just want to inform you that Master God wishes to see you, he wanted you to be alerted before the meeting.' His mistress nodded seemingly wondering why would the God of Death himself wanted to meet her.

She wasn't the only one though, he was also curious but then again, he was just a servant that made to help his master in his work. He can not be curious about his master, no, no, no.

"Death? Death?!" He flinched, and instinctively gripped the black scythe in his skeleton-like hand, his purple orbs looked at his mistress, her worried expression brought a foreign feeling in him.

"Yes, mistress?" she had shaken her head. "Thanks for the head ups, please take me back."

He nodded before clicking his skeleton finger, his mistress immediately gone from his sight with black mist.

Morgana came back to the real world just in time for the potion professor to examine her and Neville's work.

"Five points each to Gryffindor for completing the potion perfectly." he then walked away to examine the other's potions.

She and Neville turned to each other and do a silent high-five.

She sat beside Hermione in the transfiguration class while petting her white kitten. They had arrived early after being released by professor Snape and now are just waiting and talking while being the only two inside the classroom. She was directly gazing at the silver tabby cat on the professor's table. It also gazed at her with its light blue eyes, before turning to her kitten and nodding.

She smiled causing Hermione to question her. "What are you doing, Morgana? Why are you looking at the tabby cat?"

"You mean Professor McGonagall?" Hermione had cocked her head to the side and looked at the tabby cat again with a frown. "The cat isn't our professor, Morgana. Perhaps her familiar?"

She had shaken her head immediately after that accusation. She turned to look at the tabby cat again with a polite smile. "Good morning, professor McGonagall. I want to thank you for helping me by sending Hagrid to pick me up."

The cat was instantly gone from the desk and now standing a tall woman with the same light blue eyes, wearing emerald-green robes with a very stern face. She smiled at her professor and returned with a small smile, she side glanced to see Hermione was in shock, not even moving.

"Likewise, Miss Potter. I would gladly help you if needed with anything." Minerva turned to Hermione with the same stern face but softer. "Miss Granger, welcome to the Wizarding world. You will need to get used to some people able to shapeshift into an animal."

Hermione nodded and apologized which Minerva humbly accept. "Five Points to Gryffindor." Before she had turned back into the silver tabby cat and jumped on the table.

Not long after, the class was full and the professor of the transfiguration class is now handing out matches, letting them use the incantation after she explained the theories of transfiguration.

Match into a needle. Easy! Before long, lying in front of her was a silver needle and she silently cheered for actually saying the incantation correct once.

"Good job, Miss Potter. Now see if you can turn it back to its original state." She didn't need to know who is it as the person was the only adult in this whole class.

She nodded and once again, she managed to turn it back to its original appearance.

"Amazing, twenty points to Gryffindor. I never see anyone able to do such things in the first class. Now try to change it again but with more design if possible. Don't worry, the incantation is still the same."

She nodded, watching as her professor go to help other students. She turned to Neville and Draco, who looked shocked and giggled slightly before helping them. "Transfiguration relied heavily on imagination and intent. Try to think of a needle while muttering the incantation, you two."

They nodded and proceed to do just that. After a few tries, they succeed in turning them into needles.

"Congratulations, mister Malfoy and mister Longbottom. Ten points each to Slytherin and Gryffindor." Their professor passed them after that to help the others, not worried about their desk anymore.

"Thank you..." She nodded and went back to her needle. She was about to finish it, a beautifully crafted long silver needle with a small dragon circling the handle to the sharp tip. It also had her soul initial, Y.A.E.

After class, she passed it to her professor and proceed to go to get lunch.

Morgana watched her cousins in amusement as they quietly argued about the ingredients of the potion assignment. Theodore shook his head in disapproval but didn't say anything and went back to his book. Blaise raised his brow but ultimately just went back to do his assignment. Hermione and Pansy looked at the two with blank faces and shrugged, going back to talking about random things.

Now, it was the weekend, and are in the library to finish the assignments that had been assigned to them.

Morgana's first week of being a student was entertaining and also somehow boring on her part.

She got all the professors wrapped around her fingers just by her knowledge alone except for the DADA teacher and potion one. She knew why the DADA teacher wasn't all thrilled but not the potion man. It confused her to no end, making her have a headache just thinking about it.

The gaze the man gave her, the way his magic swirled with some kind of pride, and the way he softened his expression when he spoke to her was something she needed to discuss with him. Alone.

Then there is the history of magic class, absolutely dreadful and boring were words to describe the class. The ghost, Binns kept on telling them about the Goblin War over and over again which made her want to smack his head into the table and shout. However as she can't touch a ghost, she needed to talk to death. A plan for an exorcism was made a day later after he agreed it was time for the dreadful ghost to be gone.


"Huh?!" She wiped her head at Draco and Hermione, sitting in front of each other.

