
New Era

".....yes. I know, but what do you expect me to do!?It's harder to get a job than it seems! Do you even listen when I call? If you do then why do you ask me these questions over and over!? Mfm, yeah, okay, I'll call you later!"

"Damn, does she even care about me anymore?"

Mike slid his PlatoFhone into his pocket as he kicked the nearby beer can with his frustration.


The aluminum can bounced and echoed in the alley as Mike moved.

Before he was able to exit the alley, 3 men came in from the corner. Mike ignored them and continued, minding his own business. As he walked closer though, they spoke up.

"Aye, what size you wear?"

The man speaking was at the forefront of the trio. Mike eyed him and first thing that came to sight was his hat.

Eyes wide, Mike thought, "Yankee with no brim!". With a better mood, Mike eyed his outfit before glancing at the other duo.

The trio were wearing nearly the same thing: grey shirt with a random stain and ripped jeans. With the only exception being their hats: same design, but with green, red, and blue colors. They were nearly identical looking and could be mistaken for clones from faraway.

"Non' of ya business."

"Whatchu' say?"

The trio seemed to be furious as they glared at Mike.

"You deaf? Or wassup?"

Mike said as he dug into his left pocket, pulling out a black switchblade. The switchblade wasn't anything special, having been bought on CashBash for a cheap buck or two. The quality was decent and looked a bit sleek in Mike's mind.

"Aye, aye, man! We 'on want any problems! You feel me man, we was just joking. Come on, guys."

The trio got frightened and ran away as soon as they saw the reflection on the blade. "That was easier than expected". Even Mike was surprised at how quick they ran away.

"I guess it was worth the money."

Exiting the alley, Mike thought of what to do next.

"Ahh, I need to go get the paycheck and send her money."

Heading towards Banjo's Construction & Cleaning Services, Mike thought of the different uses of the paycheck.

"Uh, damn."

Mike caught himself before he landed on the floor. Looking back, he saw a crack nearly 1 full inch deep and wide.

"These cracks have been appearing everywhere recently, city officials aren't doing a good job fixing them."

Dusting his dark blue jeans and making sure his gray short sleeve shirt wasn't dirtied, he continued to Banjo's, watching out for any cracks.

After a couple of minutes, Mike reached Banjo's and headed towards the 'banker'. The site is full of pallets and has a large chain link fence surrounding the site. The site itself is nearly 100 meters, give or take, with an outpost also used as the 'bank' at the center.

"Aye, Kate, how've you been doing?"

"It's been good, so what do you need?"

"Straight to the point. I came to get my paycheck."

"Give me a second..."

Mike looked around and watched the forklifts organize the pallets into different stacks. Nostalgia filled Mike as he recalled fond memories. "Riding forklifts and searching for pallets...at least the Eleven-Tenin tacos I got were good".

"...Here you are."

Mike focused and turned around to receive the paycheck before he noticed a problem, "Hey, this is 94 dollars less than usual!"

"Boss says we gotta save money, and besides..."

"Besides what!?", Mike spoke in rage.

"Besides the fact that you're illegal...if you have any problem then go to boss. I just do accounting and payment."

"You! Uagh!"

Mike's hands clench as the feeling of smashing something increases, but Mike knows, he's illegal. He can't do anything or they'd rat him out. He can only do as they say, that's the cold truth.

"No, this is good, thank you."

Mike walked out the site before kicking the cement as hard he could, ignoring the pain. Mike decided to head home for the day. Night was slowly encroaching as the sun hid. Arriving at the run down apartment, Mike searched his pockets before finding the key.

Entering the desolate apartment, Mike threw himself onto the couch. Thoughts of what to do next entered and exited his mind.

"Should I call her? No, she wouldn't pick up even if I did. She doesn't care about you so why do keep making excuses. If she did then why would she leave and take everything with her?"

Mike spent the night talking to himself before eventually falling into a deep slumber from the stressful day.

Mike dreamed that night. He dreamed of living on the countryside with a wife and cute daughter. Everything was perfect to Mike. This seemed to be Mike's paradise: a steady, peaceful life with a loving family. But, for some unknown reason, tears spilled down Mike's face as the dream started blurring. Before the dream ended, Mike heard, "I don't love you." and silently nodded.


"Hahahaha, the seal has finally broken! What a marvelous day this is. Indeed, indeed."

"Look at this buffet! Such a variety to choose from! Which shall we eat first? Ooo, I can't wait to hear their blood curdling screams as I ri-"

"Silence. We must leave soon before the others arrive."

"It would be a pity should we be found immediately after escaping."

"Lemme take one then. Hehe, I've never had one of these."

