
Nada and Leo

Nada is a high school student in the capital city of Manawai. This beautiful woman is known to be friendly, but she is also a very timid person among her classmates, a coward indeed... But being cowardly is an acceptable attitude for women, isn't it? If cowardice is an inherent trait in a man... Then they will be called cowards. Indeed this world is cruel! But this has become an unwritten law and culture. Maybe because men will later become leaders.

Well ... fortunately Nada still has six friends who are always there for her, and also accept her as she is. Even though they are also a strange group of people, they are kind and loyal friends. Loyal to do things together even though it's wrong. Hahaha!

"Hm… I hope today, is a lucky day for me!" The tone made his informal prayer as she walked towards the classroom that morning. Nada continues to say the prayer during the trip because it is said that this month is the month of destruction for the Aquarius zodiac. Even though Nada doesn't believe in such horoscopes. But… The prayer is only 'just in case.' she thought.

Nada ended her footsteps in front of the school cafeteria, she had not yet arrived at her class because she saw a man standing talking with the cafeteria owner who was busy making a drink. Maybe the man's order, "Leo!" The tone shouted, calling out to the man named Leo.

Leo, the man who felt his name was called immediately glanced toward the source of the voice. He looked at Nada who was waving with a smile on her face. "Hey, Nada! What's wrong?'' he asked very casually.

"Get over here!" Swinging his hand, Nada told Leo to come closer to him. Leo looked a little reluctant to approach the woman, but he still stepped his foot to approach Nada who was quite far from where he was.

"What is it Nad?" Leo asked with a slightly annoyed tone of voice, huh… He was quite annoyed that Nada told him to come closer instead of walking over to him. Well… Girls, they're always like that. And Leo understands this, more precisely trying to understand it!

"Do you know who is in the class?" Leo couldn't believe the question Nada asked him. He sighed and looked at Nada whose height didn't reach her throat, alias Nada was only chest-high.

"No, how do I know, Nad! I'm right now in front of you, not in the classroom!" Leo answered with a bit of emotion, though he wasn't really. Leo just felt annoyance for that one friend, which almost always irritated him.

"No need to be so emotional! I was just asking!" Screaming disgusted tone, she turned and left Leo while holding back the annoyance she felt that morning.

Leo who was left like that was wondering to himself, 'Is she angry?' He just stared at Nada who was walking at a speed that was quite fast for the size of a casual step according to him. Of course, she was walking fast, she was feeling annoyed. Nada is also seen walking by stomping her feet on the floor quite hard.

When he looked at Nada who was getting further away, Leo was suddenly surprised by a tap on both of his shoulders. "Leo!" Leo was even more surprised when the call was loud enough to ring in his ears. At this time two men were embracing each shoulder.

"What's up brother?" A man wearing a hat with a tilted position asked Leo, and Leo didn't answer the question and continued to stare at Nada who was getting further away.

"Looks like he's in trouble... Isn't it Leo?" Guess a man who is calm and handsome, this man also looks quite sweet when he smiles at Leo and another man.

"Indeed there is!" Leo answered quite curtly and walked away leaving his two friends who were still standing where they were. The two of them were quite surprised by the answer and looked at each other confused.

"Looks like Leo has a problem with Nada again, Dhan." Said the friendly-looking man. But the look on his face had now turned cold like a murderer. He stared at the man he called Dhan sharply so that the man avoided his gaze out of fear.

"Mm… I don't know." He replied, shrugging his shoulders and walking away from the man who now had the face of a cold-blooded killer.

Nada's steps had reached the classroom, it only took her two minutes to get there. If she usually spends five to seven minutes. But because of the emotions she felt, everything felt so fast.

"Hey, Nad!" When Nada arrived at her class, a beautiful girl greeted her cheerfully. A girl who wears a pink ribbon on her head, even though the existence of the ribbon doesn't match her personality. But who cares? That's his style, as long as she is comfortable with it, nobody can judge her.

"Icha!" Nada called the woman's name both spoiled and annoyed, and not with the enthusiasm that came with it. So the woman with the ribbon whose name is Icha wrinkled her forehead and asked.

"Why Nad?" she asked as she approached Nada who had put her bag on the table and put her head on it. Positioned like someone who wants to sleep wherever she wants, even that day it was still very early for people to go back to sleep.

"I don't know Cha! My head just feels dizzy, and my body feels really weak!" Nada replied, explaining to Icha what she was currently feeling. She looks like a patient who explains his health complaints to a private doctor.

"Do you... Have you had breakfast yet?" Icha asked to make sure of this before she was diagnosed. Breakfast was something that one of his friends always missed, for some unreasonable reason. One of them is LAZY!

"Not yet." Answer Nada very briefly. Even to answer that question, she was reluctant to open his mouth, because of the weakness of Nada's entire body. Ichigo rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Oh my gosh... You're really!" Icha grumbled while tapping Nada's head slowly. She was annoyed that Nada always skipped breakfast and sometimes complained to her in the morning. Makes her always worry about his friend's health condition. No! His best friend.

"Here, Nad! You have to come with me!" Icha stood up from her seat and pulled Nada's hand to join her and get out of their class.

"Where?" Weakly, Nada asked her best friend. She was too tired to get up and walk. But Icha's dancing power made her want it or not, she had to! Follow the woman in the ribbon. Because if not, the girl will be angry and explode like firecrackers at Nada.

"To the cafeteria! You have to have breakfast first, Nad." Answered Icha who was still pulling Nada's hand to get out of the classroom. The two of them stopped when a tall man blocked their way.

"Nad! Cha..." Icha was quite surprised when Leo confronted them, he looked like he was about to talk to Nada and say hello to Icha who was there. Icha raised an eyebrow because it was unusual in the morning like this Leo was in a hurry even blocking their steps.

"Hey, Leo, what's up?" Icha asked, she was curious why the man looked so eager to talk to Nada. He felt that Leo was currently having a problem with one of his best friends because indeed the two of them never stopped fighting.

"No Cha. I just want to say, I'm sorry to Nada. I didn't mean to…" Before Leo could finish his sentence, Nada lost consciousness and fell unconscious. Luckily Leo had good reflexes and caught Nada's body staggering to the side. Otherwise, Nada's head might hit the floor hard.

"Oh, God! Nada!" Leo and Icha simultaneously shouted the name of the unconscious woman. Leo immediately picked up Nada and took her to the infirmary, while Icha followed Leo's fast steps from behind.