"Who do think is more powerful between Dumbledore and Grindelwald?!" She sighed, thanking herself in her head for putting up a silent charm around them.

"... You have been in a daze for 30 minutes already." She nodded and muttered a thank to Theodore before sighing.

"Don't know. Don't know. Grindelwald was only powerful because of his seer ability and Dumbledore was only powerful because of whatever he did that year." She rolled up her 3 inches assignment while her gaze was on her friends. She continued while letting her friends silently listen to her, "Wizard or Witch were only considered powerful because of the field they were most comparable at. A core is also the reason you are powerful, a powerful core can be in anybody, it just needs time to unlock the full potential while squid has a very weak core."

"Does that mean magic was within them?" She looked at Pansy judgementally and nodded curtly. "They're born with a very weak core that was naturally blocked to keep them alive. Some born with a weak body were alive until the magic within ran out."

"How do you know all that?" Her friends were curious, she knew. However, the thought of them knowing her ability to see and feel magic was something she worried about. The last time she told someone... the result was bloody.


"Hmm?" She looked up at her friends, who all have a worry expressions on their faces. She scrunched her nose before sighing again. Seriously, how many times did she sigh?

"I'm fine," she stood up and her friends followed suit, "Let's go to the great hall, it's almost lunch."

She walked out of the library, not knowing her friends looked at each other and sigh, or a certain professor gazing at her with a complicated gaze.

Her head hit the pillow right after she closed the curtain of her bed. She turned to Merlin while listening to his rumbling about the things happening after she died.

"and Salazar said, "Either you-" she shook her head, listening to another embarrassing moment between Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor. 'How many dishes he has? Is there an end to this?'

"Oh! You better go to check the room we made! You gonna love it!" she raised a brow her brow and quickly cast tempus '10:30' just the right time to snuck out. She muttered out silent and notice-me-not-charm before taking off with her brother's portrait.

She listened silently to the direction he directed her. She stood in front of a wooden door, inside was a hellhound she knew just by the feeling of the magic within.

"My room is guarded by a hellhound, seriously?" she took out her brother's portrait and looked at him with a face.

He looked frantic for a moment, "No! It was supposed to be guarded by a portrait of snow falling! The password was Αιώνια ευγενική"

She raised a brow at him again. 'Greek? What does it mean again? Ah, Everlasting Gracious.'

After contemplating her life decisions, she decided to wandlessly and wordlessly cast 'Alohomora' and walked in quietly as possible -it was not like she needed to. Indeed there was, a three-headed hellhound sleeping peacefully in the small room.

She held her breath and frowned, another wandleslsy and wordlessly charm was cast and the room turned big enough to fit two grown hellhounds. From what she saw, this one is about 15 or 16 years.

She heard the large dog whine in its sleep before her gaze inspected it again. Now more clearly as she adjusted to the darkness, the dog was badly malnourished and the room earlier made the puppy uncomfortable.

She walked passed the hellhound and saw the edge of the portrait that Merlin had mentioned. Indeed, she saw a decent big portrait of snow falling in a rhythm, while the garden within was still fresh. She recognized hyacinths, roses, and her favorite lilies, in all kinds of colors.

"Touch the white lily first then traced your finger over the red rose before to the blue hyacinth." She does as instructed and was immediately captivated by what's inside.

A spacious room enough to fit ⅖ of Hogwarts' current students including the staff. It has many rooms like a library, living room, office, and bedroom, all connected through white pillars that held the place. The wall was coated royal blue with gold tracing the large clock -that surprisingly still working, the bed sheets were royal blue and white, the pillow was white with green linings, and the whole room was lit up with a chandelier.

She looked in awe for a moment before going in. "I'm surprised no one had found this place yet."

"I don't think so, who are you?" she turned her head to the left, noticing four portraits of the founders. She gasped loudly, making the four founders frown at a union.

"Yan! Take Me Out!" she followed and took the portrait out of her pocket and resize it to its original size. The founders recognized it and gasped louder than her.

"Merlin! Good to see you!" the Hufflepuff founder said, sounding very happy to see him.

The others greeted him in their way like Godric have a blast laughing or Salazar and Rowena just greeted him formally. They talked for a moment before Merlin decided to introduce Morgana.

"Ah, guy! This is Yan, you know my brother and your teacher!" They turned to look at Morgana with a gaze that she knew all too well. The gaze of pure shock, and pure happiness.

"Teacher!!!" Godric cried out, making Morgana flinch when the man wanted to jump out just to hug her.

For once, she was grateful for them to be portraits or she gonna be crushed by a deadly weapon something called a hug. She chatted with them until she remembered something.

"Ah, Helga."

"Yes?" Helga answered even though it was more like a question.

"Do you know where is the kitchen? I want to feed the one guarding the entrance to my room." She said, ignoring how their faces morphed into the one thinking.

