
Chapter 1

A tiny figure was standing at the edge of a chasm. It was so tiny compared to the monstrosity that was in front of it. The chasm itself was like an ancient behemoth with serrated teeth, trying to consume everything surrounding it, that even light couldn't escape.

The tiny figure, a puny human, was swaying with the wind. It was as if it would fall into the chasm in the next moment.

This continued for around three hours, until finally the human couldn't resist it and started to fall towards the abyss.


Waking up in the middle of an unknow room is one of the most horrible experiences in life; well, it is if you consider that I was free falling to god knows were just a few seconds before.

And even if that is not a frightening experience to most people (who are those bastards included here I don't know), it should be for the majority because this was a single room with no furniture at all in the middle of nowhere.

For the first 20 minutes I was panicked, not knowing where I was.

Then, after calming down, I was finally aware that I was in the middle of nowhere, with no civilization to be seen.

My new home was in the middle of a mountain.


The first week was the most difficult. I almost died of starvation. And when I finally decided to collect some food, I was almost eaten by the strange flora around this mountain.

I only discovered the way to get food after observing for three days a little animal get its own food.

I tried to get close to the little animal, but one I have seen it devour an entire animal by itself immediately after getting fruits.

This new world is filled to the brim with strange life forms, and danger lurking everywhere.

It was certainly exiting the first few times, to see something that was close to impossible on earth. But after almost an entire month seeing the same thing and escaping the same dangers every day it has become tiring.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the little animal from whom I have learned to get fruits is now getting close to me.

Sometimes it gives me a little bit of meat, while I give it some fruits that I have in stock.

Now my diet is a little more varied and I can taste a little bit of meat.


For the past half a year I've been learning how to hunt little and medium sized animals with the help of the little fox. It's useful to have it by my side when encountering predators, and to not fall into traps set up by the different lifeforms of this mountain.

It's been quite a fulfilling life the one I've been living until now.

Just the other day, as I was passing through the river, an enormous creature jumped out of it. It's body glistening with its shiny golden scales. With fins as large as its body and in the form of wings. All in all, it was a magnificent sight, like looking at a majestic dragon, just in miniature.

This is the beauty of this world, and even with the fear of being eaten for a slight moment of carelessness, it is still worth it to live here. Its views are a hundred time better than the earth and at least I have tranquility here; even with the lack of human interaction I still haven't gone insane. I think that the little fox has something to do with that, as I have been talking to it a lot.

This little companion of mine is clever. It began to understand me barely a month since I began talking to it. And now, a year since our first contact, it can already write simple words to communicate with me.

It's not much, but company in this world where I don't even know if there are other humans or something similar is reassuring.


Now I've an answer to why the animals in this place are so dream like. It seems that there is qi in the atmosphere, and with every breath and movement that we do this qi permeates our bodies, thus strengthening us and sometimes even giving us powers.

With enough time and luck, you could also evolve into a higher lifeform. And it seems that every single being here has evolved for some reason. Here's hoping that I can also evolve, I just don't want to become some kind of bizarre creature.

For now, I'm trying to exercise regularly as a continuous movement seems to improve the rate of absorption of qi.


It has been six years since I've come to this world. And I can say that it has been a fruitful and fulfilling life, if monotonous, so far.

The fact that I don't have someone to speak with is still bothering me. And I've been trying to learn how to speak with the little fox.

It's not easy, but it's all I can do to endure loneliness.

Life went on like this until finally I spotted a fellow human.

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