
Chapter 1: Miles

Things really don't work out after a hangover.

Do you know that feeling waking up in the morning and just wondered, what the hell happened.

I was having a pleasant dream of meeting Taylor Swift face to face backstage of her reputation concert till I was woken up by my roommate's denim pants thrown on my face.

My head felt heavy when I got up. And the scent of alcohol was all over the room.

Getting up from bed, or so I thought I was on. I found myself sleeping on the living room couch. Stained over a spilled beer that's been dried overnight.

Not only the couch, but the whole place was a mess.

Beer bottles where on the floor, pizza slices were scattered on the counter, and the carpet smelled like a drunkard owned it.

"Hey man, have you seen my phone. I feel like it's here somewhere?" Jordan asked still tipsy from yesterday.

"I just woke up, what do you think my answer will be." I sarcastically implied.

I yawned. He ignored my response and continued searching.

I walked my way to the fridge to grab a glass of water to ease up the headache.

"Found it." He said while he's under the carpet.

"Cheers." I raised my glass.

He walked to the fridge and put his phone on the counter. My heart raised when I saw the time on the screen. 12:07pm.

"It can't be." I reached in my pocket to grab my phone. The moment I tried turning it on.

It was dead.

"Oh no! I'm gonna be late for my interview!" I rushed to my room and picked out the most formal clothes I have in my closet.

"What's with the rush man, isn't the interview 2 hours from now. You have a lot of time in your hands."

"It's not about time Jo. It's about making a good impression. If I don't impress them, This could be a lost opportunity for my dream clothing line." I explained

I went to the shower and locked the door.

"Dude, you're overthinking everything. Cool down for a bit, relax. Also I'm feeling kinda sick. So hurry up in there."

"That's what you told me yesterday after you gave me that beer." I turned the shower knob and completely wet my alcohol scented body.

After my shower I put on my shoes and went outside.


I reached the subway waiting for the next train to arrive. While I was their I checked my resume inside my envelope, along side my fashion designs I created using photoshop.

I heard the next train arriving so I put back my papers inside.

The moment I went inside my stomach started aching. I forgot to eat before I left. But I need to suck it up. This is a 30 minute ride with various stops.

I sat at a nearby chair and prayed that the pain would go away.


After the train, I went outside and looked at the scenery of New York. It was beautiful. Buildings side by side, taller than the next one. People on the streets going to work while children run along.

I forgot my situation until my stomach started aching again. But thankfully the building beside me is the company I'm going to have my interview with.

I went inside and got to the counter where a short haired brunette girl greeted me.

"Good afternoon sir, how can I help you today."

"I'm here for an interview with with Mr.Hughes." My stomach then grumbled.

"Sure," She nodded. Let me just check. Can you please give me your name."

"Yeah it's," I put my hands on my stomach aching more than before. "It hurts so bad."

"Is everything all right sir, I can call paramedics if it's serious." She grabbed the phone looking worried.

"No it's all right. I just didn't eat this morning and lunch. It's fine, nothing to worry about." I insisted

"Well if that's the case, there's a donut shop at the end of the hallway." She pointed.

"Thanks, before I leave. Can you search up my name. It's Miles Nelson."

She typed on the computer to look up my name.

"Your meeting with Mr.Hughes is at 2pm."

I looked at the clock on the counter showing that it's 12:52. An hour more before my interview.

"Great, thanks for the help." I ran towards the donut shop.

When I got there, the smell of fresh baked dough filled the air. And the interior of the shop was very simplistic. The walls are made of bricks with plants hanging out of it. There is also a view of the busy streets of New York.

I was at the back of a blonde girl near the counter taking her order.

"Oh no." the girl in front of me searched her bag.

"Ma'am, you're still missing 3 dollars."

"Yeah, I know just. I didn't bring enough money today." She removed the sweat from her forehead.

I placed 3 dollars on the counter.

"I'll handle it." I nodded

I smiled and nodded to the girl.

"Oh, thank you. I'm sorry about your 3 dollars I'll-" She searched her bag

"No it's okay. It's just 3 dollars. Not like I can do anything big with that kind of money."

She chuckled "Yeah."

"Hi," I offered my hand. "I'm Miles."

"Emma." We shook hands.

I placed my hand on my stomach again that's still aching

"Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, just hungry."

She then opened the box of donuts she just bought.

"Take one, it's one way of saying thank you."

I grabbed the donut with white frosting and m&ms around.

"Got a minute." She closed the box,

"An hour to be precise."

"Good, I'll show you to my workplace." She walked through the door.

"Wait." She turned around. "I'm still hungry, I'll buy a donut first."

"Just meet me at the elevator." She closed the door.


I arrived at the elevator where she was waiting outside. When the door opened we walked in and she pressed the button for the 8th floor.

"New here?" She turned to me.

"Yeah, I'm here for an interview. It's been a mess of a morning to be honest." I laughed

"Why's that?"

"I already woke up in the afternoon already, and arrived here with an empty stomach."

She raised an eyebrow. "Nothing compared to mine. I had to work till 2 and I arrived home at around 2:40. So I had to wake up without enough sleep."

I laughed.

The elevator door opened and the moment I walked out. My jaw dropped.

In the normal eyes it would just be a normal room. But from what I'm see, it's like a dream come true.

People were trying on gowns, skirts, jackets and whatever more you can think of. Others were on desks where they're using a program to design their fashion line. And others were sewing fabric to make the drawings come to life.

I can't contain my excitement that I didn't focus to where I was going. I tripped a little and bumped to some people but other than that It was great.

"You seem so happy in such a typical room." She grind while working on the sewing machine.