"You can use the tunnels, behind me is the entrance to the Hufflepuff common room and the kitchen," Helga said

Morgana nodded gratefully and moved the 6 inches portrait and saw a tunnel looming darkly. She lit up the lanterns with her magic and went in, not before telling Merlin to explain to the four founders.

She got to the end of the tunnel and tapped the brick wall. The moment she got in, over three dozen house elves surrounded her as if they knew she would come, there was even a raw turkey prepared and held by one of the house elves.

"Welcome, Dragonlord!" They chorused in sync.

"How?" She has drawn while looking shocked

The house elf that held the raw turkey walked up to her and she took the dish. The house elf smiled and said, "Lady Hogwarts had informed us of your arrival, Lady Dragon! She said you need the turkey."

Morgana chuckled at the enthusiastic house elf and asked her. "What is your name?"

"Me name is Evie, Lady Dragon!" Evie beamed brightly, by the look of it she seemed to be a young house elf.

Morgana chuckled and said, "my name is Morgana, please call me such. Nice to meet you, Evie."

Evie nodded but Morgana thought her head would fall off any time soon. Morgana smiled and said goodbye to them, the house elves chorused around with either "goodbye" or "it's an honor."

By the time she came back to her newfound room, Merlin had already finished explaining what was guarding and what is it guarding. To say the least, the founders were horrified by what going on in the present, and Godric prominently dramatically fainted.

"I'll be back," Morgana said

"Be careful," Salazar said and she smiled at them before going out of the portrait.

She goes in to see the hellhound still sleeping even after she purposely lets the portrait open without the silent charm. She stood in front of the three heads and placed the plate down, enlarging the plate and the turkey with the 'Engorgio' spell. She took at least five feet back and whistle.

The heads immediately snapped up and started to growl at her. She was pondering whatever should she move back more before the heads snapped to the enlarged turkey, they dug in almost immediately.

'They must be hungry. What were the caretake doing?' She thought as she planned to curse whoever it was. Such cute puppies suffered so much because one with not have enough knowledge.

After 15 minutes or even less, the turkey was gone even the bone was gone. The way they ate was a bit gruesome but it wasn't like she saw any worse. Hell! She even personally saw a man's gut fly in the air once! Anyway, the way they ripped the meat with its sharp teeth, the look of pure hunger in its eyes, it was simply entertaining for her. She knew it was at that moment when they were hungry that were cage Beast that want nothing more than to kill and eat, she provided them just that.

Now they were just laying with their eyes gazing at her warily but not hungry sort of way. From where she see it, the right one looked promising, the center looked deadly -like really deadly- and the left one looked oddly happy -just like a normal puppy would.

She took the first step, but nothing happened. In the second step, nothing also happened. The third steps, the center, and the right growled at her immediately. She retracted her foot and stayed on the second step, rather calmly. She waited and took a step left, and nothing happened. She walked up the left head, just one foot away, and the right and center heads snapped her way warily.

'At this point, I feel like playing with them.' She mused while slowly reaching out her hand and caressing the left head. It growled happily and even licked her hands, making them gooey with its saliva.

She moved to the center, put her hand out, and did nothing. The center head growled at her warily, it looked at her in the eyes, looked at her hand, sniffing, and before she knew it, the center head licked her hand and let her caress its head. What was even funnier, it that his brother looked at him weirdly.

"Should I name you all?" The right and left nodded when she said that.

She looked at the center and wait. It huffed and closed its jaw and made a clicking sound. "Fang. What do you think?" she blurted out almost immediately.

He huffed and moved his head, making a nodding motion. She smiled and caressed him again before looking to the left. The left head has lowered its head, and she immediately used her free hand to scratch its ear.

"Hmm... You like playing and petting, and you have more hair than your siblings. What about the name Wolly?" She murmured but the three-headed hellhound heard her clearly.

The left head nodded and licked her again, but this time she was drenched. She removed the saliva from her face, her glass was sticky. She moved to the right after confirming that action. She stocked out her hand, the right head immediately lowered it head letting her scratch between his ears.

"what about you? Lucy?" He growled, "hmm... Pipe?" He growled once again, "Leo?" He looked at his brothers for a moment before nodding while huffing.

Morgana smiled even though what she saw was blurry from the goo. She asked curiously, "Well, Fang Wolly and Leo. What are you three doing here?"

They stood up and tapped their paws on a wooden door on the floor. She nodded and said, "So you're here to protect something within that trap door."

They barked in a union. She quickly used her brain before she remembered the speech Dumbledore had given after the sorting. It was odd now that she thought of it again. It was... unsettling.

"Already then." She cleaned herself with a cleaning charm as she stood up.

"You see this portrait over there?" She said as they nodded.

"My room is behind it. Please do not scratch or damage the portrait in anyway." They nodded and barked again.

She chuckled and gave them one last scratching before she went in.