"Very well then, let us go."


"What the hell!?"

Mike straightened up as a surging pain coursed through his body. Mike couldn't stand the pain as he fainted in a puddle of his own blood streaming from his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.

Unknown Amount of Time Later

Mike's eyes opened, but slowly kept closing. Mike fought the urge to sleep longer as he sat up to survey the area.

Upon sitting up, Mike noticed the wet substance around him: his own blood. Red in color, his whole outfit was drenched in blood. Mike stood up and vomited. The green mixed with orange came bursting out his mouth. The smell and visuals of laying in a pool of blood, his own blood nonetheless, scared and disgusted him. Mike wasn't mentally weak, however, anybody would feel something nasty towards laying in blood.

After finishing vomiting, Mike supported himself using the couch and stood up. Immediately noticing a problem, Mike went forward and gasped in horror and amazement. Through a large hole in the apartment, Mike was able to view the outside and what he saw horrified him. Plants curling up poles and buildings as far as the eye can see. Mike was cautious as he stepping outside, making sure to avoid stepping on any plants.

"What is going on?"

Mike ventured outside before getting deep chills down his spine. To the right of the apartments, on the center of the street, was a large centipede. "Nearly 3 meters in height", Mike was petrified at the thought of this. A centipede so large had never been encountered or documented, at least, not that Mike knew of. Heading back inside, Mike headed to the only room within the apartment and hid there.

"What the hell! What's happening? Am I hallucinating?"

Mike tried to think of multiple possibilities, but the situation was too surreal, yet realistic.

Mike had no thought of leaving the apartment in face of the giant centipede, but his thoughts were soon to change as thunderous clapping could be heard. Peeking his head, Mike watched as 2 men in outfits and paint that resembled ancient Native American tribes spoke around the body of the giant centipede.

"Hoho, we got quite a good hunt today. The tribe will be happy!"

"You said there'd be stronger Malevolents! So far, I've only seen a Hunter Malevolent."

"There'll be more to hunt once the worlds collide, do not worry, Bull."

"Tch, there'd better be satisfying Malevolents, else I'd leave."

"Haha, maybe the fellow hiding can help us with that."

Mike immediately snapped his head behind the wall. Heart pumping, holding his breath in, Mike stood still, hoping they were perhaps speaking to someone else.

"Still not coming out, little one?"

Mike didn't care anymore, immediately dashing out the hole and running the opposite way of the men calling out.

Mike ran straight, but stumbled as the road was cracked and had risen as well as the fact that vines and stubs had covered the streets.

But Mike panicked, for he heard 3 words, "Kill him, Bull."

Mike ran more and more, but before reaching the corner, a voice popped up behind, "Got you!".

A thick and hairy arm grabbed Mike's throat, tightening ever so slightly as Mike was slowly rotated.

Showing a toothy grin, 'Bull' yelled out "I caught him!"

"Do what you wish, but kill him before you leave! I'll head back to the tribe with this Malevolent.", the other man called out, frightening Mike.

Trying to speak, Mike uttered "I-I c-c-an help."

"You will help-help me down here."

Mike paled at what Bull was implying. Mike heard similar things happened in prison, but he was unwilling to experience anything similar.

Mike closed his eyes and asked for help. Desperately calling for help, yet Mike hadn't uttered a single word. 'Bull' tore Mike's shirt, but as he grabbed for Mike's pants, a scream left 'Bull's' mouth.

"You damn monkey!"

Dropping Mike, 'Bull' reaches towards his back and grabs the monkey, although very similar appearing to humans, before tearing it apart in half.

Mike watches in horror as the monkeys spine is visible and blood spills out the monkey's two halves.

"Stupid monkeys!" However, before 'Bull' is able to notice, 3 more monkeys appear, scratching 'Bull'.

Mike was only able to stare in horror at the scene before him, however, a rough, yet gentle voice entered his mind, "Go straight 3 streets before taking a left turn.", the voice, oddly enough, calmed Mike down as he stood up and ran with all his might. Mike followed the directions of the voice and soon arrived upon a forest. Mike was too confused to understand or question why a forest was suddenly in the middle of the city.


Mike did as told and entered the forest. Mike felt a compelling and unexplainable need to enter the forest and follow the man's(?) orders.

As Mike entered the forest, he looked back, but realized the entrance was gone.

"Continue forward."

Mike didn't have any choice now. Continuing forward, Mike soon arrived upon a cabin and campfire surround by 3 wooden logs.

"I've been waiting for you. I didn't believe he had any descendants, but to think there was one remaining. Ha, well, it doesn't matter, it happened a long time ago. Welcome, descendant of..."

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