"I know but. Ever since I was at high school. I was always fascinated with the world of fashion. How the gowns looked so elegant and fancy, or how epic designs were on a hoody. Other people didn't get how much I was into this stuff. Some would say that it's just a gown or an ordinary hoodie. But I see the time and effort people put on it."

She chuckled. "You're sounding so corny right now."

I laughed. "I am aren't I."


I was having fun with Emma. We were talking about how she became desperate in finding a boyfriend that she would just swipe right to every guy on Tinder, Okcupid, and Bumble. While I told her how I couldn't date a guy during college because I was living with my parents.

"Hey isn't your interview in any minute now."

I looked at the wall clock and I have about 10 minutes left before my interview.

It was time.

I grabbed my bag and head out to the elevator.

"What's you're full name. I'll friend you on Facebook." She opened her phone

"Miles Nelson." The elevator doors closed.


As we were going up, red lights were flashing above the elevator door indicating the floor that I was going.

My legs were shaking, and I'm sweating like I'm in the Sahara dessert.

The doors opened and the first thing I saw was a long hallway with a door at the end. On my left was a see through glass wall and within it was a conference room.

Step by step I got near to the door. For every moment I was closer it got hard to calm myself. I then placed my hand on the door knob turning it slowly. I took a deep breath and prepared myself for what's about to happen.

I opened the door and walked inside the office.

"You're here." He said in a deep voice.

It was him, Wyatt Hughes. The CEO of the largest retailing company and the most well known designer throughout New York.

"Good morning sir. I'm Miles Nelson." I then offered my hand.

"No need for introductions, sit down." He insisted.

I quickly followed his orders,

"What are you here for Mr.Miles." He asked.

"I want to apply being your assistant sir."

"There are over a lot of people that can be my assistant. Maybe someone that can sew, maybe someone that can bring something new, or maybe someone that can do a little bit of both. What makes you special, Mr.Nelson." He looked at me, waiting for the answers to come from my mouth.

I gulped.

"Well, I guess I am very active with the fashion industry. I can follow up to fellow competitions and-"

"Mr.Nelson, if you really are updated in the fashion industry then you would know that my brand is being worn in the latest VOGUE magazine for the past three months."

"That's, not what I was trying to point out at all sir. I'm just saying that-"

"Oh, So you're changing your mind."

"No sir, but-"

"You can leave yourself at the door." He pointed out.

My chance. My only chance of achieving my dream. Is ruined.

I got up from the chair slowly walked to the door. I put my hand on the knob and turned it. I was about to open it, but I just couldn't.

I can't leave, I don't want to leave. My heart was racing telling me that I need to convince him. Just this once.

I removed my hand from the knob and walked back to his desk slamming the table with my palm.

"I might not be the most intelligent nor talented in this building. And the only reason I'm coming to you right now is because that I have a dream. It might not be big for you, for my friends, or my relatives. But it is for me, and I'm not gonna walk out here empty handed because I couldn't answer your question. But if you give me chance I might get things right. Just for a week let me try. And at the end, you decide if I should stay or not."

He sighed "Come here to my office tomorrow, 11:30 Sharp."

My eyes widened and I started smiling.

"Thank you sir," I nodded. "I won't let you down."

"Don't come to my office without a milk tea in your hand. I'll take any flavour except winter melon. Make it with extra pearls, and 25 percent sugar. And if you do forget it, I'm not giving anymore chances."

"Yes sir." I walked out the office. "Extra pearls, 25 sugar." I closed the door.


"Guess who got hired!" I entered the apartment with a smile on my face.

Jordan noticed me and got up the chair.

"That's great man," He congratulated me. "What do you say about going out."

"I don't feel like it." I laid on the couch. "I'm just exhausted." I yawned.

He then pleaded.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"You know." He nodded his head.

"Oh no. PLEASE NO."

"Come on, just this once." He grabbed my hand.

"I am NOT! Gonna get involve around your love life again."

"I beg you, I can't do this alone." He shook my hand.

I sighed.


I went with him at the mall. This might probably be the 3rd girl he's interested with. Like he can keep a relationship long.

Jordan is a nice guy I have to admit that. But he puts so much expectations on his relationship. He tries so hard to keep a relationship together. But he just really can't handle himself. He's either over protective or over possessive.

We were at the Supreme Mall's Starbucks cafe where I sat at the table near the window. I was looking at Jordan's next victim who was a natural red haired girl working at the cashier.

After a few minutes he came to the table holding a receipt on his hand.

"How did it go." I asked him.

He showed me the receipt with something written on it. "Got her number." He grinned.

"After this. Wanna go to the new slash store in the mall."

I raised an eye brow. "The half image thing?"

"Yeah!" He nodded.

Slash was a company that blew up in a couple of weeks because of the concept on their clothing. Their designs are always half the image. It got popular in social media where people would post what they bought trying to find the person who has the other half the image. It was rare for people to meet up face to face because it's either they're in another state or another country.

"Fine." I rolled my eyes.


We went inside the store where the room was vibrant pink. With models displayed on the window.

I look around where they have various designs to choose from. One had a controller and on top it said Player 2 Ready. And the other was a sock with the quote Where's my other half. But what intrigued me was a pink turtle neck sweater with half of a red heart.

I got to the changing room and tried it on. I took of my shirt revealing my six pack and put on the sweater. It fitted me well. And the design was simple but decent.

I then started to imagine how it would be cool to meet the person who wears the other sweater.

He could be smart or creative. Maybe even a millionaire or a hard working employee. Whoever they are.

I sure hope they're my other half.

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